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Cedar Point

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I need to know if I should stay at a vacation rental or Breakers Express, also what are the rates for Breakers Express


I don't know, should I buy a Chevy Cruze? It might be helpful if you shared some of your needs, otherwise the answer to your question is possibly.

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I'm sorry, is the early entry worth paying more, or should I just go in with the crowds. I've never been to Cedar Point, so I need to know how to get the most rides in. I also wouldn't mind knowing some underrated rides I wouldn't normally go to.

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You will get a lot of different opinions, but here is mine.


I always recommend two days at the park if you have never been there before and want to ride everything. Two days is also a necessity if you have children with you. You gain entry into the park one hour before everyone else if you stay at the CP property or if you have a season pass. Even when I have a season pass I prefer to stay on site, without a season pass I would definitely stay on site. Staying on site gives you a chance to relax midday, or makes it easy to change close if you get drenched on a water ride and gives you someplace to retreat to if you are with children. A little break during the day makes it easier on the body to stay in the park until close. Always take advantage of the early morning entry to get the popular coasters out of the way, also if the park still allows you to enter lines right up until closing time, enter the Millennium Force queue 15 minutes before the park closes. I also find the motels in Sandusky to be run down.


The only non-coaster that I consider a must is Cedar Downs, the only properly functioning Derby Racer left in the world.

Edited by larrygator
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Also, Do you think spending a little extra money is worth it for Hotel breakers or sandcastle suites?


That depends greatly on when you plan on going.


If you're going in May, the price difference is minimal. But if you're going in peak season the price difference is pretty big.


Staying on site is really nice, as it means being able to walk to your room. But if you're staying mid summer that could mean an extra hundred or more a night.

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Is the early entry worth paying more, or should I just go in with the crowds. I've never been to Cedar Point, so I need to know how to get the most rides in.


I have only been to Cedar Point once, and only had one day at the park, so others probably have better advice. However, I stayed at one of the Cedar Point hotels (Castaway Bay) and found the early entry to definitely be worth it. If you are only going for one day, it is probably a good idea to take advantage of early admission if you can. If you've got more than that, you likely won't need it. In addition, you get an admission discount if you stay on-site.


I visited on a weekday in late August, but I'm guessing early June is probably similar crowd-wise. As for getting the most attractions in, here is what we did. We started out by entering the Magnum gate and doing Maverick first during early entry, then we rode Millennium Force. At this point, it was almost time for the park to officially open, so we tried to beat the crowd to Top Thrill Dragster. It worked somewhat, bue due to rollbacks, a train addition delay, and partial loading due to wind our wait was two hours. If we had got off this earlier we would have gone to Magnum, then headed over to the Wicked Twister Midway until lunch. Instead, we grabbed lunch after TTD, then went to the Wicked Twister Midway to find Wicked Twister was broken. From here, we went Main Midway, Frontier Trail, Frontier Town, Top Thrill Dragster Midway, visiting each ride in each area that we wanted to do. We then went back to Wicked Twister, then ended the day with a ride on Magnum. We were able to get on all of the coasters (except the two kiddies), plus around ten non-coaster rides. Other than our two hour wait at TTD, nothing else except Mantis and Magnum was longer than about twenty minutes (those were still only about a half-hour). Most of the non-coaster rides were walk-ons.


This plan would probably work, but I would advise against waiting for TTD before the end of the day if they are not loading all rows or are not running at least five trains. Also, you could probably go around the park in either direction, but visiting attractions as you go is usually the best strategy, especially since Cedar Point is a big park.


If you've got more than one day, you probably don't need too much of a plan. You'll have enough time to do everything.


Also is Mean streak worth a ride at all, or is it a crap ride?


I would only ride Mean Streak if you want the credit and/or if there is no line. It isn't the worst wooden coaster out there, but it is pretty bad. The break on the first drop kills that hill, but there is one other good hill in the ride. The rest of it is boring and shaky. Sit toward the front and in the front row of a car for a slightly smoother ride.


Are there any coasters that I should take a look at other than TTD, Mav, MF, Raptor, WT, and Magnum?


Cedar Point has one other must ride coaster (at least in my opinion)...Gemini. It may not look like much, but it is actually a really fun ride. It wasn't racing when we were there, but if it is racing don't miss it.


I also wouldn't mind knowing some underrated rides I wouldn't normally go to.


Here is a list of the non-coaster rides I rode and thought would be worth doing again:


-Cedar Downs Racing Derby


-Power Tower


-Snake River Falls


The park also has a train, a couple water rides and a few car rides, but most of the other non-coaster rides are pretty standard. You might also want to try Windseeker.

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I visited CP the past summer and stayed at Castaway Bay. The water park for Castaway Bay was very nice the rooms.. not so much. It sorta looked like a motel with a water park attached. The early entry was very nice as we rode Millennium Force one day and Maverick the other. We went to the park til 5 for 2 days. We got most of the coasters in excluding Raptor and Wildcat for some reason and a few of the flats. We went during the week in early July and it was packed. 2 days should be more than enough but I suggest shelling out a bit more money for another CP hotel.

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Which do you think I should stay at: Breakers Express, Sandcastle suites, Lighthouse Point, Hotel Breakers, or a vacation rental. I may have up to 8 people. Also, if I stay off site where can i get discounted tix, I am not a member of AAA or AARP

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How much do you want to spend?


There are pro's and con's of all the options you listed. If you want cheap, pick Express or a non-resort hotel. If you don't mind spending some money pick one of the on site hotels like Breakers or Sandcastle.


If those 8 people are all adults, one Lighthouse point cabin would probably be too crowded. Though if a bunch of those 8 are kids, then you might be able to do it.


The park will have a free coupon book that you can request via the website. There are admission discounts in there.

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I, too am planning a visit to Cedar Point this year. I'm planning on going mid week at the end of May. After calling many motels in the area I have found that the best place for me to stay is probably the Breakers Express. Cedar Point does have their pricing available now. At Breakers Express for Mid week the rate was $84 a night. I'm planning on spending 4 nights, 3 days at the park. Total room w/ tax was $376. 3 people going to park for 3 days was a total of $270. $30 per person per day. Total comes to about $650. plus if you stay on the property it does give you the extra hr. Plus you get a parking voucher which is a savings of $10 a day. The cheapest motel in the area I found was about $70 a night. Not worth it now that your price for the park will be more plus the parking. Since you are going in June the price may be alot more expensive on the property and could be better to stay off site and get a two day pass at the gate for about $76.00 Have FUN!!



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Cool, thanks! If anyone else has opinions, please let me know. Also is Mean streak worth a ride at all, or is it a crap ride? Are there any coasters that I should take a look at other than TTD, Mav, MF, Raptor, WT, and Magnum?


Trust me Mean Streak is terrible and getting worse every year. One woody you need to ride is Blue Streak. I absolutely love it. Gemini is also fun and Sky Hawk always scares the $hit out of me every time I ride it. One last one if you like "ear boxing" - Mantis by Millie. All those rides will keep you busy.

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^I agree on Blue Streak. It's such an overlooked ride, but it's so fun! I still think Mean Streak is good for a ride though. It will probably kill a few brain cells, but it's still fun in certain respects.


I personally think all of the coasters at CP are totally worth a ride. Some coasters less than others, but if you are able, get all the credits in the park. They're all worth it.

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I've ridden Mean Streak enough times in every row to know where the best seats are and how to enjoy it. Sit in the front half of the train in the front row of the car that you are in. If you follow that simple rule I honestly think you would enjoy the ride. The rule actually applies to most other woodies as well from what I have experienced! Don't skip Mean Streak just because people say it's terrible; I've ridden it so many times and I've really enjoyed each time.

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^I was just going to say that. I think when someone new to the Point asks, there's always a barrage of skip Mean Streak. it's not a favourite, but I've never found it as rough as everyone says.


I say stay the two days, and just go apesh*t dude...and the most importantly...have fun.

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