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  1. Alright, I haven't posted in a while, but I booked rooms at breakers express and bought tickets to coastermania. I am now in a coaster club so I am in for Coastermania, I would like to know if anybody knows how long the lines are going to be at ERT. Also, do you think I should go to the Kinzel keynote and the film festival.
  2. I'm going to Coastermania 2011, does anybody know about the lines at ERT? I feel that they are at the most 20 min. right?
  3. The place sold out we're going to Castaway bay
  4. Also is there possibly a discount for just waterpark passes?
  5. I'm going to Kalahari sandusky this saturday and I'm wondering what the lines and rides are like
  6. I am likely going to SFOG for opening day!!! Does anybody know what the lines are like? Also, has there been anything new other than DDD
  7. I'm staying at Breakers Express. I need to know what is in the game room. I enjoy playing ping pong and pool and air hockey.
  8. I just found out that I am probably going to Coastermania!!!!
  9. Which do you think I should stay at: Breakers Express, Sandcastle suites, Lighthouse Point, Hotel Breakers, or a vacation rental. I may have up to 8 people. Also, if I stay off site where can i get discounted tix, I am not a member of AAA or AARP
  10. Also, Do you think spending a little extra money is worth it for Hotel breakers or sandcastle suites?
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