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College Football 2011


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I know the BCS sucks and college football has it's issues, but why not start a college football thread for 2011.


Interesting things on opening day. Notre Dame lost, which is excellent.


LSU stomps Oregon, once again showing the SEC dominance. Nice job Ducks, enjoy winning your crappy conference. Thanks for stopping by and playing the big boys.

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You'll still lose to the Hokies


Tech looked good, running game will be our strong point. Defense looked a bit shaky at points but Bud will get that wrapped up real quick.


As for the rest of the league there were some awesome games between teams not playing fluff. Utah st. Auburn was great, Baylor/TCU, and Minnesota/USC even was exciting.

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Baylor/TCU was one of the most entertaining games from the past few seasons.

Not surprised by the UGA/Boise game or Oregon/LSU game. I was really pulling for Utah State to pull the upset (Roll Tide).


Man someone went crazy with the uniforms this weekend. I thought Boise's were OK, I liked Oregon's, and hated Georgia, Oklahoma State, and Maryland's new uniforms.


Overall a decent opening weekend. Looking forward to seeing Bama roll over Penn State

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LSU stomps Oregon, once again showing the SEC dominance. Nice job Ducks, enjoy winning your crappy conference. Thanks for stopping by and playing the big boys.


Sadly, this year that is probably true. USC pre-Pete Carroll's last season (where he clearly just phoned it in) would have given any of those SEC championship teams a hell of game. Too bad the BCS never let that happen. Though I don't really think Oregon will win the conference this year, as their gimmick is quickly being exposed (Darron Thomas is an average QB...get any sort of pressure on him so there is no time to do the reading part of the "read option" and their done for).

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^Yeah, I thought Oregon was overrated at #3. They lost too many key players. I do still expect them to win the Pac 12 almost by default with USC ineligible and with the way many of the other teams performed this weekend.



It's also starting to spread that the SEC has voted to admit Texas A&M with an official announcement coming tomorrow, which I believe is the first domino that will change college athletics as we know it.

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^^Stanford has a great chance to challenge Oregon for the Pac-12.


As for Michigan, yay we beat Western Michigan! Granted the game was called in the third quarter, and opposing quarterbacks are still able to complete passes at will, but a win's a win. Huge game against Notre Dame next week, who looked really awful last week, however they badly need a win this week, and will have plenty of motivation to make up for their two straight losses to Michigan. First night game at the Big House ever, should be a good one.


LSU was the team that impressed me the most. I thought Oregon was the best team in the country coming in, and the Tigers dominated them. I dislike the SEC, but you can't deny that it's the best conference in the country.

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A few thoughts on the season thus far and upcoming..


Stanford will win the Pac 12, being an Eastern USA and SEC guy I admittedly don't know a lot about the Pac 12 but I think it's a better conference than most people believe. They may not have more than 2 great teams at the top (Oregon Stanford) but I think they're middle 8 teams are better than a lot of Conferences middle teams.


LSU looked nasty, I mean seriously who runs a toss ISO and has DE's that play in a 4 point stance? LSU had defensive tackles making open field plays on LaMichael James. LSU vs Bama will be a great game can't wait for it. In fact the whole SEC West is loaded, don't sleep on Miss. State they are athletic and will give people fits. The defending National Champion is probably the 5th best team in that division, which is crazy.


It's going to be interesting to see what the SEC does as far as expansions go, I'd love to see Georgia Tech because they are a great fit athletically and academically but I don't see the purpose for the SEC to add a second (and smaller, less popular) team in basically the same media Market as Georgia. If they add Tech they might as well add Clemson and Florida State as well (which would really make a great conference).


The Big 12 (or 9 or whatever) doesn't play defense. The Soft 10, the Slow 12 and the FakeCC.

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While I do think SEC is the best conference, they actually looked kind of weak this past weekend. Yes, LSU and Alabama should be amazing this year. But Kentucky struggled against the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers (who?), Auburn needed a comeback and a last-minute on-side kick recovery to beat Utah State, BYU beat Ole Miss in Oxford, Georgia had a lop-sided loss to BSU, and E.Carolina put up 37 points on S.Carolina.


As for Notre Dame, they had the 15th best offense in the country in terms of yardage gained. Kind of crazy, right? If they can just stop the turnovers, they will be formidable and could still have a great season.

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I can't say I was really surprised by any of the SEC games. I actually expected Utah State to give Auburn a run for their money considering Auburn lost so many player from last years team and USU gave Oklahoma fits last year. South Carolina is always a Jekel and Hyde team, Georgia is 13-13 the past two seasons. I actually thought Boise would beat them worse than they did. Kentucky is another team that lost almost all their playmakers so their game wasn't too shocking.


I just have a hard time believing that Stanford will be the same now that Shaw is the coach. I just get the feeling he's going to be more like Larry Coker and ride the success of Harbaugh and then when Luck goes to the NFL they will slide back to the basement of the Pac 12.


It also puzzles me that the top 3 QBs in the Big 12 were all still playing in the 4th quarter of blowout games. Oklahoma of all teams would want to pull theirs when you consider how Jason White tore his ACL twice and the Sam Bradford going down with his injury. Protect your stars!

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Western Kentucky Hilltoppers (who?)


Watch your mouth!!! (I'm a WKU alumni, and 4 year football letterman). We're getting better.


Kentucky is way down but they are never that great, same thing with Ole Miss (and BYU isn't awful). East Carolina is a pretty decent team, Georgia is really average this year and have been for a few seasons. But LSU, Bama, Florida, Miss. State, Arkansas, Florida, and South Carolina are all really good. I wouldn't be shocked if there are 3-4 SEC teams ranked in the top 10 all season long. The lower 1/3 of the SEC is really pretty average, but I don't think there is any comparison to any other conference as far as the top half goes. In years past a team like Kentucky or Georgia that finishes in the lower to middle of the SEC I think would easily be in the top half of the ACC, Big East or Big 10.


I honestly hate Notre Dame but I do think this is the year they kinda turn the corner and start to improve a little. But let's be honest, I'll say it, they're still way too unathletic (white) to really compete against top tier programs. yeah they might beat the service academies, and some Big 10 schools but I don't see them ever getting back to the being the program they once were.

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After 1week of play, now that there is a little discussion in this thread, anyone want to make season predictions for conference winners and the national championship game?



Big 10:

Big East:


Pac 10:

Big 12:


national championship game:


National Champion:

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It also puzzles me that the top 3 QBs in the Big 12 were all still playing in the 4th quarter of blowout games. Oklahoma of all teams would want to pull theirs when you consider how Jason White tore his ACL twice and the Sam Bradford going down with his injury. Protect your stars!

I don't find it too surprising when you consider the absence of any "preseason." I wouldn't hesitate to play my starting QB and let him gain as much real game experience as possible.....within reason (i.e. avoid blitzes by just getting rid of it, etc.).


The thing I continue to have a problem with is the week 1 "Top 5" match-ups. I understand the desire for "Kickoff Week" marquee games on TV, but certain "top 5" teams shouldn't be forced to line up against each other while others don't. All "Top 5" teams deserve a cream puff game to start the season. Fair is fair, right, NCAA? Wait.....nevermind.

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Watch your mouth!!! (I'm a WKU alumni, and 4 year football letterman). We're getting better.


No offense intended! I like rooting for the underdog, and wish WKU had beaten Kentucky! What I meant is it's a bit shocking that Kentucky only put up two touchdowns against a team that only has four wins in it's 3 year history as a FBS team. WKU didn't even win one game in 2009! Just shows that Kentucky is going to have a very rough time in SEC play this year.


Like I said, the SEC is still very strong overall, as usual. I think the SEC might eat itself though, with all of the teams getting an in-conference loss. Doesn't mean they won't play for the championship - heck, LSU won the national championship with two losses. With that tough of a schedule, they deserved it.


And look for a very strong Big Ten this season. You've got Wisconsin and Nebraska in the top 10 and both looked great last weekend. I think Michigan State is poised for another great season if they can avoid their typical breakdown. Northwestern had a great road win (even without their starting quarterback), and Penn State is also ranked and looking good. Who knows about Ohio State and Michigan - anything could happen this season.

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^^If they were first time starts, I agree get them all the reps, but that wasn't the case.


My picks:

SEC: Alabama over South Carolina

Big 10:Nebraska over Wisconsin (but Wisconsin wins the regular season matchup)

Big East:South Florida

Big 12:Oklahoma (although I would find it funny if A&M wins it in their final year)

ACC: Florida State over Virginia Tech

Pac 12: Oregon over Arizona State



BCS Bowls:

Rose- Oregon vs. Nebraska

Fiesta- Texas A&M vs. Boise State

Sugar- LSU vs. Wisconsin

Orange- Florida State vs. South Florida

BCS Championship- Alabama vs. Oklahoma


National Champion- Alabama

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I'd love to see Georgia Tech because they are a great fit athletically and academically but I don't see the purpose for the SEC to add a second (and smaller, less popular) team in basically the same media Market as Georgia. If they add Tech they might as well add Clemson and Florida State as well (which would really make a great conference).

yeah, I know its a stretch - but I figure that, in the event of mega-conferences, the ACC will keep most of its teams and add some from the big east, which would not exactly be my preferred choice for football conferences! I do think FSU, Clemson and GT could be interesting since that makes 3 big rivalry games SEC matches too (and they could expand to a 9/10-gm schedule), but I doubt that will ever happen =/


ACC: FSU over GT. Yeha, I picked my team to win their division, only because our schedule is beautiful and I don't think VT will roll thru the rest of the league as they normally do

Big 11: I hate going with the front-runner, but Oklahoma. Do they still have a championship game? If so, it sounds like Baylor is motivated enough to get one last shot at the title (joking)

Big East: is it basketball season yet?

Big Ten: who cares?

Pac-10: Stanford. I like nerds.

SEC: South Carolina over LSU! A bit of an upset over the western powers, especially considering last year's SEC title game, but I needed to pick an upset (and LEs Miles is always capable of coaching his team down to the opponents/into defeat)

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^Les Miles also sold his soul to the Devil, and I don't like to bet against the Devil.


I'd almost rather see Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, and Florida State join the SEC than Clemson. Texas A&M is kinda odd geographically but it's a big state school that fits otherwise. If expanding into new markets is the SEC's goal then I could see West Virginia and Virginia Tech making a lot of sense.


Picking South Carolina isn't that crazy, I think the SEC West is going to be so beat up by the championship game that anything could happen. I think people are sleeping on Florida a little in the East, they still have Demps and Rainey, and they both can still run....

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I don't think VT will roll thru the rest of the league as they normally do


VT/GT should be a great game.


Based on first weekend, VT's running game is where its at for us. Our defense will shape up as always under Bud, but GT worries me more the FSU.


I think whoever wins the GT/VT game will beat FSU in the championship.


ACC is much weaker then usual this year.

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^Yeah, it's probably a little over the line but it's just a fun joke and it's not like Peyton won't recover. He may not play this year, or again, but after a 12 year first ballot hall of fame caliber career how many more years did he have left anyways? Without him the Colts might be terrible this year, they could have close to the worst record in the league, then they'll draft Luck and be a contender again.


I have a lot of good friends who are Colts fans, and the Colts might be up there with Ohio State and Florida for the most obnoxious fans in pro sports. The joke was originally meant to poke fun at them for the years of abuse I've had to endure from them as a result of him being amazing.

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What game is everybody looking forward to this weekend?


I'm curious to see how Miss. State @ Auburn plays out. The line is Miss State -7, but I don't like anyone getting 7 points at Auburn even after Auburn almost blew it to Utah State. But then again I think Miss. State could be a real sleeper for the SEC and the National title this year.


South Carolina at Georgia should be a good game as well. Considering that Georgia isn't that good and SC for a change actually is you would think SC should win easy but things can get interesting in these "win to keep the coach's job" games.

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