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Osama Bin Laden killed by American forces

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I'm trying to decide which is more entertaining, watching an endless video reel of dbags getting tasered, or prodding conspiracy theorists with simple questions and kicking back with a beer to listen to the endless horsepoop they come up with?


I'll always take the tasers.


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From an engineering standpoint, you design a building to withstand a plane crash. There is no way one plane can take down a 110 story building.


WTC was designed to withstand an accidental crash of a smaller plane with a lower payload of gas. WTC was not designed to withstand this large an aircraft being purposefully used as a weapon. Did you notice that both planes came in on an angle to maximize structural damage? That was not an accident or a coincidence.


As far as people pointing out that Bin Laden had no weapon, I feel as long as he had the ability to communicate he had a weapon.

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As far as people pointing out that Bin Laden had no weapon, I feel as long as he had the ability to communicate he had a weapon.

Interesting. I feel at some point, people have to realize that the USA is not actually all unicorns-and-rainbows, despite what ignorant citizens may belief. Having said that, I also feel that crazy conspiracy theories are definitely not the answer. Anyone who believes so needs to take a deep breath and truly analyze the situation.

My take:

The USA did the right thing in taking him out, regardless of whether he was armed or not. Taking him alive could potentially lead to much greater problems. The course the administration is taking is a very solid one, following through on US politics while minimizing the odds of additional problems.


For everyone with crazy ideas and opinions, you are fully entitled to them, as am I. Please realize that the people in charge are very good at what they do, and have years of experience that we don't have as the general population. Really.

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As far as people pointing out that Bin Laden had no weapon, I feel as long as he had the ability to communicate he had a weapon.


From what I've heard, they're now saying that he had at least one gun close to the door of the room he was in, and was apparently moving toward it when the SEALs shot him. Not sure how concrete or true that is, but it's just what I heard from CNN today.

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There is a reason way the Seals attacked the compound at 1:00am+ in the morning (Or whatever) It's to catch the occupants(Scumbag terrorists) off-guard.


Thank God none of the Navy Seals were killed. It was pretty much a 'perfect' operation. They caught the enemy at a time when they were half asleep, and decimated them!


Osama is dead! Thats all that matters. One pathic terrorist on the USA 'list', that needed to go. There are many others, but he was a figure head, and I'm glad he's gone.


To all of the others who will 'replace him' YOUR NEXT!!!


Because Seal Teams don't hesitate! They eliminate! These guys are obsoletely the best at what they do.

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Eh, not necessarily. But I do believe we arent being told everything. From an engineering standpoint, you design a building to withstand a plane crash. There is no way one plane can take down a 110 story building. There is way to much more on how I believe that Osama had nothing to do with 9/11. I still see no hard evidence. The video of "Osama" saying that he did it clearly wasn't Osama. We know the 'terrorists' that were on the planes are still alive. After I lost two friends in the towers, I became more intrigued with the matter.


Yeah... Because the US government would totally love to weaken their own economy, weaken their own country, kill thousands of their own citizens, and waste valuable time/tax money to pull a stunt like this off. If something of this size & scale was to true, it would create a massive PR nightmare for the government, something that the government hasn't really tried too hard keeping under wraps. Outside of the images of Osama's corpse, the government doesn't seem to be hiding anything anyway.

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This should not be a joyous celebration- but rather, a somber end to a long, painful and emotionally destroying decade in American history. The memory of those we lost should be what's remembered- not the death of a man who murdered so many.


Nicely stated!


We were at the Kings Dominion campground having cocktails by the campfire when this guy came up and told us.It seemed like he was ready to shoot a gun in the sky or light fireworks or something. I think he was disappointed when we didn't get up and start dancing a jig or hoot & holler.

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I think this whole thing just proves how dumb the terrorists really are.


Think about this. Had they come out and said that Osama is still alive and that the Americans killed a decoy it would have brought so much mistrust and conspiracy theories to our already divided country and would have freaked everyone out. Instead they just admitted that we did kill him. They totally missed a big opportunity with that one!

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