bert425 Posted February 25, 2020 Author Share Posted February 25, 2020 Great report! Tokyo really does have the best parades. agreed! and tho the weather mostly cooperated with us, threats of storms (and some light drizzle) affected other days. . resulting in my also getting to see the "rain version" of several of the parades. which was just as adorable! the rain version seemed to be the parades without the marching castmembers between floats (to make the parades quicker), and the characters/castmembers who were in the parade, wearing adorable rain-gear Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted February 25, 2020 Share Posted February 25, 2020 Wow those parades will definitely take up a lot of space on your phone! So many pictures to capture. You really did a lot in 1 day at TDL! I can't imagine how even MORE amazing this place will be when those who don't have a Japanese phone are able to make reservations/fastpass/etc on digital. Ugh I miss that view from the Tokyo Hilton Bay. All of TDR was just so energetic and memorable during the Halloween time. It was impossible not to get caught up in all of the celebrations and activities. Hearing all of the cast members say "Happy Halloween!!!" was the best. Okay maybe the CMs saying "Yeeeeehawwwww" at Big Thunder might have been the best, haha. Can't wait for more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted February 25, 2020 Author Share Posted February 25, 2020 Wow those parades will definitely take up a lot of space on your phone! So many pictures to capture. You really did a lot in 1 day at TDL! I can't imagine how even MORE amazing this place will be when those who don't have a Japanese phone are able to make reservations/fastpass/etc on digital. Ugh I miss that view from the Tokyo Hilton Bay. All of TDR was just so energetic and memorable during the Halloween time. It was impossible not to get caught up in all of the celebrations and activities. Hearing all of the cast members say "Happy Halloween!!!" was the best. Okay maybe the CMs saying "Yeeeeehawwwww" at Big Thunder might have been the best, haha. Can't wait for more! totally agreed on all of this tho having the app (and Jon having a Disney account already) made things better in terms of we were able to get a booking at Blue Bayou & Magellen (the next day at TDS). . actually meant spending less time at attractions, since we spent 1 1/2-2 hours at each meal. both were worth it tho, and it really just means need more days to spend at the park. No luck getting tix to the hard-to-get dinner/show in Frontierland tho. but that was a several hour commitment on the last evening at TDL. . so I guess I'll look at it as a positive that we got a few more rides on Haunted Mansion and Big Thunder Mountain instead and yeah, the Parades can use up a lot of pics. sheesh, if I took this many? Imagine how many Brad, or Eric have on their cameras! Luckily, no photography is allowed at the shows, otherwise, i'd have even more pics to go thru, since William, Jon, and I managed to hit almost every "show" that Disney offered - with a couple of exceptions (didn't make it into "One Man's Dream" at TDL, and missed a show at TDS). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Satans Hockey Posted February 26, 2020 Share Posted February 26, 2020 Great report! Couldn't agree more about how amazing and happy the staff are there. Not that it ruins Orlando or California by an means but after visiting it really does make me wish they were both more like Tokyo, especially the guests who attend the parks lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted February 28, 2020 Author Share Posted February 28, 2020 Great report! Couldn't agree more about how amazing and happy the staff are there. Not that it ruins Orlando or California by an means but after visiting it really does make me wish they were both more like Tokyo, especially the guests who attend the parks lol thanks and agreed. . . the cast members there were so awesome, and several went out of their way to really help! not just the Guest Services lady who helped us out with the app in this update, but also multiple folks on the last day who helped me find the Haunted Mansion Candy Holders - that seriously were a scavenger hunt, as they actually weren't where they were supposed to be (in either of the locations) on the printed map. But those working at those locations sent me to other places who sent me to other places, who sent me to where they were actually being sold! All done with very little English, but with a TON of gusto, and desire to help me find them. it worked out in my favor they weren't where the pamphlet said they would be, as if they were where the pamphlet stated? bet woulda been sold out and I would have missed my opportunity to pick up a couple! (Jon got some too) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfc Posted March 1, 2020 Share Posted March 1, 2020 Great pictures of Disney's best Magic Kingdom. I agree with you about Monsters Inc.--excellent ride, somewhat uncomfortable vehicles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 3, 2020 Author Share Posted March 3, 2020 ^ yeah. . it wouldn't have been so bad without the quick stops towards the end of the ride (and the squealing breaks that went along with it) I liked the ride, but did only go on it once in 4 days (not multiple times like Sindbad, 20,000, Haunted Mansion, Tiki Room, etc. heck, even Star Tours got ridden 4 times during our visit!). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 8, 2020 Author Share Posted March 8, 2020 Tokyo DisneySea Part 1 as with the 1st day at Tokyo DisneyLand, I took well over 900 pictures on my 1st visit to Tokyo DisneySea. Did a lot of editing, but still sharing a few hundred! Enjoy! the excitement got to us - or maybe it was just poor planning - but several of us woke up really early, and headed down to breakfast in preparation for our 1st day at DisneySea. the park opened at 8 (an hour earlier than DisneyLand opens), and tho I can't recall if we actually ended up eating breakfast, or if we just grabbed something from the convenience store. . but I do remember we headed out of the hotel really early so we could be at DisneySea way before they opened. . rather than just dinking aorund the hotel lobby/restaurant until it got closer to opening. i DO recall we were out of the hotel before 7am, and that I snapped this pic at the Resort Monorail station of our Hotel in the morning. a Halloween decorations wall up at the Tokyo DisneySea Monorail station. Explorer Donald welcomes us to Tokyo DisneySea gate area (statue just at the bottom of the Monorail station exit) my 1st good closeup view of Tower of Terror (as you'll see from the many pics of it. . .and I'm not even posting most of them I took, the structure is gorgeous and super photogenic from anywhere on the left side of the park). as noted, we were here ~1 hour prior to opening, and werent' the only ones, but eventually this whole courtyard did fill in with folks waiting to get in. (the gates are thru the security checkpoints on the right there). but just like DisneyLand, it was incredibly organized, and we entered really quickly once the park officially opened for all guests. Peeking thru the security gates to get a pic show how orderly everyone is sitting waiting for the gates to open, even tho it was still about 35 minutes until official open. Cast Members were available, and wandered thru the lines and handed out guidemaps (with show time inserts) to anyone in the queue who wanted them to peruse while waiting for the gates to open. here's the park map opened. It's much bigger than I expected, and the amount of detail can be overwhelming from the map. but I LOVE that they included the box in English there, to say to just point if you need help from a castmember (and request to take a picture is an option too. . LOL). Happy Castmembers holding signs in both Japanese and in English so i guess the "running of the bulls" is not just an American phenomenon. my first real indication that I was headed somewhere that was going to be totally unlike any other theme park I'd ever been in - as it looked like we would enter this world thru a town (which turns out to be a hotel inside the park perimeter!). and once you step thru the gateway? STUNNING view of Mount Prometheus (tho I really didn't know that there was so much *inside* it as part of the "Mysterious Island" section of the park) and yes, even with all the visible scaffolding? the view is still stunning. at the main split across the lagoon from Mount Prometheus, the vast majority of the crowd headed to the right. why? Most were going to queue up (or grab fast passes) for the new hotness that was "Soaring: Fantastic Flight" which had just opened a short while prior to our visit. we decided we'd save that for either much later in the day, or for one of the other days, and the folks I was hanging with headed to the left - towards the American Waterfront / Toyville / Trolley Park area. Others had the same idea, but not even a quarter of as headed to the right towards Soaring. but paused walking fast enough to grab another pic of Tower of Terror (and the theater for Big Band Beat). that ornate-ish building straight ahead? those are restrooms at the restrooms, we took a turn to the left and into the "Toyville / Trolley Park" section. While many immediately hopped in line for Toystory Mania, our plan was to get Fast Passes, then head over to Tower of Terror. I snapped this pic from the Fast Pass machine line. (even tho we had headed right here at park open, I believe our Fast Pass time wasn't until after 11 am, so we had a few hours to explore before needing to come back). a photo op? in front of a "Slinky Dog Carousel" why sure! by the time we exited the gift shop, and were considering getting back in line? Standby line looked like this (!) zooming in, it looks like that sign says 50 minutes. so we were happy with our 1 ride (for now), and headed off to explore more of the park. good decision to head directly to Tower of Terror after getting our Toystory Mania Fast Passes, as this is what the inside queue looked like on our 1st ride of the day! Grouped up for the 1st pre-show room. the theming in this queue is incredible. I only snapped a pic or two that came out decent, but I wouldn't share any pics from the pre-show room anyways . . don't wanna spoil! whee!!! (and as with the prior day on Splash Mountain, picture taken with the encouragement of the cast member who was standing nearby pointing out folks in their photos). OMG.. look, it's Duffy! he was High-Fiving folks as he was headed to his photo-spot in the courtyard across from Tower of Terror. I was really unfamiliar with Duffy, but quickly learned all about Duffy and his friends, and how they represent Tokyo DisneySea (thanks Robb) walking along the outer perimeter of the park. SO immersive, it really is hard to believe that you're in the middle of a theme park, in Japan! some work going on here on the S.S. Columbia, as well. but it's shocking to see an almost full-size facsimile of a ship in the park. it houses a restaurant, and the Teddy Roosevelt Lounge (tho didn't get to go to either of them. . something else for the next visit!) on the upper levels. and on the lower level is "Turtle Talk with Crush" (but noted as "Japanese Language Only"). So didn't do that either. so THIS trip, just admired the Columbia from afar. looking across the water to Mount Prometheus in the background. Behind me on the left is one of the "water taxi" stands. . . while directly behind me is a pier housing food stands. Crossing the bridge, and looking back to where we just left. again. . hard to believe in a theme park! closer look at the Water Taxi loading station as we walk overhead on one of several bridges in the park. oh, Tokyo DisneySea doesn't just have *one* giant ship as part of the atmosphere. . . S.S. Columbia may be the biggest, but here's the Raymond Wallace sailing ship, parked alongside rowboats in the "Cape Cod" area of the park. (and there's still a giant pirate ship you can explore parked alongside the main lagoon). continuing around the side of the park, we leave Cape Cod, and start to come into the "Port Discovery" Section. what's that I spy thru the trees? the ride I arguably have been most excited about since I signed on for the trip (since I knew Journey was down for maintenance). . the WTF ride that is "AQUATOPIA" OMG. . awesome. . it looks incredible, and doesn't do much but slowly dance in the water. . . I was in love. I don't think we rode it right now tho, as we were headed towards something else 1st. . but took pics as we walked by. this is the Finding Nemo ride, where you shrink down and go for a ride in the ocean. Think Star Tours, but I actually *loved* this when we rode it later in the day. . it really felt like you were floating in the water. The mosaic artwork outside was pretty breathtaking. . and it would look even better at night. continuing our journey around the outside of the park, we passed over another bridge (and you can see one of the water taxis crossing under that other bridge up there). . and into the "Lost River Delta" area of the park. what's back in this area? why Indiana Jones, and Raging Spirits (rollercoaster) As well as some meet and greet character trails. we were here for Raging Spirits 1st tho. This cast member is directing us to the Single Rider line (we couldn't get another fast pass yet, because we had still only recently gotten our ToyStory Mania one). the single rider line is fantastic. . tho, as noted in TDL, they ask the person you'd be sharing with if it is OK with them. We had no problems here again, and tho we went Single Rider, bypassing a quite sizable queue (that we saw a few fellow TPR members in - they wanted to ride together), we did end up getting seated in almost back to back trains anyways. I love the sign in this picture too. . where it notes there's a 360 loop? the *sign spins* as the train goes thru the loop each time. It made me giggle each time I saw it. I got on first, and tho liked it, I didn't LOVE it. So only really rode this the 1 time. hi William! Loop- De-Loop !!! Hi Jon ! and then we went next door (really closeby) for single rider line for Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Crystal Skull. theming! honestly, this is an incredibly detailed queue. and a really good ride too. Very happy there was a single rider line, that allowed a bypass of the vast majority of the standby queue. and as with Raging Spirits, we were all seated almost back to back, in vehicles. what can I say? we're cuddly UNLIKE Raging Spirits tho? I really liked this, and ended up riding it multiple times during the trip. after our rides, it was time to head back the way we had come, to try out Aquatopia. the standby line wasn't "Short" . .but it wasn't too bad. . maybe 15 minutes? and the area is really incredible, so much to look at and take pictures of. That's the DisneySea Electric Railway station the trolley is pulling out of in this pic. it connects to a station near the American Waterfront, over by Tower of Terror. OMG. .this ride is so insanely WTF. . as noted, I love it already I think I like it even better than Monster Mansion at SFOG. . . this one is so pointless, yet so much damn fun. are we gonna ride it? YES WE ARE!! it's trackless too.. so there are multiple courses your "boat" can take, sometimes threatening to ram other boats, and then just spinning sillily in a circle. or ALMOST going into a waterfall. So good. *and* there are two sides that load onto separate courses, so you can ride it a bunch, and get different rides most times. more theming in the area the station for Aquatopia is really incredible if you're a fan of this style. look at the letters in the name! It looks even better lit up at night. yeah, I'm here. yeah, I'm impressed yeah. . everyone that told me I'd love Tokyo DisneySea was right. (and we haven't even done the majority of the park yet!). oh, and notice the top of the Volcano, has started puffing smoke. wow. Tokyo DisneySea is right on Tokyo Bay. know how I said the attention to detail is amazing? well, this is a 'crack' in the damn wall. why? it's theming for the Water Taxi riders. . most other people won't ever notice it (we only saw it from Aquatopia as we went to the very end of the pier upon exiting the ride). water taxi riders enjoying the theming THIS is the queue for the Nemo ride !! i mean. . HOLY CRAP. and what was most interesting, is that there were Fast Pass available for less than 10 minutes from the current time. That's something we saw a few times during the visit - also on 20,000 Leagues: folks seemed to prefer standing in the standby queue with friends/family, then going to the Fast Pass machines, and being able to simply walk onto the ride with almost no waiting. I guess it's a cultural thing? lots of street entertainment around the park too. . all of it very good. we climbed up the stairs to take a shortcut to head into the "Mysterious Island" section in the center of the park, and stumbled across a character meet and greet area, with many characters out in Halloween Costumes. while many folks in Tokyo Disneyland were dressed in "costumes". . what seemed to be most popular among Tokyo DisneySea guests were onesies or Jackets with Duffy & Friends theming. headed into the Mysterious Island centerpiece of the park. wow really like the activity in the water within Mt. Prometheus. that's the entrance to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride across the center of the volcano, with the unique spiral ramp down Nemo's submarine, the Nautilus, just parked for theming! this whole area is stunning. . yes, I'm drunk on Disney Magic! and I just noticed, the wheels on the drill above the (sadly closed) Journey to the Center of the Earth ride, are spinning, and smoke is coming out of the pipes! Even the gift shop in this section is wonderfully themed! these steps are the exit from the Restaurant in this section (we're standing above the dining room area) I found my glass slipper! this map of the inside of the crater, is SUCH a nice touch. ok. . . we've walked around the entire area, time to actually get on a ride. only one option since Journey is down. . . it's been long enough we can get a fast pass, even tho we can't use our Toy Story Mania one yet. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea has a decent line going on (~30 minutes wait). . let's take a peek at the Fast Pass time. yep, we can get Fast Pass and use them immediately. . so let's do THAT. these are the wonderfully designed Fast Pass machines for 20,000 Leagues. a look down the standby queue, which come ups and wraps near the Fast Pass machines (the full queue isn't being used yet, as the line isn't super long). at the Fast Pass entrance, the Cast Members are staying in character. Aye aye Captain! and we head down the ramps to the lower queue for the ride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 8, 2020 Author Share Posted March 8, 2020 Tokyo DisneySea part 2 Duffy's friend Gelatoni, dressed up in a Halloween Costume (this lady was behind us in the queue) the ride vehicles for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. a ride system very similar to Peter Pan's Journey, tho you sit up to 6 per car (each looking out a different window) and you have spotlights that you can control to look around during the ride. when you "dive", the windows fill up with a thin sheet of water. the effect is incredible, and this quickly shot into my top 5 favorite Disney Rides. I think I rode this 5-6 times during the trip, because depending where you sit, the ride experience is different. poor Jon is tall. . he had a snug fit in the diving bell vehicle Movement, and dark.. . so yeah, didn't get a lot of good pics. .but got some decent enough to share : I can't stop taking pictures of this area! LOL. . but it was time to head out to other areas of the park. . . so we headed out of Mysterious Island towards the "Mediterranean Harbor" section, that houses the Fortress & the Galleon (the Fortress is where "Magellan's" our lunch reservations were for. . so we figured we'd check out the menu). but we came out and caught the very end of the special Halloween water parade "Festival of Mystique" we were way at the back, so didn't get to see any of the performers that were on the stages at the front and sides of the Harbor - where the storyline takes place. . but we did get to see the floats that are part of the show. Those go around the entire harbor, so all guests get to see the characters on them. the floats were cool, but it's almost time (finally) for our ToyStory Mania fast pass. . so heading back to the Waterfront. a look at the Fortress and the Galleon as we pass by (the fortress offers an experience called the Leonardo Challenge, where you explore the fortress and it's unique rooms to solve clues and resolve the puzzle. William did it the next day, but several of us wandered around without the clue map and still had a wonderful time exploring the rooms. Never did make it onto the Galleon tho. . next trip!) here for our Fast Pass and we aint the only ones! holy. . look at that standby line! FORKY! (this is just a park guest dressed up for Halloween!) go into the mouth. . creepy, but so very Luna Park. fantastic. such detail in parts of the buildings most folks won't notice. more fun than a barrel of monkeys. serious sensory overload in the ride queue. heh. .the ride starts out by going under Andy's bed. otherwise, very similar to the version at California Adventure.. but such a great queue. almost time for lunch.. but I simply MUST try this right? it's a Minnie Mouse Ice Cream treat, that shaped as a clamshell, and filled with sea-salt ice cream, with jelly in the center. you bet I have to try this. a slightly off putting orange color. . but one bite and I forgave. SO GOOD. Sully and Piglet onesies "costumes". . looking towards the water play area. it was a bit overcast, and slightly chilly on this day, but there were still some kiddos playing in the fountains. Scrooge McDuck! but his line was way long, so settled for a pic of him as we walked by. cutting across the courtyard across from Tower of Tower, headed towards the Biglietteria section this courtyard was where Tokyo DisneySea had the main Halloween Stuff out, such as this photo op, and some character statues. yep. . definitely in the "Italy" section. . . Venetian Gondolas. the "lottery" machines. . . such great theming even in here. why had we detoured over here to go into Biglietteria? This is the building where they do the show lotteries, and we really wanted to try and get reserved tickets for Big Band Beat - that show who's theater we had passed on the way in. Reserved tix were the way to go, as we observed folks coming out from one performance, and then immediately standing in line for the next performance - 2 hours early! Success! yes. . another picture of Tower of Terror. This time from across the Mediterranean harbor. Told you it was photogenic.. even better at night all lit up purple! we left the Biglietteria, and headed to the right side of the park - which we had avoided upon arrival due to Soaring being in this direction. . but it was time to check out this side of the park. at the top of these steps is Soaring. if we go that way, we go back into Mount Prometheus. um. . yeah. . this is the STANDBY line for Soaring. and this is the part you can see. . it wraps around and goes down some steps to a lower level. (the fast passes were *way* gone by this time). yeah.. we'll ride this another day. but. . while we're over here. . . I know we're gonna eat in not too long. . but hell yes. it was good too. turned out we had to go back thru Mt Prometheus anyways to get to the Arabian Coast section we wanted to check out. So up that way, past the standby line for Soaring, and towards the Fortress so we could cut thru the volcano. little bits of theming everywhere around the park, even inside the Volcano. hmm. .what is this thing? there's a small queue set up, but no instructions. watching someone tho, we quickly realized what it is and got in line. a handwashing station, that distributes Mickey Mouse soap! we didn't quite make it to the Arabian Coast, as got distracted by the "Mermaid Lagoon" area as we passed it. So crossed over the bridge and headed there first. hard to see in this pic. . but these are all covered in absolutely gorgeous mosaics and polished stones. There's the "Arabian Coast" across the waterway.. we'll get to you soon. but first? let's go inside and explore Triton's Kindom. . an indoor section that has a bunch of rides, and playscapes. . incredibly themed, and again, sensory overload. There's a show down here too, featuring the Little Mermaid (who "swims" on wires above the audience in a truly impressive performance). The seats slightly tilt back to further sell the impression of being under the sea, with the performers floating above you. tho the star of the show is a HUGE Animatronic King Triton. among the most impressive things I've seen in a Disney Park. no photos allowed during the show (something that was true of all the shows we saw in TDS), so here's a pic of us waiting in the theater for the show to start. a gift shop themed to a whale? Bwaaa-haaa-haaaa.. . wonderful! this says "the Whirlpool" the ride that William and i rode in this area this one somewhere along the way - and I can't remember where - I was asked by a cast member if it was my 1st visit, and I told her yes, so I got a TDS 1st visit sticker to wear here too. Jumping Jellyfish a play area (with strangely, no kiddos playing).. great design work here. line was a little too long for this, but it looked like a fun mid-sized ride. Little Mermaid statue, that blends in with so much around it. . but I noticed it oh, there's a coaster here too. . but didn't make it down that far to ride it. heck, i didn't even realize I had a pic of it until I was going thru my stuff here [Paul Simon] Me and Ariel, down by, the grotto [/Paul Simon] it was getting to be close to our Lunch reservation, so would have to save "Arabian Coast" for after we eat. we need to head back to the Fortress. Cutting thru Mount Prometheus to get back to the fortress, we came across the main entrance to this. . just to rub it in that we couldn't ride that's ok tho. . we knew when the trip was planned that it was down. and honestly, had been having an incredible time regardless. . . so here's a smile, knowing that someday I'll be back and get to ride this. 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bert425 Posted March 8, 2020 Author Share Posted March 8, 2020 Tokyo DisneySea part 3 inside the Fortress, and there it is - our plans for lunch today (thanks to the app from yesterday that Guest Services helped us out by loading): Magellen's the Leonardo Da Vinci inventions around the area are part of the Leonardo Challenge - which I'll get to on another day, but you can wander around and admire/look at them without participating in the actual "Challenge" part of the experience. the set lunch menu - you can either choose the "North Star" menu, or the "Atlantic" menu. they are the same except for the "main" entree - and a difference of ~$9 if you can't get a reservation (or don't want a sit down meal), the Lounge area upstairs has a small menu of offerings that you can get as a walk in. overview of the restaurant - upstairs is the lounge, downstairs the seated dining, where they take you after checking in for your reservation. the restaurant is Gorgeous. . as is most everything at Tokyo DisneySea waiting to be called for our table, once checking in. the view from our table. (and yes, the globe rotates) and the view of us at our table. some nice wine options avail. . tho I believe we all went for the house white. tho this special course sounded wonderful, I wasn't really in the mood to schlep a cup and saucer back home. and there was something on the Atlantic menu that sounded really good. . so just went for that. But for a sit down, nice restaurant at Disney? I thought the prices were super reasonable. wine with lunch? yes please! (LOL. .tho Jon has a beer). the interior of the dining room is really amazing to look at. including the "hidden" dining room. See this bookshelf? yup. . there are tables back there that the staff pushes a hidden button to open up for service. here's my starter - I believe it was a broccoli cream soup, but could be mis-remembering. those wonderful Mickey sweet rolls! and my main - I had the Sangen Pork with Whole Grain Mustard sauce. it was SO good. and they kept coming around and offering us more rolls and bread.. . hey, we're children at heart, would you expect any less? the desert course. . again, so good. and tho not a hidden Mickey (he doesn't seem to have a "ton" of presence at Tokyo DisneySea), it is a "hidden" smiley! and desert / meal comes with tea. (that does have Mickey on the tea bag tag) we took our time and really enjoyed our meal, and the ambiance of the restaurant. and as we were finishing up, we saw Alex, Zach and Allison come in, so we stopped by to briefly chat on our way out. . but how nice to run into fellow TPR travelers during our day! and then we were off to had back to the section of the park we had not yet visited - the Arabian Coast. the folks there are lined up to get into the Magic Lamp Theater, to see a 3D Cartoon/Live stage show starring Genie. we didn't wait for it now, but came back later tonight and did catch it before end of day. TDS has a double-decker Genie themed Carousel !!! here's a pic of it from across the main courtyard in this area of the park. the detail and mosaics over here are among the best in both parks. . . I had such a good time running around and taking so many pics of them. closer shot of the Carousel. William wanted to buy a Chandu stuffed toy (The tiger from the Sindbad ride - tho he ended up buying a Chandu puppet), so we headed to the Marketplace area of the land - again, completely enveloped by the theming around us. it's amazing. here's the Chandu puppet in front of Sindbad's ride entrance. I believe we DID go in and ride Sindbad here, and I was instantly in love with it - and the song was instantly stuck in my head. but across from Sindbad, was Jasmine's flying carpet. and tho I loved Chandu? I was way more interested in getting a pic with Rajah once I saw him over there by the Jasmine's Flying Carpets ride. yay! the sky was starting to really cloud over, and suddenly it started to drizzle. So the line for Jasmine's Flying Carpets literally disappeared as folks scrambled out of the line and under cover. So we pulled out our TPR (or other) rain ponchos, put them on, and got in line for the ride - which continued to operate even tho it had started raining. here's some of the wonderful tilework from the Jasmine's Flying Carpets queue. yeah, it was "moist", but still a fun ride, even if it basically is Dumbo (but you can control the tilt of the car) no spitting camel on this version that I recall, but we were wet enough anyways. . . after already getting pretty moist, we headed over to the Carousel - which was pulling a pretty decent line now that it was raining (since this ride is covered). . but since it's a double decker, with lines on both floors? it split the line out pretty evenly, once you got to the stairs that allowed the line split. oh look! it's got Genies you can ride! we headed upstairs, to ride that level. and yep, I got a Genie look how happy! until you realize that the way the Genie is designed? you slide forwards during the ride. yeah. .it's not super testicle-friendly. but I still really loved riding the Genie option. see? William and Jon seemed to enjoy it too. . but by this time in the trip, Jon already knew how excited I get by Carousels. saw whut? Elephant butt. Overview of the central square in Arabian Coast, from the upper deck of the Carousel (possibly while riding) not sure what those cranes are constructing back there behind Arabian Coast. . I'm sure Bill knows (someone told me during the trip, but I just can't remember). more detail work in this area. Really like the sconces. walking back across the park (I think to ride Tower of Terror again, as we likely had gotten a fast pass after our earlier stop in that area for ToyStory Mania). . we passed along the side of the Harbor this time, and caught part of another showing of the "Festival of Mystique" show. but since it was raining? this was the "rain version" . . with no dancers or many folks out on the stages, and the characters wearing plastic rain gear. So cute. (we would get to see the full show the next day when it was drier, and I really liked it). yep, crossing back across the courtyard in front of Tower of Terror (where I mentioned earlier that most of the Halloween Theming in this park is). So stopped to snap a few pics as we cut thru. Venetian Goth Mickey. . fantastic Yup! More of a line than earlier (even with Fast Pass). . but it gave me chance to appreciate more of the theming inside the main queue. (still no pics of the preshow room tho. . go yourself and enjoy it). after our ride on Tower, we walked along the waterfront back around to Aquatopia (which I think we rode in the mist and I got the version that goes thru the cave),and we may have grabbed a fast pass, which got us onto Nemo here. I recall that the line for Nemo was still pretty long, but they had fast passes that were for almost right away, so I THINK we did that and got to ride Nemo now). we had to eventually get back over to the Waterfront area, for our tickets to Big Band Beat later. . so I pushed to just hop on the Trolley that had a station over here right where we were that would bring us back over there. I *really* wanted to ride the trolley, and had been "voted down" earlier in the day since the line was so long at that time. But now that it was getting to be evening, Jon & William were open to it, so we headed to the station and got to see this wonderful artwork in the station over here at the Port Discovery station. night comes quickly, and it had gotten really dark while on the short trolley ride, and the courtyard over by Tower was looking amazing at night. (as was the tower itself, which has "lightning" that sometimes shoots up and down the facade of the tower Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 8, 2020 Author Share Posted March 8, 2020 Tokyo DisneySea part 4 we still had time before our show, and we noticed that despite the "moist" weather that was still about, the Venetian Gondolas were still operating (we actually caught them right at the end of the night, as they closed the line behind us shortly after we got in queue. . . likely to get ready for Fantasimic in the main Harbor). These were something I wanted to do.. try new things I'd never done before at Disney, and all. . .and William was up for it to. So Jon went shopping, and William and I got in queue (very short queue due to the wet weather) yeah, it started to drizzle a bit, so William pulled out is TPR poncho when we were seated on our Gondola. the Gondoliers were all in rain-gear too. Just us, and ~20 new friends, enjoying a romantic (LOL) gondola ride thru "Venice" and out into the main Mediterranean Harbor. it really was quite fun to go under all the bridges. I can only imagine doing this during the day in nicer weather (something to do if I got back), but was still great fun in the wet evening. and just a wow moment when you go out into the harbor. . and see THIS. . from the water level. the volcano was starting to hint at eruption. . . and so our very funny front Gondolier, jokingly stood in front of Mount Prometheus to block the pictures that everyone was trying to take. (he moved after a second). Tho he didn't speak a lot of English, he made an effort, and interacted with everyone in our Gondola, asking where from and if anyone was celebrating Birthday or Anniversary.. lots of jokey small talk. made for a fun ride. BEAUTIFUL we finished our ride, met up with Jon, and headed to the theater for our reserved seats for Big Band Beat. As with the other shows, no photography allowed during the show. . but the theater itself is really nice, so snapped a few pics after sitting down. how was the show? VERY good, and I'd highly recommend it. Mickey tapdancing was a highlight for me, but the music and voices of the emcees, band on stage were all excellent. i can see why folks were getting back in line, and waiting up to 2 hours to see it. Even tho it was moist, Fantasmic was still on for the night. . . so we headed over to the side of the Harbor near Soaring so we could stand on the steps for decent view (and across from Tower of Terror, so I could get more pics of it ), and got ready for the show. I believe that's Micky at the top of this amazing LED float. . it's hard to see since the float is so bright (so it didn't translate well in many of my pics), but it tells a story in the LEDs. SUPER impressive. and Mount Prometheus erupts during the show. . I just missed the fireball in this pic, but you can see the aftermath, as it's calming down. one of the best effects of the evening - Maleficent (in dragon form) comes THRU the mirror that was on the float. (that's the mirror coming down, as the dragon comes up and thru) and the Harbor catches on fire. so cool. one of the "celebration" boats, full of characters as it goes around the harbor. a wonderful show, and I'm glad I got to see it, since it's since ended performances (I believe I heard they had stopped performing it at TDS). after Fantasmic, since we were on that side of the harbor, we headed back to Arabian Coast, where I got to rid on the bottom level of the Carousel - hey it's a double decker. . both levels MUST be ridden (LOL). . and then we got in line for the Magic Lamp Theater to catch the final performance of the 3D show. but while in queue, the fireworks started that are shared between the two parks. so got some nice pics thru the turrets at the top of the Magic Lamp Theater in Arabian Coast. Theming in the theater queue line. yup. . we Kewl and ready for 3D. there's animatronics in the pre-show room.. mainly Jaffar's snake, and the Parrot too. the show was entertaining enough - really geared towards the younger crowd, with a lot of slapstick from Genie. . .but was a nice use of time. of course, we aren't going to leave this area without another ride on Sindbad tho! didn't ride Raging Spirits again, but it certainly does look fantastic at night. but we did hop into single rider line for another ride on Indy as we passed by it. the Meet and Greet trails were shut down for the evening but was able to get close enough to the entrance to get a pic of the sign now. Water Taxis making their final rounds. . . . after Fantastmic & the fireworks, the crowds really died down. the Finding Nemo ride facade looks great at night too. I keep saying that, but EVERYTHING looks great at TDS. and of course, we aren't going to leave TDS for the evening without one last ride (and a night one at that) on Aquatopia. here's a fantasmic pic i have in my phone, taken from the front of the stage, so it must be one from Eric (or maybe Brad) who had shared it with the messenger group during the trip. l wanted to share, but not sure who to give photo credit to, so will give to both. could also be Robb ! again a pic from either Eric, Brad, Robb, or maybe Joey. But such an amazing pic of Aquatopia the Toyville/Trolley Park area, just might be the best night-time area of TDS. very much reminiscent of Luna Park. and then it was time to head out, and to go back to the hotel. this had been a really long day (from ~7am-10pm) and I still had two full days left, but now could park hop as much as I pleased. time to head back to hotel to crash! the globe in the main entrance plaza looks great too. goodnight Tokyo Disney Sea! Will see you again tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canobie Coaster Posted March 8, 2020 Share Posted March 8, 2020 Wow, what a great report! For the "running of the bulls" in the morning, did they roll out a bunch of merchandise carts to try and have the people up front stop, which created a wall of people? That's what they did two years ago when Toy Story Mania was where the crowd flocked to. And thank you for including a picture of the world's best carousel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 9, 2020 Author Share Posted March 9, 2020 Wow, what a great report! For the "running of the bulls" in the morning, did they roll out a bunch of merchandise carts to try and have the people up front stop, which created a wall of people? That's what they did two years ago when Toy Story Mania was where the crowd flocked to. And thank you for including a picture of the world's best carousel. thanks. . I loved this park. It's as incredible as everyone always says it it. I don't recall seeing any merch carts out in the morning, but it's very possible they were on the right hand side, leading to the steps up to Soaring. As we went towards ToyStory Mania / Tower of Terror area, I didn't even look that direction. but I don't remember seeing any carts out in the direction we went. and of COURSE I'm gonna include pics of the Carousel. . . it's like you don't even know me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 19, 2020 Author Share Posted March 19, 2020 Day 3 part 1 this was an exiting, and somewhat sad day, as it was the last day of the Official TPR tour (tho many of us were staying a day extra to have another day at TDL/TDS). So we had the "farewell" lunch/dinner planned for this afternoon. After getting up fairly early (tho not as early as yesterday), I met up with William/Jon/Luke, and I think Trent too) and we headed down to breakfast before heading out to the parks. we headed to TDS to start the day, and were a bit further back at the gates than we had been the day before. we headed here, with intention of going directly to Soaring to grab Fast Passes, and we'd stay in TDS until headed out to Ikspiari for TPR meal later in the afternoon, then heading to TDL to close out the day after eating. Success in grabbing Soaring: Fantastic Flight fast passes (I believe they were for around 1:30 pm . so had a few hours). on this side of the harbor, we just continued around into the Fortress to look around. Nobody really in this area of the park yet (as they had either gone to Soaring to line up, or headed the other direction to hit Toystory/Tower of Terror). . .so it was perfect for some pics. this seems to be a working drawbridge in the fortress. William wanted to do the Leonardo Challenge. . but it wasn't open until Noon. . so we made a note, and planned to come back around then. the ship docked behind the Fortress in the Harbor. again, didn't make it down to wander around on it. next trip! lovely framing of ToT between the masts tho. the water taxis don't have many customers this early, but you can see across the harbor the crowds streaming towards the American Waterfront / Toyville areas we cut thru Mysterious Island - I think stopping to ride 20,000 again (I love that ride), and headed towards Port Discovery for a spin on Aquatopia. (this is Nemo's show building tho, I think) we continued around the walkway back towards the Cape Cod area and decided to take a trip around the park on the Water Taxis (called the "Transit Steamer Line") there was a pretty decent line next door - but turned out they were lined up for a Duffy Meet and Greet - which was hidden behind walls to avoid snapshots from those who didn't wait in line. here comes our boat. the "unsinkable" Molly Brown Lovely views of the area from the loading dock over here. Luke, Jon, me, William, and that Chandu puppet he had bought the prior day. (he carried that thing with him all day, making it interact with delighted cast members, and characters) oh wow. . didn't realize that the steamer boat actually went into the waters that were behind many of the things I had seen from the paths the prior day. Here's the Colombia (restaurant, lounge, turtle talk) Cape Cod & Mt. Prometheus Aquatopia the "crack" in the dam we had seen from the dock yesterday. . .theming! the trolley, and yes, that's the line for Nemo ! what's that thru the trees there? Indiana Jones. . LOL. . a crashed C-3PO plane, on the shores near Indy. Arabian Coast really love the architecture here. coming up on the Mermaid Lagoon area. . . again, tons of detail that you don't really notice, unless you on the water level in a boat! and I hadn't realized at all, that the Water Taxis went thru the middle of Mysterious Island! and back out into the main Harbor, headed back to our station. Unlike the train, these boats do a full circle, and don't stop at any of the other dock ports (at least ours didn't). Something to keep an eye out if I ever make it back, to take a ride from another dock, as we seemed to pass a couple of others) once back, we walked over to the Lost River Delta area, for Single Rider Line on Indy. A pic I took while waiting to be paired up in a vehicle (which as yesterday, was relatively quickly. . maybe 3 minutes for all of us to get into almost back to back vehicles. . single rider is way to go!). and stopping to take some pics next door at Raging Spirits. Didn't want to ride it, but *did* want to take pics of it. the Festival of Mystique was starting fairly soon. . and we wanted to see the whole show from the front area of the park, so we headed back towards the front, passing thru the Arabian Coast. hey, Jafar is out! really well done character. (he had a long line, so didn't stop, but it was really cool to see a character out I'd never seen in my visits to a Disney Park). Mermaid Lagoon from across the water at the Arabian Coast. that's "Scuttle's Scooters" in the front there. we cut thru Mysterious Island, and tho we were going to be having Meat-a-pa-looza later with TPR, we were hungry - and intrigued - by the Halloween offering at the Volcania restaurant. namely, this Mickey Mummy bun. it was really good - tho not my favorite bun I'd have at the parks. . but it was filled with, I think, ground pork with a bit of spice. LOTS of dancers, in really elaborate costumes, came out on all sides of the harbor. The main stage is in the very front, but the storyline has something to do about 3 sisters (witches?) who decide to be evil to get ahead. . or something. so tho the main action is at the front stage, where they all congregate? there is one sister on either side of the harbor interacting with the cast of performers too. We made it around to the side of the Harbor, and decided this was a great spot to watch "Festival of Mystique" - a show that involved lots of dancers, and the floats in the harbor of course. We ended up next to a roped off section that was the "standing area" for children - which is why the adults behind them sat for the show. Really neat that Tokyo Disney has this. . very impressed. here come the floats! in this pic, notice the crowd is mimicking the movements of the performers. we saw that a lot thruout this show. it was a lot of fun, and a really great show. and look! FIRE!!! we were near the steps up to Soaring, so we easily beat the crowd as the show ended, and we headed towards the Fortress to see if Leonardo Challenge had opened yet. as we headed that way, we passed over the area where the floats disappear to at the end of the show - after making a round of the harbor. so got a nice view of the main float with the Sisters on it as they closed it out. I see you looking at me Sister! Too early still for Leonardo Challenge (they were running a little late). . but William and I took the time to climb around the fortress and explore the areas that were open. can get some nice shots in this area. yep. . Tower of Terror one of the other "dock" stations for the water taxis I mentioned a bit ago. (from the Fortress) up here, you can really see the scaffolding they have in place for the work being done on Mount Prometheus. One of Leonardo's inventions on the roof since we still had some time before the Soaring Fast Passes, and Leonardo Challenge wasn't open yet, we headed to the Lost River Delta area, to try to get into the "Song of Mirage" show - that advertised impressive Projection Mapping. unfortunately, it was way "sold out". . standby was already lining up for the NEXT show (2 hours from now), and since we hadn't lucked out with lottery tickets? it wasn't worth it to lose 2 hours at TDS in line for a show. So instead we headed further in this direction for another ride on Sindbad! there's Sindbad and Chandu. really impressive animatronics, that look deceivingly simple, but they move so amazingly lifelike, even if they appear a bit cartoony. LOVED this ride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 19, 2020 Author Share Posted March 19, 2020 day 3 part II we were in the Arabian Coast area, so no way was I leaving without getting my Carousel fix for the day. Bottom level this spin, and some interesting architecture down here I hadn't noticed yesterday. this time William rode Genie. (with Chandu puppet of course) I rode a Camel. ooo.. a purple Genie? (and a Griffon?) cute little bench, with some wonderful artwork on the sides. I'd TOTALLY put this in my house. I really wanted to try the Garlic Shrimp Popcorn, but William really wanted to do the Leonardo Challenge (which I didn't really care about), so I headed to the American Waterfront for my Popcorn and he split off to go do that. it was yummy. and of course, I can't leave this area without a ride on ToT. Standby took me about 20 minutes, not bad, considering how crowded it was! so incredibly detailed. headed towards the fortress to meet up with William. ooo. .got a water taxi, and an Italian Gondola in one pic. William was in the middle of the challenge still, but I wandered into some of the (now open) rooms that are part of it. very cool, and I had a fantastic time, even tho I didn't have the paperwork or map to figure out the challenge. Still worth it just to wander in the Fortress. what the room looks like thru the viewer lens at the front of the room. my favorite room here. . you spun levers that moved the planets. it was like being in Augura's home from "the Dark Crystal" walking back to the American Waterfront to see how long the line was for ToT, since my prior ride had been fairly short. the line was really long now. .but not a wasted trip, as Scrooge McDuck was back out - with a short line this time. so . . . yes, please. we watched part of the Street entertainment show -where they pulled folks from the crowd to sing along with them. and then I did another thing I've never done at a Disney Park - took a ride on one of the "main street" vehicles (tho they aren't called that here, since no Main Street). But we noticed the waiting stand, and no one in line, so we quickly got into a car, and got a ride around the American Waterfront area. our driver got to hold Chandu. ready to be enthralled by being driven around it actually was quite fun, even with the two Cast members who walked along in front of the car to make sure the crowd moved out of the way. . . we had to stop to allow cast members for "Festival of the Mystique" to get in place for the Afternoon show. so got to admire the costuming from our spot in the car. headed back to the stand, against foot traffic who are all heading towards the Harbor for the show that's about to start. darn. . too bad we didn't get to ride in the paddy wagon. we were gonna head towards Soaring, as our Fast Passes were coming up fairly shortly, and we had to deal with the crowd around the lagoon. . but wait.. . . the Aristocats were out! ALL THREE OF THEM!! here's Berloiz ! Toulouse ! yes, I'm a nerd. and they all liked Chandu. Marie! we made it over to Soaring just before the "Festival of Mystique" ended, and still had ~10 minutes until our Soaring Fast Passes, so we sat in a "side street" to wait for the timing. turned out this is where the performers head to in order to go backstage. .so we picked the perfect spot to get some really nice views of the costuming/cast members. William had the Chandu puppet on his hand and was sitting to my right, waving to the performers as they passed. Many of them waved back. .resulting in me getting a whole lot of pictures of raised hands right in front of faces. . .grrrrrr Oh well, the costumes are gorgeous, so sharing those pics anyways. and then it was time for our Soaring Fast Pass (thank goodness. . the standby line had a 2+ hour wait posted!). we waited about 5 minutes, before going into the 1st preshow room. i put away my camera after they asked for no pictures please. the projection mapping in the 2nd preshow, was super impressive. the ride itself? if you've ridden it at EPCOT? you've ridden it here - yes, I know there are some different scenes, but I didn't notice them much (granted I rode the EPCOT version over 10 years ago). but the queue was worth it due to the wonderful immersive theming. soon, it was time to head to Ikspiari, for our 3pm TPR Farewell dinner - at Toraji (Conveyor Belt meat!). on the way out of TDS tho, we passed Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket out and about. . so snapped a pic as we walked by. there was also this Street Entertainment band coming out as we passed by. one last look back at Mount Prometheus - FIRE - before heading thru the hotel and out to the Monorail station to get to Ikspiari. LOL. . for some reason, this is the ONLY pic I took at Ikspiari for the TPR dinner. Guess I was too enthralled by the plates of meat that were coming out on the Conveyor Belt to our tables (and you then cooked at the flame in the center of the table). the meal was great, and the company was fantastic. this pic is of the outside of a store (restaurant?) that I passed on my way back to Toraji from the restrooms in Ikspiari. I took it because I was confused why some of the heads have nosebleeds. I still don't understand. . . LOL Ikspiari is only walking distance to Tokyo Disneyland, so no need to take the monorail. after our meal, and saying our "farewells for now" some of us headed via this walkway to Tokyo Disneyland to close out the evening. I believe it was still only ~5pm, so we had a good 5 hours in the park. tho as you can see, it had gotten very overcast, and started to drizzle off and on. down the escalator, and into paradise. we headed right upon entering and headed towards Tomorrowland. . . catching a ride on Star Tours as we passed. won't name names, but someone got excited seeing "Stitch Encounter" as an attraction, and talked us into it - thinking it was similar to the dear, departed, Alien Encounter turns out, it's not. it's basically Turtle Talk - but with Stitch. And it was all in Japanese. We realized this once the doors closed behind us, so we basically sat there, in the way back row, praying that the Cast Member wouldn't come talk to us - since we wouldn't understand a word they (or Stitch) would be saying. the decor is really nice tho we made it thru without being called upon. .and as penance, I dragged them along with me to do one of the Classic Disney rides I hadn't made it on the other day: Jungle Cruise. heh, our boat was "Nile Nellie" our captain was brave, and funny, and even speaking Japanese, it was a fun trip. Not very well lit at night, so I was hoping to take another ride in the daytime tomorrow tho. we came out just as the evening Dream Lights (the Rain version, without the dancers between floats) was starting. . . they were rushing it too, as it was sprinkling again. but our placement at the exit of Jungle Cruise was almost perfect in Frontierland to be at a good viewing point. so we stayed to watch most of it. Cheshire Cat (again) it was starting to rain a little harder now. . and Dumbo line cleared out because of that - oh, there was still a line, but I hadn't ridden it yet, and the line was still long. But the shortest I'd seen yet. so got in line. and got to watch fireworks from the Dumbo queue. I believe I also grabbed rides on Pinocchio and Peter Pan while here, but we bypassed Haunted Mansion and headed back to FrontierLand for Big Thunder Mountain (which had gone down earlier, and we hadn't been able to use our Fast Passes). It was running again, so we headed that way to use them to bypass the long line. some great Halloween stuff out here, which I hadn't noticed the other day. and it looks fantastic at night. the flash lets you see me. . but washes out the spooky color. better. and with that? I think we headed back to hop in line just before close for Pooh's Hunny Hunt, and then headed back to the hotel to crash. tomorrow was final day for many of us. . and it had been a long, and wonderful day today. . .but I needed to sleep! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canobie Coaster Posted March 20, 2020 Share Posted March 20, 2020 A few of us also got trapped in the Stitch Encounter in 2018. Once the doors closed and we saw the set-up, we knew it was going to be a wasted 10 minutes. Great report! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 20, 2020 Author Share Posted March 20, 2020 ^ was it only 10 minutes??? it felt WAY longer. . but that could have been because we were terrified they were gonna come talk to us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 20, 2020 Author Share Posted March 20, 2020 a few more pics I found in my folders - tho not sure which days they are from. . think these might be by Brad Roach, or maybe Erik? Possibly Robb even. but they are good, so sharing! Maleficent coming thru the Mirror in dragon form during Fantasmic Spooky Boo parade cast member Haunted Mansion at night, looking spoooky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted March 21, 2020 Share Posted March 21, 2020 Lovely shots, all of them. Thanks for sharing, Bert. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 25, 2020 Author Share Posted March 25, 2020 was really missing Japan.. and just ended up buying off of Amazon, the 40 pack of "assorted Japanese snacks and candy" LOL.. hope it's not awful, tho I'm sure it's gonna be a little bag of stuff I could have bought by going to HMart. Prolly for cheaper than the $18 too. Safer not to go out tho. and I DO like the "mystery box o crap" aspect of it. still have one more full day at Tokyo Disney complex to post, and hope to get to it in the next week Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 30, 2020 Author Share Posted March 30, 2020 and my box of Japanese snacks/treats showed up - less than a week after ordering! (and yes, they did ship from Japan, the customs tag is attached still). really pleased with the variety, even tho I'm sure some of them are gonna be not to my liking. but excited to try them out over the next several weeks. and a lot of the packaging is absolutely adorable! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted March 30, 2020 Share Posted March 30, 2020 ^ The bear and Geisha Doll look very nice! All of it looks great! Is the Doll a snack or candy bar? Looks so real, I can't tell. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 30, 2020 Author Share Posted March 30, 2020 ^ I think they are just hard candy balls - the design is all on the plastic wrapper. hard to tell what's gonna be candy and what's gonna be a savory snack. but that's the fun of it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted March 30, 2020 Share Posted March 30, 2020 ^ Maybe you should keep a sharpie handy and "check off" which bags you enjoyed the contents of.... and throw away the others. In some of the Asian stores we shop in, there are several snacks we like, but totally forget the name of etc. So we keep a "Bag of Bags" handy with you guessed it - The Bags in it! Then we just take it along, and point to what we want, when we find a worker in one of the aisles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bert425 Posted March 30, 2020 Author Share Posted March 30, 2020 ^ Maybe you should keep a sharpie handy and "check off" which bags you enjoyed the contents of.... and throw away the others. In some of the Asian stores we shop in, there are several snacks we like, but totally forget the name of etc. So we keep a "Bag of Bags" handy with you guessed it - The Bags in it! Then we just take it along, and point to what we want when we catch a worker in one of the aisles. there are only a couple of doubles. but already have plan that if I like something, to hang on to the packaging, so can see if I can find it at my local H-Mart Asian market Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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