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TPR Front Page RE-Design Contest!

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A.J., liking those icons. I do wonder if you'll still be able to see the detail when they're shrunk down. But they're a cool idea.

Hey, thanks! The image I attached to my post is the actual size. Each icon is 110 by 110.


Robb, for the "featured video" wish list thingy, are you looking to have a Coastertube embed or a YouTube embed?

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I just finished making a website (http://www.almerecityfc.org) so I just kept on going.. I made a simple first design. I tried to make it look more modern, but still have the feel/look of the current TPR frontpage.


- Menu: the menu sticks to the top of the browserpage, so if you scroll down.. the menu scrolls down

- Photosegment = latest news/reports/important stuff. With the larger photo fading into the 2nd one and on to the third etc. etc. untill all 5 news items are displayed. Then it just go back to #1.


All the other blocks could be used for almost anything.. for displaying a RSS feed from another site, latest forum posts, latest exchange or coastertube uploads etc. You name it





Any thoughts?

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For what it's worth as someone who has worked on sites for a while...


The one thing I think the current front page is lacking is a visual hierarchy. Right now, your eye is drawn to whichever of the small images happens to have the greatest contrast of color, or is most eye-catching in some way. I think the new front page should have a definitive "this is what you should look at first" piece that is larger than everything else, so it will draw attention no matter what everything else is doing. From what it sounds like in the discussion, the "most recent updates" section seems to fit the bill best.


Some of the designs have already done this, which is great.


Everything else should be easy to find once the visitor settles in.


And I echo Robb's original recommendations of more graphics/less text, simple, and easy to navigate. People will not stick around if it becomes work for them to enjoy the site. (Though it's an extreme example, Google has a full-time employee whose only job is to make sure the homepage stays simple.)

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What I have so far, ignore the roughness and how the colors are blended badly, I'm not using gradients and such, I'm trying to stick to as close to home right now as you guys have it, just with some updated text and moving a few things around.



EDIT: Didn't mean to post such a large picture, the black space is my canvas for the rest of it, I have a few ideas I'm just trying to show for perspective reasons.


EDIT #2: It'll be larger than that, I was zoomed in in photoshop, I didnt realize how small it was. =P

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^ Not enough to judge. While the navigation bar doesn't look like too much of an update, the main thing we're looking at is the layout of information. Looking forward to more progress...



I just finished making a website (http://www.almerecityfc.org) so I just kept on going.. I made a simple first design. I tried to make it look more modern, but still have the feel/look of the current TPR frontpage.


- Menu: the menu sticks to the top of the browserpage, so if you scroll down.. the menu scrolls down

- Photosegment = latest news/reports/important stuff. With the larger photo fading into the 2nd one and on to the third etc. etc. untill all 5 news items are displayed. Then it just go back to #1.


All the other blocks could be used for almost anything.. for displaying a RSS feed from another site, latest forum posts, latest exchange or coastertube uploads etc. You name it


Any thoughts?

- Overall thoughts is that I like the direction this is going.

- Take a look at the color scheme and some of the elements from the Park Index and think about incorporating them into this design. Not "exactly", but just so that the two would fit better together.

- Like the idea that the three smaller updates boxes (Announcements, Park Updates, Etc) could also scroll independantly. Not sure if that was your original intention, but that's at least how I saw it. So that without having to scroll too much off the main page, you would be able to scroll one of these smaller boxes. (I think that's how it would work?)

- Really...it's a good start. Would like to see where you go with this and how you refine it.


Wes, Jack? You guys have any input on this one? Love it? Hate it? Etc?

Edited by robbalvey
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youngforever - To "all over the place" I don't think this would translate well on a mobile device either. (something else to keep in mind)


Swat - it's too early to tell, but there seems to be a lack of graphic design and polish to it.


I almost think it HURTS some of you guys to post stuff so early. Don't show me something that you've just "worked on for an hour" or so, that's when you've done your shittiest work. Show me something that you've spent some TIME on.


I can tell you that all of our videos "in the first hour" look like total garbage. But after a few hours of tuning and polishing something, they'll look MUCH better.


Hope that makes sense.

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Elissa - I like the pull down menu idea too. I think what doesn't work for me on youngforevers is the rest of the page where I can't tell what today's update is versus 2 weeks ago. The nav bar absolutely needs some kind of pull down menu or window with additional options. But the rest of it seems all over the place to me.


Overall, I really don't understand when people are like "I worked on this for 10 minutes...give me your feedback so far" because my feedback is always going to be "looks like something you worked on for 10 minutes." It's like, I can't think of anything I've worked on that didn't start to look "good" until after multiple iterations. Don't make your first impression be your crappiest work.



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Since you said that you don't want anyone to think "what page is this?", I made a concept design that is just like the actual one, but with a new-looking interface. I conserved what I like now and I added and fixed some things to make it look like a fresh website. Yes, you may say "well this is just the same web"... but I think the actual site is very intuitive, It has a great colour-scheme and it's easy to use, it only needs a css cleaning.


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^ This is actually not that far off from what I had in mind. I think I'd like to "clean up" some of the headers a bit more. But you're on the right track. I would be "ok" not using the Gadzoox font on the section headers. Has to be used in the TPR logo, but it's not a "must" for the headers.


I'd say polish this up even more, see if you can at least bring it to "2009" and see where it lands....maybe we'll finally make it to 2010? It's similar to the original. Almost too similar, but it's VERY practical. Give this one a "make-over" and I think it's a contender.


Funny, this one looks like almost what I would have done in photoshop as a mock-up, and then given to someone to say "This is what I want...but make it look like a professional did it, and not me!"




ps. Any way to fit in a video window in there anywhere?

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Okay so I'm going extremely slow with this, question, what do you think of an update box that scrolls through the updates.


I hope this translates my idea.



I know the text in there for "A final look" looks absolutely horrid, I'd fix it later, I'm not really entering at the moment, just throwing out ideas for you.


The arrow thing is what I'm curious if you'd like.

Edited by doublestufforeo
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