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Alright, I haven't posted in a while, but I booked rooms at breakers express and bought tickets to coastermania. I am now in a coaster club so I am in for Coastermania, I would like to know if anybody knows how long the lines are going to be at ERT. Also, do you think I should go to the Kinzel keynote and the film festival.

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Alright, I haven't posted in a while, but I booked rooms at breakers express and bought tickets to coastermania. I am now in a coaster club so I am in for Coastermania, I would like to know if anybody knows how long the lines are going to be at ERT. Also, do you think I should go to the Kinzel keynote and the film festival.


The lines in the past have been almost as bad as they were durring the day.


The Q&A meetings are always fun, and as far as the film festival goes...it just depends on if that kind of thing interests you.

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