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[NL] [NL2] The Amazing Flying Machine

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I'm working on a new project. It's a little different.


I'm going to be using a combination of NoLimits, NoLimits 2, Rhino, Maya and Illustrator for this one. It's called The Flying Machine, it's based off the Vekoma suspended family coaster, and it may or may not develop into an actual section of a park as opposed to just a roller coaster.


Here are some test renders I did a few hours ago.





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Progress update. There's a big dividing wall between the two lines. The idea is that when an overflow queue is needed, guests walk up into the windmill house on the side closest to the coaster, turn around inside the house, and then walk down on the other side of the wall. The wall is tall enough that guests can't see to the other side, creating the illusion that it's one isolated pathway.





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I'm working on a new project. It's a little different.


I'm going to be using a combination of NoLimits, NoLimits 2, Rhino, Maya and Illustrator for this one. It's called The Flying Machine, it's based off the Vekoma suspended family coaster, and it may or may not develop into an actual section of a park as opposed to just a roller coaster.


Here are some test renders I did a few hours ago.


The renderings look like they are done in V-Ray, yeah? Correct me if I'm wrong.


I've been meaning to find a new medium for modeling for NL, I've grown out of 6 years of SketchUp already. How does exporting Rhino to the simulator work out? Is there a difficult process for texturing (I already have experience in Rhino because of architecture school).

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The renderings look like they are done in V-Ray, yeah? Correct me if I'm wrong.


It's Mental Ray in Maya. I haven't gotten it to be "photorealistic" but with the right materials and settings it has a wonderful, bright aesthetic that I absolutely love. (Here's an example.)


Because I originally began 3D work in Inventor and AutoCAD, Rhino came very easily to me because it works the same way - it's a NURBS modeler! Draw out a curve, extrude/revolve/loft/sweep it. I use it because it's very easy for me to keep tabs on measurements. I'm not a "this looks close enough" kind of guy, I want to make sure that what I design is tangible in the real world.


While I have imported NoLimits tracks into Rhino as 3DS objects using the Construction Kit, I have never formally went the other way. I have very little experience with texturing outside of Maya, however I typically use Photoshop to match textures to UVs.


Because of the great new material editor in NoLimits 2, I'm planning on exporting the untextured modeling there as well and then applying those materials to it. But getting this scene into Maya and doing the texturing, materials and rendering for Mental Ray is priority number one.

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Progress update. The majority of the queue is totally done. I'm on a deadline so I don't intend to create interior spaces (with the obvious exception of the station platform, as it doesn't have any walls). The coaster itself is about seventy-five percent finished as well, I need to create supports for everything after the first figure-eight and I have to add some small thematic elements.


I've been managing my time well enough to actually create an environment past the coaster, it will include an endless river that guests can get in and out of freely, and a small restaurant.





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  • 2 weeks later...

The only scripting that might happen is an object attachment, and maybe some small animations. No audio is necessary.


Progress update. After doing some research I found that the exit ramp was too steep for disabled access. I had difficulty coming up with a solution due to the space constraints but eventually settled on a stairway plus an elevator. The nice thing is that the experience isn't necessarily broken as you can't see the elevator doors unless you're on the level of the station platform. Sometimes I'm pretty clever.





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I originally went to school for engineering at Penn State, but the mathematics were boring and I didn't get enough exposure to the thing I really liked the most, which was 3D modeling/visualization. I transferred to the I.D.S. major in the School of Visual Arts so I could concentrate on what I liked the most.

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Here are some new renders.


The surrounding environment will be just as detailed as the coaster area is. I'm planning on including a wide lazy river that guests can enter/exit at will, as well as two bowl water slides themed to water tanks. Check it out.





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Is the coaster going to be more like bandit bomber then with lazy river interactions? Or are they two separate things?

Yes, the coaster is very much inspired by Bandit Bomber. The "jungle gym" section flies over the lazy river for about half its length. There will be water gags but none that guests can access themselves, they will be basically pipes that squirt water. Another difference between this and Bandit Bomber is that this will use full ten-car trains.


Progress update - the tube bowl slide is about ninety percent finished at this point. I just have to add lights, some extra pathways and the doors and windows for the actual building. The area is designed in a way that the actual slides look like they're merely continuous pipework coming from the ground, up into the building, and then down into the tank.





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More renders!


All of the "big" stuff is now finished. Everything is laid out the way I want it. What I have to do at this point is hammer out the little details such as lights, railings and the like. There's not much more to do before I can start texturing this thing!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Texturing and material assignment has begun! Updates will be a little bit sporadic as a lot of behind-the-scenes work only translates to a little bit of visuals.


Also, the terrain texture is a placeholder.




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Progress update. I'm currently working on the station platform and queue line. The majority of the platform is finished save for some thematic elements and lighting elements. Progress is slow but steady!


Also, as these renders are now approaching production quality, I have watermarked them because I'm insecure like that.





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