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Forces or Theming?

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Sorry if there's already a topic like this, but here goes.


What do you want to see morein a ride? Good theming, with a nicely decorated area and good special effects/visual attention to the visual detail of the ride itself?


Or not quite as good theming, but an awesome, solid, intense OMFG, Airtime filled ride experience?


Personally, I'd choose the laser... I really like a good solid ride, and as long as it looks safe enough to be rideable, with a decent paint job, I'm stoked.


So, what's your thoughts?

Edited by dropzonefan
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Personally, I'd choose the laser... I really like a good solid ride, and as long as it looks safe enough to be rideable, with a decent paint job, I'm stoked.


I totally agree with you here. I loved Laser and always liked it's paint job too. Too bad Dorney got rid of it.


In all seriousness it kind of depends but if I had to choose I'd probably pick the insane-airtime filled ride. Most of my top coasters fall into this category. That being said even with over 200 coasters under my belt Mystery Mine is in my top 10, and without the theming that ride might not even break the top 100 so I love themed coasters too. I'm in the minority but Mystery Mine might be my favorite coaster at Dollywood (even though they're all exceptional). I'm blown away by the theming on that ride... I'd expect it from Disney or Universal but not from a regional park. Obviously that's just one example of a themed coaster but it's the one that stands out to me.

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I don't mean to bash, but I'd feel more comfortable if you fixed your spelling and grammar mistakes.


Hard to say for me, though my "black or white" choice would be for more theming. If "not so good" theming counts for the latter, then something like Flight of Fear would be my pick. Not quite Disney quality, but still immersive in theming and wild in track layout (no airtime, of course).

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It really all depends on what fits in with the park.


IMO, Space Mountain (incredibly well themed, boring layout) is just as good of a coaster as X2 (forceful, intense, really dumb "SUPOR EDGE" 'theming')



Forces. Usually theming breaks, Is rarely fixed/replaced and is useless after 3 or 4 years.

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Usually theming breaks, Is rarely fixed/replaced and is useless after 3 or 4 years.

I think that you're confusing theming with animatronics and computer systems. There are lots of themed experiences that don't require the use of complicated characters and computers. Just look at Nemesis, or Black Mamba, or RC Racer... I could go on for a little while.

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Usually theming breaks, Is rarely fixed/replaced and is useless after 3 or 4 years.


This depends on the park more than anything. While it happens everywhere theming is usually maintained at parks like Dollywood, Silver Dollar City, Universal and Disney. At Six Flags whenever a new ride is announced with cool theming in my head I'm trying to guess how long it's actually going to last before it breaks and they never fix it.

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