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The Official East Coast Bash 2011 Thread!

Are you interested in East Coast Bash at Hersheypark?  

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  1. 1. Are you interested in East Coast Bash at Hersheypark?

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Less than an hour away! AWESOME!

I don't know if I brought this to attention yet, but this date is also the date for the NASCAR race up at Pocono. This could very well eliminate alot of the crowd from the park!!!

I hope so, but I doubt it. Sunday in August? It will be full regardless!

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^ I saw! Look forward to seeing you there!


As far as loose articles go, *usually* the parks during ERT will allow you to put your stuff on the sides of the trains, BUT, I always tell people be prepared *just in case* if they want to put your stuff in a locker somewhere....

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I am so torn on whether to register now or wait another week. I have 4 entries into various contests to win a trip to Hershey. One of them is a Pocono race weekend special with tickets to the park and an all weekend exclusive to the NASCAR race that same weekend! My wife is actually wanting to sign up........she has no idea what would be in store for her!!! LAMO Hanging with a bunch of crazies!!!!!

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Man, I wish I could make this. Any day but the 7th...stupid mandatory Sunday night meeting! HP is a blast, and it's almost impossible to ride all the coasters without ERT.


Hope you guys have a good time....and I hope the weather cooperates. My last trip saw about 2 hours of down time due to storms in the area.

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I am so torn on whether to register now or wait another week. I have 4 entries into various contests to win a trip to Hershey. One of them is a Pocono race weekend special with tickets to the park and an all weekend exclusive to the NASCAR race that same weekend! My wife is actually wanting to sign up........she has no idea what would be in store for her!!! LAMO Hanging with a bunch of crazies!!!!!


Just ordered our tickets oh BTW what does "LAMO" stand for?

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Just booked for myself and my family. This will be our first event as a family! We are very excited! Anyone else booked with kids? Mine are 6 and 9 years old.....


Yep! We're going with our 6 and 3 year old boys. The older one is psyched he can ride more coasters this time (since he's broken the 48" barrier from Reese's to Hershey bar)!

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Just booked for myself and my family. This will be our first event as a family! We are very excited! Anyone else booked with kids? Mine are 6 and 9 years old.....


Yep! We're going with our 6 and 3 year old boys. The older one is psyched he can ride more coasters this time (since he's broken the 48" barrier from Reese's to Hershey bar)!


Both of ours have broken the 48" mark, but the oldest just broke the 54" mark as is super excited to try bigger coasters. I noticed you live in Milton - we are just up the road in Rockwood. My wife and I met at Vista Way when we worked in the Canada Pavillion in 94-95. When were you there? PM me if you want.

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Just got our tickets squared away!!!! WOOHOOO 1st TPR trip ever, looking forward to a fun day. Is anyone staying overnight around the area. I was wondering how hotels were with the race going on right up the road. I wanted to make a day of it, but the wifey is afraid to let me drive back home! Looking for el cheapo hotel for a few hours. She wants Marriott, I could settle for Red Carpet Inn again. That was an experience to never be remembered anytime soon LMAO!!!!

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