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News: Bird Flu hits Disney!

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TPR: Coasters,food,Furries (Hey, I am seeing the word furries a lot more in the TR's!) and making fun of the GP!


I'm pretty sure "furries" is pretty far down the list on things this site is about. Like near the bottom.

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Mr. Duck was the nephew of Scrooge McDuck, rich industrialist. McDuck issued the following statement through his press office:


"Awk! when I first saw this picture, I thought me nephew was joost passed oout droonk agin. But now I noo the sad truth of it all! And to think he shuffled off this mortal coil owin' his oown ooncle 50 bucks! Aye, I'll be collectin' that debt from ye in hell, laddie!"

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^ Your accent's terrible...


Well, I'm no Alan Young, an Englishman with a Scotsman for a father, who voiced Scrooge McDuck for Disney on TV (in cartoons that were probably animated in Australia or South Korea). Young also played second-fiddle to a talking horse on Mr. Ed.


Besides, I have a cold, which also affects my typing . . . :?

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Mr. Duck was the nephew of Scrooge McDuck, rich industrialist. McDuck issued the following statement through his press office:


"Awk! when I first saw this picture, I thought me nephew was joost passed oout droonk agin. But now I noo the sad truth of it all! And to think he shuffled off this mortal coil owin' his oown ooncle 50 bucks! Aye, I'll be collectin' that debt from ye in hell, laddie!"


Is That What I sound like??



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Mr. Duck was the nephew of Scrooge McDuck, rich industrialist. McDuck issued the following statement through his press office:


"Awk! when I first saw this picture, I thought me nephew was joost passed oout droonk agin. But now I noo the sad truth of it all! And to think he shuffled off this mortal coil owin' his oown ooncle 50 bucks! Aye, I'll be collectin' that debt from ye in hell, laddie!"


Is That What I sound like??




Hmm--couldn't say. Just my bad impression of Alan Young as Scrooge McDuck, as filtered by Mike Meyer's as Fat Bastard.

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lol that made my day


Hmm--is your screenname, by any chance, a play on Magic Mountain's old tagline for the Revolution, back when it first opened?: "It'll knock your socks flat off." If so, impressive, because it was a bit before your time, I think.

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