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Tips about RnR?

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Actually Rock n Roller Coaster is a great starting inversion coaster. While it is fast the inversions are very quick and smooth. I highly recommend that you sit in either the first or second cars (you actually can choose where you sit, just ask one of the ride operators). The back cars are more intense (in the inversions) than the front ones. Also the actual coaster section of the ride is less than 90 seconds. One question: Is it the speed or the inversions that are making you nervous?

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^Actuially no its not that bad of a launch. You feel a little jolt at the very start of the launch and after that you dont feel much. But yeah it's most likely the smoothest Vekoma out there, and probably because they deny building it! But give it a go, they count down the launch so you wont be shocked when it goes, and the front row line is really short but you have to be riding with somebody in order to get it. Have fun and try ToT aswell!


Colin C

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The launch is over so quickly, you hardly notice it. It's a great adrenalin rush being pushed back into your seat. Once you do it the first time, you get used to the G-forces and the launch. One of my friend's kids was really nervous about Space Mountain and Rock 'N' Rollercoaster at Disneyland Paris, but after she did them once, she loved them to bits. Bringing yourself to do it is the hardest part, but once you do it makes all the effort worth it.

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RnRC was my first "real" roller coaster. I was so nervous I almost started to cry once I got in the seat. But once it took off...




I was having so much fun. I highly recommend you ride it. The launch looks intimidating at first, but once you're on it, you'll love it. If you don't, you can blame me.


Oh yeah, and I was seven when I rode it for the first time, so it's like it's coming from someone younger than you. Of course it's not. I just noticed I'm 3 months and 7 days older than you.

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I am a 30+ year old mom and I absolutely loved this ride. Don't worry about the launch... it's a different "feeling", that sudden exceleration, but nothing horrible. Just remember to sit with your head back like they tell you to (this is me being a mom) because that's where people end up being sorry, their heads go slamming back.



Shari "Now watch, this poor kid'll be the next one to croak and it will all be our fault" Shoufler


(only kidding )

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Ok, I just wanted to take a moment here to point out how well written RCTInfinity's posts have been for a 10 year old. Unlike other younger posters like "It", who I finally had to suspend his posting ablity, you would never know that he's only 10 years old!


Oh, and yeah, RnR is a lot of fun, nothing to be nervous about.


--Robb "I just wanted to point that out." Alvey

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Hey RCT,


As every1 else has said RnR is pretty gd, My younger sister went on it last year for the 1st time, She was 8 years old and it turned her into a total Coaster Junkie....We had to ride it at least 5 times before we left and it helped her to go on some bigger rides 2!


Let us know how u get on


C x

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The launch is the most intense part of the ride, and it is over in seconds. The weird feeling is that your stomach feels like it is left behind for a moment, but it goes by so fast, it really is nothing to worry about.


Just keep telling yourself "I'm ok," over and over again, if you start feeling nervous or scared. Before you know it, you'll be laughing and enjoying yourself.

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Ok, I just wanted to take a moment here to point out how well written RCTInfinity's posts have been for a 10 year old. Unlike other younger posters like "It", who I finally had to suspend his posting ablity, you would never know that he's only 10 years old!


Oh, and yeah, RnR is a lot of fun, nothing to be nervous about.


--Robb "I just wanted to point that out." Alvey


Hey! I was 10 on these boards when I joined! You never said that about me! No fair!

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I went through this with Wildfire @ Silver Dollar City when I was your age. I got tips and everything but its really all up to you. Walking through that entrance is the hardest part. Your heart is racing and you're probably nervous. But when it's over I almost guaruntee you'll be wanting to ride again.

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Wow, how many times have I had this feeling about coasters when I was like six? If you keep on saying that you're going to do it and you actually get your butt in the seat (which sometimes takes a lot of courage), you'll feel nervous, but by the end of the ride, you'll love it. Oh, have you ever been on a launched coaster?

Brent "best of luck" Shenton 8)

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RnRC was my first "real" roller coaster. I was so nervous I almost started to cry once I got in the seat. But once it took off...




I was having so much fun. I highly recommend you ride it. The launch looks intimidating at first, but once you're on it, you'll love it. If you don't, you can blame me.


Oh yeah, and I was seven when I rode it for the first time, so it's like it's coming from someone younger than you.


My thoughts exactly, including it being my first "real" coaster. Only difference is, I was 10 when it happened.

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I did this when I was 11. I loved it. I really like the theming at the station.

As people have said, there is a count-down on the launch. You hear them screaming in your ears 3...2...1. After that, it doesnt seem to last long. I find that it goes over quickly.


I highly recommend it. I love the back seat.


Ryan " Why is it so smooth?" Berry

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their is so much else going on like music and effects the ride isnt very intense but fun. you go through a doughnut! as for the launch, its awsome the 3 2 1 really gets you pumped and you have plenty of time to get ready for it. besides the launch only lasts about a second and your on the main part of the ride.

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