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West Coast Bash 2016 Tickets On Sale!

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  singemfrc said:
  x2isawesome said:
Per night. Sounds like I over paid a bit.

Nah, I just got a great deal, I booked it a while back through Groupon. I think KBFH usually goes for $100-$120/night with no discounts. Still worth it for the convenience of being able to walk back to your room from the park. I used to do the same thing with Hilton Garden Inn at Magic Mountain, but now they're wanting $150-200/night so it's no longer worth it.


Now you can find that hotel on the HotelTonight app for $120. If you want to use my code for $25 bucks off that, its "RREYNOSO".

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  coasterobsessive said:
Yes to TPR Quest! No I don't play, but I try to help and it's hilarious to watch. And I laughed so much at the email, the people I was with asked what was so funny, so I read it to them and they laughed too. (I'm sorry if I might be the problem; at least I know I have to get my own hotel.) #goteamalvey!


I got my tickets last week and I was just wondering if this email had the WCB schedule? I checked all my inbox and spam folder but haven't received an email with WCB details yet. Thanks again for the help.

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  Crazy4Coasters! said:
  coasterobsessive said:
Yes to TPR Quest! No I don't play, but I try to help and it's hilarious to watch. And I laughed so much at the email, the people I was with asked what was so funny, so I read it to them and they laughed too. (I'm sorry if I might be the problem; at least I know I have to get my own hotel.) #goteamalvey!


I got my tickets last week and I was just wondering if this email had the WCB schedule? I checked all my inbox and spam folder but haven't received an email with WCB details yet. Thanks again for the help.


Be patient. This was not the email.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  Crazy4Coasters! said:
  coasterobsessive said:
Yes to TPR Quest! No I don't play, but I try to help and it's hilarious to watch. And I laughed so much at the email, the people I was with asked what was so funny, so I read it to them and they laughed too. (I'm sorry if I might be the problem; at least I know I have to get my own hotel.) #goteamalvey!


I got my tickets last week and I was just wondering if this email had the WCB schedule? I checked all my inbox and spam folder but haven't received an email with WCB details yet. Thanks again for the help.

Nope the "big bad" email hasnt gone out yet, but don't worry. It typically comes 1-3 days before the event. I'm guessing we'll get it tomorrow, but it could be Thursday. I believe we got it on Wednesday last year.


The important stuff, tentatively: Parking lot at SFMM reportedly opens at 7 on Saturday. Check in should start ~7:30 given that the park opens (for us) at 0830. Park opens at 1030 to public. Park closes at 2000, we get the park to ourselves from 2000-2400. KBF check in may be harder to guess depending on if there are events in the morning before ERT. Beyond that, worst case, you'll find out when you get there!

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Thank you everyone for that. I was going through my emails making sure I didn't erase or lose the email in my spam folder. My wife and I are excited to enjoy the day at WCB because it's always a treat to enjoy our home park with so many extra perks! Thanks again to the Alvey's for allowing us to enjoy the park in such a special way. See you all soon!

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  singemfrc said:
  Crazy4Coasters! said:
  coasterobsessive said:
Yes to TPR Quest! No I don't play, but I try to help and it's hilarious to watch. And I laughed so much at the email, the people I was with asked what was so funny, so I read it to them and they laughed too. (I'm sorry if I might be the problem; at least I know I have to get my own hotel.) #goteamalvey!


The important stuff, tentatively: Parking lot at SFMM reportedly opens at 7 on Saturday. Check in should start ~7:30 given that the park opens (for us) at 0830. Park opens at 1030 to public. Park closes at 2000, we get the park to ourselves from 2000-2400. KBF check in may be harder to guess depending on if there are events in the morning before ERT. Beyond that, worst case, you'll find out when you get there!


According to the SFMM site, the park actually closes publically at 6pm (18:00 PDT) on the 11th. That would put the buy out end at 10pm (22:00 PDT), depending on how fast they filter out the public. If it's like last years evening ERT, they will close off the entrances to the rides, bleeding the queue of already waiting GP, while letting us through with our credentials (wristbands).


According to Knott's website, the park closes to the public at 7pm (19:00 PDT) the following day.

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Looking forward to the event!! I am actually coming out to Cali for different reasons this year. This will be my first time actually coming back to back years as I normally only like to come out when there is a really epic new attraction. I think this will be like my 5th or 6th or 7th event.. not sure. Coming from Florida and alone again since no one I know is crazy enough to just trek across the country to ride rollercoasters.


As I get older my body can handle the g-forces from the rides less.


One year it was Xcellerator ( My favorite between both parks ) 50 times, the next event ( last year ) was 20 times, this year if it's running I'll be lucky if I can pull 10!! It''s like a reverse exponential curve. I remember last year I was so wiped by the Magic Mountain Day I was sleeping on the benches anywhere at Knotts, and in the middle of the presentation about the Halloween event. Did anyone see that? Each year I check out of the park for a few hours and go sleep in my car just to rest up.


It will be awesome to finally get to Knotts one year where Ghostrider is actually running!! I only think I've ever ridden it for 2 of the West Coast Bashes and that was like years and years ago, easily more than a decade ago.



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  paulthomas said:
I remember last year I was so wiped by the Magic Mountain Day I was sleeping on the benches anywhere at Knotts, and in the middle of the presentation about the Halloween event. Did anyone see that? Each year I check out of the park for a few hours and go sleep in my car just to rest up.


It will be awesome to finally get to Knotts one year where Ghostrider is actually running!! I only think I've ever ridden it for 2 of the West Coast Bashes and that was like years and years ago, easily more than a decade ago.



Yeah I know what you mean. Thats why it pays to stay at KBFH, just go walk over to your room and take a nap. And yeah, I've had the same issue with Ghostrider, so I plan on spending most of the night ERT on it as well as least one or two laps in the morning.
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Looking forward to a full day at KBF since I have to miss SFMM this go round...I'll live being a SoCal local...looking forward to meeting some new TPR fanatics this year...if any Cedar Point experts are attending, I'd love to chat for a bit , on a trip I'm making there in late October...as always, thanks to the R&E now, during, and after these events...the amount of BS you tolerate in support of providing an awesome experience to all can never be recognized enough...for sure a coffee is coming your way.

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  brneff99 said:
Looking forward to a full day at KBF since I have to miss SFMM this go round...I'll live being a SoCal local...looking forward to meeting some new TPR fanatics this year...if any Cedar Point experts are attending, I'd love to chat for a bit , on a trip I'm making there in late October...as always, thanks to the R&E now, during, and after these events...the amount of BS you tolerate in support of providing an awesome experience to all can never be recognized enough...for sure a coffee is coming your way.

I'm actually a California local who recently took that same trip to Cedar Point a couple of falls ago. Got to ride GateKeeper, no Rougarou yet, but I got a Mantis credit. Pleasantly surprised actually, second favorite stand up behind Riddlers. I went on a pretty short day but was still able to ride all the coasters, and a few multiple times. Only thing I wanted but missed was Wind Seeker, which was, ironically, closed due to wind.

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  robbalvey said:
Just because I sent out the email doesn't mean I haven't taken the money and ran to Japan to buy the house!


Just make sure there is a spare room for me and my Geisha girls.


I do want to take the time to really thank Robb, Elissa, and the rest of the TPR crew for putting this awesome event together. I can only imagine what kind of time and effort an event of this size takes. Nothing beats WCB! Thank you to the parks, too!

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  robbalvey said:
  robbalvey said:
If you are late to the event, your credentials will be left at Will Call under the name of the person who registered. Please note, Will Call may not open until after ERT has already begun. So please, do not be late to check-in. Event check-in will close promptly 10 minutes before ERT begins and all credentials that have not been picked up will be handed over to Will Call.
You will still get in, but you may miss the beginning of ERT due to picking up your credentials at will call.
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  singemfrc said:
  robbalvey said:
  robbalvey said:
If you are late to the event, your credentials will be left at Will Call under the name of the person who registered. Please note, Will Call may not open until after ERT has already begun. So please, do not be late to check-in. Event check-in will close promptly 10 minutes before ERT begins and all credentials that have not been picked up will be handed over to Will Call.
You will still get in, but you may miss the beginning of ERT due to picking up your credentials at will call.


Ok, the part I am wondering about is whether will call will be available while the ERT is occuring or if we will have to wait until the park actually opens to claim the passes.

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