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Video Game Systems


Should I hold designated weeks to talk about certain systems?  

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  1. 1. Should I hold designated weeks to talk about certain systems?

    • Yes, do so
    • No, that's a bad idea

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Here's where people can talk about any game system.


First, I will NOT have any PS3 vs. XBox 360 fights, wars, or any flaming. Only civilized debates are acceptable.


Second, you can talk about games, but the game should be related to the week's system.


Third and final, have fun.


This week: N64, PS1, & Dreamcast (Even though it was between generations)

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What is a console exactly then, isnt it just a computer with an advaanced graphics card for gaming. I know nothing of computers or gaming systems besides liking to play them, and the only games I play frequently are guitar hero, Roller coaster tycoon 2, and on occasion Halo 3.

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What is a console exactly then, isnt it just a computer with an advaanced graphics card for gaming. I know nothing of computers or gaming systems besides liking to play them, and the only games I play frequently are guitar hero, Roller coaster tycoon 2, and on occasion Halo 3.

A gaming console is essentially a computer that is dedicated to playing games.


A regular computer is dedicated to doing multiple tasks: running software, playing games, surfing the Internet, watch movies, etc... over an operating system.


The PS3; however is dedicated to playing games and only playing games. Sure you can go online, run an operating system, and play movies, but the PS3's main focus is games.


Let's give another example...

A Commodore 64 is an example of a computer. Although it has its share of games, the C64 is designed run other software applications as well.


In contrast, the Atari 2600 and the NES are both game consoles because both are computers designed to play games and only games.

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Yes, I own both (Craiglist yo!) And the Wii? well that just sits in the corner and crys.


I used to own all three as well, but my cousin moved out and took our Ps3. I got to keep the Xbox though so that's fine...and my Wii does the same thing


Well, the novelty kinda ran out. So, I only use it when I have partys or something

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I've played Xbox a couple times with friends but can't stand the controllers. I also don't want to buy a system that has known a known failure called the Ring of Death.


I'm quite happy with my PS3 and my game collection is growing pretty nicely.


In all, I have a PS, PS2, PS3 and N64 in my room. Only the PS2, PS3, and N64 are set up though.

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^Agreed. it looks so ridiculous but once you start playing with it it's somehow really nice. on a side note, I love the gamecube as a system altogether. Mine has dropped off of 4 foot counters/shelves and kept playing through these experiences making it by far the most durable system I have ever owned.

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My 360's been doing some stuff that scared the crap out of me at first.


Like, I keep all my games in a basket right next to the console, so I pulled the basket out one day and I guess it pushed half of the console's faceplate loose, I freaked out. It just pops back into place, luckily.


Then, the other day, for about 3 seconds, it made this freakishly loud whirring noise during a sorta extended Mass Effect session (maybe about 3 hours).


And the little cover for the USB slots? Yeah, it's stuck down. Won't come back up for some reason.


But other than that, my 360's been working beautifully. No problems for 8 months!

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As of right now I'm using the Wii, however after finals are done and I have some time, I plan to pick up a PS3. I don't play that much (maybe a few hours a week) so I don't think I really would qualify as a "gamer" but I'm still excited for the upgrade.

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I was one of those people who was 100% anti-PS3. I thought it was an over-priced, over-blown, useless system that I would never buy.


Until ... I got a GREAT deal on a PS3 ($170 at GameStop including extra controller, Blu-Ray Remote, 2 games and warranty when I used some gift-cards and traded in my PS2).


Now ... I'm still not convinced on it's merit's as a "Gaming" system as we only have 2 games on it for now. We got some games for Christmas which I'm looking forward to playing then.


But I AM convinced on it's merit's as a Blu-Ray player (wasn't sure I'd notice the difference, buy do I) and as an entertainment console. We have music on it, pictures on it ... and now that it has NETFLIX capabilities, we have cancelled all of our premium cable movie channels and have been going crazy with it.


As far as games are concerned, for the games that I play, the Wii is still the best system. Although I am excited to play the CoD games on my PS3 soon!!!

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