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I miss all the Intamin Ag 1st Gen Free Falls!

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I have to agree with you on missing these 1st gens / wishing they would modernize and redevelop them.


I think modernizing it would ruin the experience... personally I think one of the things that makes them awesome is the look of the tower. Even though you know the ride is safe you can just picture it dropping the car down the shaft or having some other type of horrific accident because it looks like a complete piece of crap.


Again... I know the rides are safe and this won't happen, but I love rides that scare the crap out of you and make you feel unsafe even though in reality you couldn't be any more safe. In addition to this they do seem to have a better drop than any other towers except the Larson ones. I've said this quite a bit lately but I think Demon Drop is actually the best ride at Dorney after Talon and Thunder Creek Mountain*.


*If it's a log flume just assume I love it... don't judge me, lol. I don't belong to any coaster clubs but If someone here wants to make a quick 50-100 bucks just create a club called the American Log Flume enthusiasts and I'll pony up the membership fee... no questions asked, lol.

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^The "ker-chunk" is the sound the ride makes when it's trying to break your back. That being said, the 1st-generation Free Falls are a unique experience compared to the drop rides that followed and well worth checking out when you have the chance.

I was really looking forward to the "ker-chunk" when I went to Dorney and I have to say it didn't disappoint: it was just as violent and unpleasant as I thought it would be

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With the advancements Intamin has made since then, just imagine what they could do now if they decided to come back to the idea...


Why? The advancements that Intamin made were to move the concept of the free fall ride to one that didn't try and rape you at the bottom. They were/are fun rides but technology advancements has allowed Intamin and other companies to make a more enjoyable experience.

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I too miss the Intamin 1st Gen Freefalls! There was something so amazing about them that can never be recreated. The rides looked like an accident waiting to happen. But the experience was simply amazing. Rough, but amazing. The feeling on the drop is something that I have yet to experience on any other drop ride. Wish there were more of them out there.

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Why? The advancements that Intamin made were to move the concept of the free fall ride to one that didn't try and rape you at the bottom. They were/are fun rides but technology advancements has allowed Intamin and other companies to make a more enjoyable experience.


The only thing I could thing of is if that there is the potential to increase capacity since the loading and unloading is separate from the tide unlike modern towers.


Does anyone know he hourly throughput of the 1st gens.

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