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Major League Baseball Thread


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Oo I know. I was just saying that because that's how we were. Pirates team should be good for a few years it will shift for you to have higher expectations in coming years. If they don't finish above 500 at this point that would just be sad. I'd laugh a little though because I hold at least a little hatred for all Pittsburgh teams.

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Well, the losing streak continues, and once again, the Bucs find themselves unable to beat the Brewers, even in their home park. I don't know what it is, but part of last season's collapse also started with them not being able to beat these guys for some extraordinary reason. Why the hell can't these guys beat the Brewers?


Should I really be surprised that they're sucking so bad at this point? I guess not, but I get so sick of being teased with a winning season sometimes.

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Congratulations to the pirates on not having a losing season for the first time in 20 years or so. Reds are going to take the division from you though : ) hoping to make it a third straight against the cards tonight!

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OK, now I can finally exhale. The Bucs have gotten win number 82, and sealed their first season above .500 in 20 years, by shutting out the rangers 1-0. Any other wins from here on out will just be the icing on the cake for me. I hope the players feel some weight off their shoulders right now too, because that might lead to a nice little surge before the final regular season game.

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Well, the Bucs continue to have trouble against mediocre teams for some odd reason, losing to San Diego last night, and tonight's not looking good so far either. I really hope they can snap out of this, because the Steelers stink right now. I mean, when you can't even beat the Bungles, you know you're in trouble.

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So, the Bucs make up for giving up a 2-1 lead last night, by crushing the Padres 10-1 this afternoon, and salvage their bad homestand a little. They were pissed, and came out swinging today, from what I can tell. Hopefully this is the kick in the pants they need.


I just ordered a Pirates cap from Amazon today, and I now feel like I can wear it with pride, living in an area full of Yankee fans.

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Interesting. That's still a lot of money though.


All it does really, is remind me of how expensive it is to go to MLB games nowadays. Baseball's the kind of game that doesn't translate well to TV. You really have to be there to understand its appeal, so it's a shame that a lot of people I know can't afford tickets to a professional game. At least we still have the minor league clubs around here.


Oh, and congrats to your Dodgers, Joey, winning the NL West. I may be a bucs fan, but I fondly remember seeing the Dodgers in the 88 world series, where Kirk Gibson hit that famous homer.

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