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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

P. 410: Discovery Meadow details revealed!

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Yes you should do the water park first. When I did Deluge by my self there were two people on a raft waiting and they just put me in the back, so it shouldn't be to hard. Tornado is a different story as you would have to find someone before you get to the top of the slide.

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Ok guys...I have a question. I will be going to kentucky kingdom on monday! My problem is im gonna be alone and really want to do the water park, since im sorta a water park fanatic. Is it hard finding people to team up with on slides like deluge and the family raft/tornado slides? Also, from what I have read here, its better to do the water park at opening correct?


I was thinking about going Monday, I also will be by myself and Love the Waterpark, let me know if you would like to hang out.

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Thanks!...well noted...


Am I confused but does the park also have a drop box slide or am I making things up?


They have Deep Water Dive, the tallest Body Slide in America, it's a Drop Capsule. I've rode it about 20 times and it's a blast.

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I think it would be much easier finding a group for Deluge than for a slide like Tornado or Plummet Summit. There's plenty of other slides for single riders anyways, in case you never get to any of those. And yes, hit the water park first thing in the morning, and I recommend doing Deep Water Dive first thing as well. Shortest lines that'll allow plenty of re-rides if you choose.


I'm also glad to hear they loved it! Also makes me wish I was on the New Hotness tour, but alas, I had things to do.

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Kentucky Kingdom made a free app that is available in the App Store that has an interactive map, helps you remember where you parked your car, and keeps track of your friends in the park, and notifies you of in park deals. All you have to do is search Kentucky Kingdom and it will be the first one. It is pretty useful and should help people with the confusing layout.

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I have two questions to get a conversation going:


1. I've heard lots of enthusiasts rave about how awesome Lightning Run is. Where does it rank on your list of favorite coasters among others?


2. If RMC does a transformation of Twisted Twins, do you think they would use Topper Track rather than I-Box track to keep it a wooden coaster?

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Myself, at about a 30 minute drive when I'm not at college. Lightning Run is #10 on my overall list currently. I'm very, very certain some folks who've been on more coasters have probably ranked it higher.


Edit: Not a big difference, but I'm 25 minutes away actually.

Edited by Midgetman82
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I have two questions to get a conversation going:


1. I've heard lots of enthusiasts rave about how awesome Lightning Run is. Where does it rank on your list of favorite coasters among others?


2. If RMC does a transformation of Twisted Twins, do you think they would use Topper Track rather than I-Box track to keep it a wooden coaster?


Well, I dont have a list, per say, but it was a really good solid ride. I read people say its similar to a mega-lite, i have never been on a mega-light. I felt the restraints were a bit tight but going over those hills were pure ejector.


If RMC does take on twisted twins, they have their work cut out for them. The ride is in shambles with trees growing thru the track and all.

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I have two questions to get a conversation going:


1. I've heard lots of enthusiasts rave about how awesome Lightning Run is. Where does it rank on your list of favorite coasters among others?


2. If RMC does a transformation of Twisted Twins, do you think they would use Topper Track rather than I-Box track to keep it a wooden coaster?


It's definitely way up on mine. I'd say it's on par with The Raven at Holiday World. Just a really fun ride from start to finish. It's cool how the lift is right next to the road, so you can see it really well as you enter the park. On the downside, it is a little short, and the landscaping around it is atrocious. Hopefully that gets remedied in the coming years. I had no problems with the restraints. They're tight, but I didn't find them too uncomfotable. The back of the train is the best place to ride. It's violently intense.


I don't care what they use for the twins. I would imagine that they'll use whichever is cheaper honestly. That ride was never very good so I'm excited to see what they do with it. It's pretty big and I'm actually surprised they're keeping it since it's been so long since it's operated. Plus they could replace it with a good sized coaster. It doesn't look that bad honestly, I'm sure the steel hybrid structures hold up a little better than wood.

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Depends what day you go and what time you do them. LR can usually top off a 45-50 minute wait, but the line shortens to anywhere between 30-40 minutes around 2-3pm since most people are in the waterpark. I'm pretty certain Thunder Run is about the same since it runs only 1 train.

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Thunder Run is typically a walk-on during the week. Lightning run is usually no longer than an hour and will get closer and closer to a station wait as the day goes on. It only runs one train during the week though, so the line moves painfully slow.

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I've heard lots of enthusiasts rave about how awesome Lightning Run is. Where does it rank on your list of favorite coasters among others?


It's in my top ten steel. It's a fantastic smooth zippy little ride with lots of airtime and directional changes. I actually like it better than the one mega-lite I've been on, but I know I'm in the minority in that opinion. I thought the trains were comfortable, but I did hear some people (especially taller people) who thought the trains were uncomfortable.

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Yeah, I noticed that too, but Six Flags does that all the time with their advertising. It is on the verge of false advertising if you ask me.


Cedar Fair uses "stock footage" all the time in their promotions just like Six Flags. Let's pick on Six Flags for more important things such as their inconsistent enforcement of park polices, lack of cleanliness, or poor guest service.

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