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Planet Coaster (PLC) Discussion Thread

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The Official Planco Dictionary is here!


You've built your theme park with rides, shops and scenery. Hundreds of people roam the paths in groups, chatting away happily. Have you ever wondered what they talk about? You will soon be able to decipher this remarkable language yourself!


All Planet Coaster assets are copyrighted. However, we are happy for you to use Planco in your own projects. If, for instance, you’d like to use Planco on your website, blog, fan page, videos or even perform your knowledge online, you can find out more here.


Planco is the official language of Planet Coaster. Planet Coaster © 2017 Frontier Developments plc. All rights Reserved.



The game guests' speeches weren't gibberish after all... Frontier had invented a brand new language for this game.









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I bolded some stuff that might be of particular interest.


Planet Coaster Development Update



Hi everyone,


Since Planet Coaster launched in November 2016, we’ve been so overwhelmed by your support, kind words, and dedication to this awesome coaster-loving community. We’ve seen a host of updates thus far, including the highly popular free Winter Update for everyone to enjoy. One thing that we get asked a lot is what to expect for the future development of Planet Coaster.


The team are in fact still working very hard on the game; something which you will see in the form of periodic updates, much like the Winter Update we had in December. From time to time you’ll also see smaller updates which could include a variety of improvements or fixes.


Our next major update is coming in mid to late April; so look forward to some fun activity, news, and livestreams on our official channels as we get closer! We also have a smaller update happening this week which will include new light sequences and coaster support improvements (which you may have seen on the livestream with Sam Denney livestream), bug fixes, additional language support, and, I’m happy to say, a new flatride!


Another thing that a lot of you have been wondering about is paid additional content for Planet Coaster and how this may work in the future. Planet Coaster is a passion for our community and developers alike; that’s why our next major update (1.2), coming in mid-late April, will once again be available for everyone who owns Planet Coaster for free. It will come with a number of gameplay features, flatrides and new coasters that we’re super excited to be showing you over the coming weeks. We will also be introducing cosmetic optional purchases for those of you who want to give your parks that little extra personality!


Finally, we’re very excited to confirm that we will be heading to PAX East in March and would be delighted if you could join us. We will have some livestreams from the show floor, so even if you’re unable to make it to the event, you’ll be able to share in the excitement with us. If you are able to join us make sure to stop by! We’ve got a load of activity going on including an awesome community meet-up with free food, drink, fun and goodies. Keep your eyes peeled on the forums for more information on how you can get involved and join us in Boston!


Thank you for your ongoing support. Your passion, involvement, and positive comments are deeply important and we’re very grateful for such an awesome community.



TL;DR: Small update coming this week with a new flatride, and a big update coming in April!

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The update came!


Hey everyone!


As you may be aware from our previous livestream and dev update post we’ve got a minor update going live today followed by a bigger release later in April. Today’s update brings with it a number of changes such as new coaster supports and light sequencing (which was spoilered mentioned by Sam on the livestream), as well as some key bug fixes, language support, and a cool new flat ride! The update is due to go live at roughly 13:00 GMT.


Before we get onto the flatride, I know that many of you have been asking about progress on a couple of bugs reported on our forums. I’d like to give you a little more information regarding both the gift shop bug and the guest queueing discrepancies that people have been reporting. I’m pleased to say that this update should see a full fix to the bug effecting guests behaviour and over-purchasing of gift items.


The queue length however is a much more complex bug to fix; guest behaviour, decision-making, and their actions have so much data and data points from behind the scenes effecting this decision-making which means this is much more of a progressive development. The team have done a fantastic job of implementing some improvements in this update, which I’ll detail in a second, but your help in playing, testing, and giving us feedback is so valuable. Please do make sure to report any thoughts and feedback on our bug forum.


The following improvements have been made to the queueing system and guest decision-making. Guests are now more willing to join longer queues in order to help address the issue with not enough guests in ride queues. There have been various improvements in the way guests access ride queues in order to avoid guests thinking a ride queue is full – even if it’s empty! The ride info panels have now been adjusted to reflect more up-to-date thoughts to improve how relevant the thought feedback on the info panel is!


I’d like to take a moment to thank the development team for their continued dedication to improving the gaming experience. These are just a couple of the fixes and improvements, so please take a look at the full patch notes at the bottom of this page. As always, if you have any bugs or issues don’t forget to report them on the bug forum.


Now on to the flatride! Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to unveil "Scizzer". Inspired by one of the most recognizable flat rides ever made, the 'Scizzer' is a real classic where passengers are flung from side to side in a fun-fuelled, twin axle, centrifuge.



There's an interesting list of patch notes I left out for the sake of length, but can be seen at the source.


Biggest change I saw with the new update is that they made guests more willing to wait in longer lines, so my parks saw a huge boost in ride wait times. Some ride queues filled pretty quickly.

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  • 1 month later...

Ooh... surprise much?! (Posted yesterday)


Update 1.1.4!


Hi coaster friends!


Surprise, we’re bringing you another small update! The Planet Coaster development team have been working hard and wanted to indulge you with something new ahead of our bigger update in mid-late April.


After our 1.1.3 update included localisation into Chinese and Korean, we are now also adding Japanese to that list. Konichiwa!


What’s more, we also have a brand new flatride for you! Say welcome to the Tri-Storm, an amusement park classic. It consists of three arms on a central column, with a star-shaped wheel at the end that holds seven gondolas. When the ride is activated, the central column rotates clockwise, while the star at the end of each arm rotates counterclockwise. Hydraulic cylinders then raise the arms to a 40° angle – at 25 feet tall and whipping around at decent speed, the Tri-Storm is fun for everyone.


The team are still super busy working on features, improvements and bug fixes which will be implemented with our next major update in April. In the meantime, be sure to check out the PAX East livestreams on our official YouTube channel for a sneak peek into what has been happening behind the scenes.


Here's the changelog:

-Japanese Localisation

-New Ride Tri-Storm



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  • 2 weeks later...

PAX Prime livestream going on right now. So far, they've revealed new scenery sets, new security guard, 3 flat rides, one new coaster style, aaaaand go karts!!!


Edit: Livestream's over. During it, Sam also mentioned that a standard and giant inverted boomerang will be coming eventually as well.




Every time they mention a new ride, the video for it goes live on their channel too:


Edited by Midgetman82
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  • 2 weeks later...

Planet Coaster - Spring Update 1.2


The update comes April 11th and includes the following:


*Vandalism to park, security guards, security cameras!


*Vekoma Boomerang!


*Vekoma Giant Inverted Boomerang!


*The ability to synchronize stations and duel coasters, or any tracked ride!


*Some new lovely scenarios!


*The ability to have smooth camera control using PC connected game controller (i.e.: x-box controller). It was mentioned that this was how they were able to get those panning shots in their own videos.

*Ability to disable collision detection with coasters, rides, and scenery.

*Improvements to ride prestige.

*And more...


All of this, PLUS what was announced further back will be coming to the free update on April 11th!

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The update is unfinished.

Just downloaded the update and here's a couple things I noticed immediately:


-Suspended coaster

-Supports don't appear at banking angles above 45

-Min. trackpiece length on normal and chain is 18m, which is way too long and decreases flexibility to a point of unrealism


-Giant inverted boomerang

-Supports don't appear on inversions properly



-You're given a notification every single time there's a succesfully reported theft which can be extremely annoying

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  Rill said:
The update is unfinished.

Just downloaded the update and here's a couple things I noticed immediately:


-Suspended coaster

-Supports don't appear at banking angles above 45

-Min. trackpiece length on normal and chain is 18m, which is way too long and decreases flexibility to a point of unrealism


-Giant inverted boomerang

-Supports don't appear on inversions properly



-You're given a notification every single time there's a succesfully reported theft which can be extremely annoying

I 'm pretty sure they'll release a hotfix soon.

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Definitely liking what I see so far, though I've only been able to scrape the surface! One of the new scenarios with the ocean-front hotels and go kart track looks absolutely gorgeous! There are some minor bugs in it, but the only significant one I've noticed was hearing guest ambient noises in the Giant Inverted Boomerang when there's nobody on or near the ride.





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I hope they allow rides to get closer to the ground without creating a giant depression under the track. Its irritating that a dark ride can't simply sit on the ground. I haven't played with the new update yest though, and I do know this issue was addressed with Railroad. So, I'm hoping that it was addressed with all the rides.

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  COASTER FREAK 11 said:
I hope they allow rides to get closer to the ground without creating a giant depression under the track. Its irritating that a dark ride can't simply sit on the ground. I haven't played with the new update yest though, and I do know this issue was addressed with Railroad. So, I'm hoping that it was addressed with all the rides.


Turn off Auto Tunnel when building those pieces at ground level and it won't do that.

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