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Universal Orlando Halloween Horror Nights 22

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^^ Did you really ask for a Nightmaze house.. LOL. I doubt they will be any longer - they can't make the Sprung Tent ones any larger or really the Disaster Queue and the Herc and Xena was a pretty short maze the year they used it before. Hopefully the quality will be a bit higher if they do 7...but who knows!

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haha yes! I think if they made a larger version it would be awesome....but that is only because I'd love to have a house with choices/different ways. Like I said, I know the sprungs really can't be extended so I just assume it would be the main stages which totally have the ability to do so. What were the houses that utilized the Herc and Xena soundstage?

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^Is that the building where the Back to the Future Train sits on one side (or did last time I was there)?


Maybe they will use the TNA Impact Wrestling Studio for a house this year, A Hunted Zombie Wrestling: The Musical House. (if your reading this Universal Creative, make it happen!)


Also I will have a newborn at the time of this years HHN, but I will also have one of those Baby Bjorn baby carrying things. Does anyone know whether or not it will be a good idea for me to take my newborn to HHN? If it is a good idea where do you think the non-haunted changing stations and haunted-infant play areas will be located?

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^^ They only used it once - I want to say it was for Sweet 16 when the Icons came together for the "party".


Heres a pic of the building...


Was that Horror Nights Nightmares in 2004? It is listed in the archives site as a house and was located in Herc & Xena. The description though basically describes as it house with all the past icons in it.

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Does anyone know whether or not it will be a good idea for me to take my newborn to HHN? If it is a good idea where do you think the non-haunted changing stations and haunted-infant play areas will be located?


The event is not recommended for anyone under the age of 13.


Its also always full of drunk (me), people smoking pot and lots of pushing and shoving, there is no way I would take a child let alone a new born baby.

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You have to have new experiences sometime !


( that whole post was a joke by the way, not the me having a newborn part but the me ever considering taking it HHN part. I was hoping for some more playful/creative feedback but maybe next time.)

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^^ They only used it once - I want to say it was for Sweet 16 when the Icons came together for the "party".


Heres a pic of the building...


Was that Horror Nights Nightmares in 2004? It is listed in the archives site as a house and was located in Herc & Xena. The description though basically describes as it house with all the past icons in it.


Yup! What really cripples this house (unless they did some major construction) is the "rows" in each one of the rooms. Think the first pre-show room of disaster. It makes it quite limiting

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^ Haha , that's more like it!



Yup! What really cripples this house (unless they did some major construction) is the "rows" in each one of the rooms. Think the first pre-show room of disaster. It makes it quite limiting


I remember reading on a different site earlier this year that there were some permits filed for construction in that building, which is fairly standard but the timing of the permits seemed a lot earlier than usual. So maybe they did do some major construction in there in anticipation of losing the Jaws Que and possibly the parade building.

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Has anyone been to the park lately? According to some other news sites it seems that a demolition permit has been filed for Building 44 and heavy duty construction walls are already in place. I guess that means that a house there for this years HHN may no longer be a reality.

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it should be an interesting event this year since they have lost multiple house locations and one of the attractions they regularly operated during the event, will be interesting to see what do to replace those. Capacity can be a nightmare at HHN (at least it seems like it every time I go), so I can't imagine they wouldn't replace those locations with new ones. Even though it's completely not the target audience, maybe they'll operate Despicable Me during this years event just because it will still be fairly new.

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^That would be cool, a rumor for a new show or a house or some sort? I'm probably in the minority here but I'd almost be in favor of an extra show during HHN over an extra house (as long as the show is something decent).

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I would love to see Rocky Horror Tribute come back, but I'm probably one of the few. I think it would be pretty weird to have 6 houses....but that is not really fair because I've only gone the last 3 years. It is kind of crazy how much they lost this year, and jaws was awesome during the event! Perhaps we shall see an increased size of the scarezones? I mean from what I saw the last three years the amity area wasn't all that decked out. I would enjoy longer more elaborate scarezones.

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Here are some more rumors for mazes that I am reading around the interweb:


1) Silent Hill House

2) Alice Cooper House

3) Penn and Teller House (yes this rumor hasn't gone away yet)

4) House themed to Gargoyles (think statue scare from Winter's Night last year)


Looks like seven houses in all, with the former SS 44 house moving to another soundstage.

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Silent Hill would be cool. Sinister Pointe did a Silent Hill maze a few years back which was fun but you could tell they didn't have the budget to really go all out with the details. Plus, no actual Pyramid Head scareactor. I'm sure Universal would be able to go all out.

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I wouldn't seeing an Alice Cooper house at Universal Florida--been a fan of his music since I was in junior high school. When it was new . . .


Yeah, that dates me.

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^I agree, but I think that to casual fans of the event, or "GP" if that's what you wanna call them, the licensed properties are a big draw. It would be interesting to compare attendance figures for the event from years with and without licensed properties. Then again the event has gotten so popular in recent years it probably doesn't matter what they use, they'll still draw huge crowds.

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