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McDiet - or Why "Super Size Me" is totally stupid


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Ok, so I have to go off on a rant here....


I am so sick of hearing people say "Oh, I'm NEVER eating at McDonalds again after seeing Super Size Me."


I'm sorry, but anyone that believes that is a moron. *ANYTHING* can make you fat! And *ALL* foods, be it fast food, a fancy restaurant, or home cooked meals are going to have elements in them that probably aren't good for you. So why is this McDonald's fault? It's not.


I'm sure going to Olive Garden and eating fettucini Alfredo for 30 days is probably WORSE than going to McDonalds!


So here is a woman that I actually have a lot of respect for. She was equally as insulted at idiot Morgan Spurlock and she decided to prove his film wrong! So she LOST 37 pounds after eating nothing but McDonalds for *90* days!


Of course does she get a movie? No. Because American's would much rather point the finger at something else and blame McDonald's for making them fat than being able to admit "I made me fat."


This is that lack of personal responsiblity issue that American's have that I always talk about and why we'll never have cool rope or obstacle courses at parks in this country.


*sigh* Anyway, this is only my opinion and accoring to some people, I'm probably wrong.




Anyway, here's the link to the article:



Inspired by the documentary ''Super Size Me,'' Merab Morgan decided to give a fast-food-only diet a try. The construction worker and mother of two ate only at McDonald's for 90 days -- and dropped 37 pounds.


It was a vastly different outcome from what happened in the documentary to filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, who put on 30 pounds and saw his health deteriorate after 5,000 calories a day of nothing but McDonald's food.


Morgan, from Raleigh, said the documentary unfairly targeted the world's largest restaurant company, implying the obese were victims of a careless corporate giant.


People are responsible for what they eat, she said, not restaurants. The problem with a McDonald's-only diet isn't what's on the menu but choices made from it, she said.


So the next person you hear say "Oh, I'm never going to McDonalds again after seeing that movie" just tell them they are an idiot and it's their fault we don't get cool rides at amusement parks!!!



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I saw this on the "Today" show this morning. She ate only the sandwiches and a Diet Coke. It seems the fatty things at McDonald's are the fries and regular Cokes!


In "Super Size Me," one of the rules was that Morgan Spurlock had to eat everything on the McD's menu at least once, so he probably ate a lot of the fattier stuff on the menu.


Also -- we look at Elissa who eats McD's 24/7 it seems and she is so skinny! Robb, on the other hand, is a different story.

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Robb, I agree with you 100% regarding personal responsibility in this country. Working in the insurance industry has taught me a great deal. 'it's not my fault i ran over that kid and killed him, he should've seen me crossing the sidewalk in my Jimmy.' said by a woman that killed a 4 yr old in front of his house on a bike, after jumping a curb.


McD's is like any other food place: if you eat too much, you eat too much.

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^ I disagree 100%.


Kristi has lost 70 lbs since last September. Sure if you go back to eating crap and eat nothing but red meat it can be bad. But if you cut down your carbs and eat healthy there is no problem with it.


It depends on the person. Some people can do Atkins, some can't. I tried, I couldn't so I just cut down on fats and sweets and have lost 35 lbs.


But don't bash something that works well for others.

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I agree that we are responsible for what we do, eat, act, etc. Every time you point blame at someone/something/or corporate giant, you are pointing 3 fingers back at you. Don't go pointing fingers at everything else. Look inward first.


As for the diet, I am working with that Intamin Diet Plan. After going to Cedar Point and having difficulty getting the seat belt buckled on TTD and MF, I figured I needed to lose some weight. I have dropped just over 20 pounds since the middle of June. I am getting into the gym in the morning and watching what I eat. Getting below 200 is just around the corner.


Here's to making goals, keeping goals, and sticking with goals!

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I'm never eating McDonalds again.


Of course, that's because I read Fast Food Nation. Now I understand that Fast Food Nation and Supersize Me, and even this article are extremes of their own category, but after reading Fast Food Nation, seeing Supersize me, and thinking about it I decided to never eat there again. Lasted a while, ate there a few weeks ago, but before that I hadn't eaten there since Finding Nemo came out and we went to get the toys hahahaha.


I think that it shouldn't be I'm not eating McDonalds after seeing Supersize me, I think that it should be I'm not eating McDonalds after seeing Supersize me, reading this article, and thinking about whether I want to or not.

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I dont do any diet, i just eat anything till im full. I swim like 4-5 hours a day so of course I live of carbs. In one day I will eat......

-3 big bowls of cerial

-Pasta for lunch

-Rice and chicken for supper

-and tons of other carbs through out the day


I do this and i loss tons of weight. When i started swim I was 245, then after i was 189. But then again, its probaly the swimming.

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But don't bash something that works well for others.

He wasn't "bashing" anyone. He was simply stating that the diet he chose worked well for him, but the diet his dad chose didn't.


--Robb "Don't bash someone for bashing unless they have actually bashed said basher!" Alvey

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I mentioned this on a similar thread the other day.


You can eat at McDonalds, Arbys, or Taco Bell on a daily basis, it all comes down to calories.


Just intake less calories then you burn. If your normal metabolism burns lets say 2200 calories a day, you just need to consume less than that amount.


With that Supersize Me movie, he was eating HUGH combo meal portions, I mean nobody needs to have a Supersized 1500 calorie lunch!


When it comes to watching your Carbs, what matters most is the type of carbs. Complex sources are your better choices, and if you can cut down on your simple carbs (Sugar/White flour products) it does help.


I think these lawsuits people like to file because they are overweight are ridiculous. If you CHOSE to eat a High Sugar, High Fat, High Junk Diet, thats your choice! Live with it! It's a free country!


You cant blame Krispy Kremes for your excess pounds, when your the one who chose to purchase their product.


It's all about personal responsibility, and sadly all to often people want to blame anyone but themselves for their choices in life.


Go McDonalds!

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I don't eat it very often because I get the Mcfarts and Mcstumach Aches and generally fill rough in the stumach after eating them. It's al down to personal choice. The good thing to come out of Super Size me etc... is that people are a little more aware of how fatty some of the foods are and perhaps are making a bit better judgement. But your right this isn't a Mcdonalds issue.... It's a fastfood/unhealthy food issue and people just eating to much of the wrong stuff. The best thing is a balanced diet and that can include fastfood in moderation

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Eh, I say everything's good as long as it's in moderation. I've got a fine weight, although now I have to be on Fatkin's because of water polo.... eh. It's not like diet drinks suck.... I like Diet Sprite Zero.... tastes like normal Sprite.... in fact, it probably is normal Sprite only with a higher price, different name, and no Thrist.

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Fatkins. That's funny.


Let's not forget the psychological element to being overweight.


Read something today which sort of registered with me. Some people get dogmatic about 'finishing their plates' because it would please their parents etc. as a kid and it can stick with you through adulthood if you aren't 'aware' of it.


Some people thus don't want to waste food and their bodies will absorb a lot more from the food (instead of physically waste it, like through crapping). Some call this metabolism, others call it another way your parents can eff you up.


Sorry, thought it was interesting point.


Personally, I love McDonalds food, a good wendy's combo meal (w. bacon) and their frosty. I'm getting into Taco Bell now. Pretty much any food is decent I imagine.



I used to exercise like a whore in college. But now, there aren't any decent pools where I live.


Me hates running, so I don't know what to do, I only like to swim.


Oh there we go. I'll do the 'Blizzard Beach' diet and visit Blizzard Beach during the day to burn off those evil fat roles.


BTW kuddos Supercrack to you and your wife. I noticed in one of your trip photos you'd trimmed up a bit. Great job.



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