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How do you deal with haters?

Mr. Corn

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Robb's replies to snarky comments on his videos are just as entertaining as the videos themselves.

The funny thing is, and no matter how many times we will say it to people, we really *HONESTLY* don't care what they say. So many people think that by coming on our FB page or YouTube Channel and making some horrible comment about the commentary or the content of the video, we'll stop what we are doing, take their thoughts into consideration, and then radically change how we produce videos. PEOPLE *ACTUALLY* BELIEVE THIS!!! lol


And we can't get it through people's heads enough that we seriously do not care. They can go post negatively on every single video we have (and someone has actually done this before to all two thousand of our YouTube videos), thumbs down the video as much as they'd like, or (and this one is my favorite) threaten to unsubscribe or unlike our page.


They can do all of that...




None of that affects our page or the channel or how we produce our content in the slightest.


In short - Humans entertain me!

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Robb's replies to snarky comments on his videos are just as entertaining as the videos themselves.

The funny thing is, and no matter how many times we will say it to people, we really *HONESTLY* don't care what they say. So many people think that by coming on our FB page or YouTube Channel and making some horrible comment about the commentary or the content of the video, we'll stop what we are doing, take their thoughts into consideration, and then radically change how we produce videos. PEOPLE *ACTUALLY* BELIEVE THIS!!! lol


And we can't get it through people's heads enough that we seriously do not care. They can go post negatively on every single video we have (and someone has actually done this before to all two thousand of our YouTube videos), thumbs down the video as much as they'd like, or (and this one is my favorite) threaten to unsubscribe or unlike our page.


They can do all of that...




None of that affects our page or the channel or how we produce our content in the slightest.


In short - Humans entertain me!


That's always how it is. People think they are "winning" when you respond, that they are these master trolls or the joke is on you but they never realize that whenever we respond, it's funny to us...the joke is on them and you go about your business while people apparently rage at the thought of you every day.

And years later, people are still this angry? Yikes, I've gotten over painful relationships in shorter time than these folk.


Down vote/comment every single video. And I thought I had no life

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Robb's replies to snarky comments on his videos are just as entertaining as the videos themselves.

The funny thing is, and no matter how many times we will say it to people, we really *HONESTLY* don't care what they say. So many people think that by coming on our FB page or YouTube Channel and making some horrible comment about the commentary or the content of the video, we'll stop what we are doing, take their thoughts into consideration, and then radically change how we produce videos. PEOPLE *ACTUALLY* BELIEVE THIS!!! lol


And we can't get it through people's heads enough that we seriously do not care. They can go post negatively on every single video we have (and someone has actually done this before to all two thousand of our YouTube videos), thumbs down the video as much as they'd like, or (and this one is my favorite) threaten to unsubscribe or unlike our page.


They can do all of that...




None of that affects our page or the channel or how we produce our content in the slightest.


In short - Humans entertain me!


You'd have to have an insane amount of free time and bottled-up rage to go through and leave thumbs down and angry comments on ALL of your videos.


I personally don't get why people complain about your commentary on the rides, either. I find it hilarious. If you want to watch a POV without commentary, just go to another channel, like CoasterForce. There's no (good) reason to advertise to the world that you don't like the commentary on TPR's videos.

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just go to another channel, like Bojangles' Famous Chicken 'n Biscuits.



Oh, man, sometimes I forget that things we have done on our forum and then I see it and it makes my titties jiggle! lol

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...
Hey there Robb,

I run an extremely controversial coaster youtube/instagram and have to deal with haters a lot, and I was wondering if you had some tips. You seem to be the best at handling negative people, so I thought I'd ask and get some advice.



-Mr. Corn


I'm intrigued. Pardon me if this has been asked already but would you be willing to tell us what the name of this "extremely controversial" coaster youtube is? I'd love to check it out.

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  • 2 years later...

Simple process. Field their complaints. Listen to what they're saying. If they're right, correct that shit. If they're wrong, disregard them, or try to get them to understand. This last bit is often futile, and almost always takes a lot of effort.

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  • 2 months later...

I think that there is a category of people who are constantly unhappy with everything. I understand that sometimes it is not pleasant to read bad comments, but if there are less than 5% of them, then you can not pay attention at all. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been in the same situation. And in the past, I would always try to do good for everybody. But here's the thing, you can't do good for everyone. You will always have haters. That's just the way it is.

You should just ignore them. People that get themselves out there on social media will always have these people. It says more about their lives than yours. If your successful, and you have haters, it means you are doing something right.

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  • 2 years later...

Ignoring haters is the best way to avoid unnecessary drama and stress. They are just looking for attention and validation, and if you don’t give them that, they will eventually lose interest and move on.

On 1/25/2024 at 5:51 PM, Neil W said:

I don't know if i'm just wired different but I always feel like the best way to deal with haters especially online haters by simply ignoring them and letting them make a fool of themselves.


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