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The Official "Chocolate and Candy Trading" Thread!


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Package From Soren


My package from soren finally came in and a little beaten up I might add, but all the chocolate survived! Here are some photos


This little guy was inside the container inside the egg. You wouldn't find this in America, because someone might sue because of it -.-


Thumbs up for Soren!


Wow! I got a boat load of german chocolate!!!


awww, the egg broke in transit...oh well, that was the first piece of chocolate to be eaten. Yum


Digging farther into the package I keep finding more


oooo, the first bars of chocolate out of the package


confetti!!!! just what I've always wanted. Screw the candy! :-)


touch packaging, but I am able to open it.


Does all of Germany imply that Americans are all cowboys? heh


oooo, a package from Germany...bit beaten up though.

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I've tried Milka in France but never seen that Yoghurt thing before... Mmm, Kinder Surprise!


Soren, I'd love to try some German chocolate but would you trade with me or can you get pretty much all our British chocolate in Germany? All we really have is Cadbury's and Nestle and stuff and I'm assuming you can get those over there... Is there anything you want? If not I'll send you some money and you can send me a package anyway! Please?


PS - Craig, please let me know how that Yogurette thing tastes, it looks goooood!!

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Soren, I'd love to try some German chocolate but would you trade with me or can you get pretty much all our British chocolate in Germany? All we really have is Cadbury's and Nestle and stuff and I'm assuming you can get those over there... Is there anything you want? If not I'll send you some money and you can send me a package anyway! Please?


Hey Louise,

we have Cadbury's and Nestle here, too! However I think we will finde a way to trade something!



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OMG I thought Id never get a chance to eat Milka again. Last year in high school, we had a German exchange student who brought nearly a whole case of this stuff. Id pay him for bars of it. lol. I live in the Orlando area, so if theres anything you want to trade for a few bars, PM me and ill do what I can.

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Ooooo, this all looks and sounds so delicious. Would love to trade with some of you when the time is right (meaning, when I have money ). You'll probably receive a pm from me (especially you, Soren) when you least expect it. And if anyone is interested in trying out some Mexican candy, let me know, although personally I'm not a fan of it.


Al "looking forward to trying some of that German chocolate" Gonzalez, aka Urkel

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Just as a suggestion to this ongoing thread - and it's interest?


Everybody who wants to trade candy from where they are located, should do this....


Put your Candy Pack together. And stick to it (pardon). And try to make it as reasonable a total in $ as you can. I'm not going to suggest a price limit as exchange values and candy costs around the world.... well, you know you can only make it so reasonable in quantity, quality AND price.


You can then list your 'pack' to everybody on this thread (and the total cost, if you want to) and then anybody who want's to trade theirs for yours..... great! Hey, you could even post a pic of the pack if you can. The more enticing it looks (yum) the more we'll want to trade with you, hmm?


I am leaving for Amsterdam this coming Monday, so am not getting into this until I get back, Nov.03. But I am looking forward to any and all who want to trade sweets - and that includes YOU, Mr.Hattuchili.....

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Why everyone want to trade with me? Is German chocolate really that good? In that way, it looks like I have to make a lot packages, for sending out in the whole world! Damn, this thread makes me poor! :shock:




"Why? Because - we - LIKE - you." (in our best Mickey Mouse Club voices).


I think you are one of The Ones who could give each of us one of the best Octoberfest Tours anybody could ever have in Germany.


{ And you have nice German chocolate, too }

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^ Thanks Bill! Oktoberfest Tour? That sounds like a new trip for next year! Everyone can come and visit it with me!




Speaking of which - when IS your Oktoberfest, anyway? I don't really know, except -duh- the obvious time period. But, when was it, in these past months? I would like to know, thanks.


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  • 2 months later...

Bump - bump - a - BUMP!



In case anybody needs an "update" about what all-of-the-above is/was about... here's a few pages to get you started, heh heh.


In the mean time

In between time

Julie's getting a package soon!


And she's been forwarned - that this is NOT your usual "tear open and

consume" candy pack-age. Not from yours truly, anyway, lolol.


On its' way, your way tomorrow, USRT. All systems go!



Here we go Ms.USRoadTripper - all wrapped and ready to swiftly fly your way. Safe journey, oh square and sweet package!

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