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Six Flags Great America (SFGAm) Discussion Thread

p. 513 - Wrath of Rakshasa dive coaster announced for 2025!

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The Thing about the Dark Knight that I don't like if you don't count:


- Wrong Demographics to the Movie

- Bad/ No Theming

- Unthemed Queue Line

- Confusing Pre-Show

- Cheap Props

- Bad Capacity

- Slow Moving Lines

- Construction Delays

- Wrong Demographics for the Ride (High Intense Ride)

- Dark in Several Sections

Is that the ride is a Wild Mouse. We already have that and its called Ragin Cajun (I know its a Spinning Coaster but still)

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^ I will agree that the ride was marketed absolutely horribly and the pre-show was too scary for a Wild Mouse's demographic. However I disagree with pretty much everything else.

-The queue is themed, maybe not extremely themed, but there is theming. For unthemed queue, see Ragin' Cajun

-Construction delays happen. But holding it against the ride is just stupid. I guess you also dislike Deja Vu, Vertical Velocity, and Ragin' Cajun.


As for it being a Wild Mouse, yes, we already have one. The difference is The Dark Knight Coaster works effectively and runs as designed, and because it is indoors, it doesn't shut down for weather. May I suggest we remedy this 2 Wild Mouse issue by sending the poorly designed horrid capacity Ragin' Cajun to SFA with Iron Wolf

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  SFGAm Shock Wave said:
^ I will agree that the ride was marketed absolutely horribly and the pre-show was too scary for a Wild Mouse's demographic. However I disagree with pretty much everything else.

-The queue is themed, maybe not extremely themed, but there is theming. For unthemed queue, see Ragin' Cajun

-Construction delays happen. But holding it against the ride is just stupid. I guess you also dislike Deja Vu, Vertical Velocity, and Ragin' Cajun.


As for it being a Wild Mouse, yes, we already have one. The difference is The Dark Knight Coaster works effectively and runs as designed, and because it is indoors, it doesn't shut down for weather. May I suggest we remedy this 2 Wild Mouse issue by sending the poorly designed horrid capacity Ragin' Cajun to SFA with Iron Wolf


Between the two, I'd take TDK any day, even though it's not worth waiting in much of a line for. At least it's air conditioned!

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  Rollercoaster Rider said:
Let Me Post what I Posted on Another Site/Forum:


The Thing about the Dark Knight that I don't like if you don't count:


- Wrong Demographics to the Movie

- Bad/ No Theming

- Unthemed Queue Line

- Confusing Pre-Show

- Cheap Props

- Bad Capacity

- Slow Moving Lines

- Construction Delays

- Wrong Demographics for the Ride (High Intense Ride)

- Dark in Several Sections

Is that the ride is a Wild Mouse. We already have that and its called Ragin Cajun (I know its a Spinning Coaster but still)


1. Its not like you had to see the movie for the ride to make sense. All you need to know is who the Batman and Joker are.

2. Please tell me you're joking

3. So the signs, newspaper stands, computer room and joker face Tv aren't theming? Sure it's not immersive, but it's a heck of alot better than most other queues in the park.

4. Not really sure how the Joker taking over a press confrence was confusing..but you don't even watch the pre-show anymore.

5. When you only see them for a few seconds, they aren't gonna spend a ton of money on them. Atleast they keep them well mainted.

6. Everytime I've ridden they've been running it at pretty high capacity, but its a mouse, so slower waits are kind of a given.

7 Okay, I'll give you that. A few sections are mostly dark.


Really, as much as people complain about DK, when this was added SF didn't do highly themed coasters. Look at Rajun Cajun, if they themed one mouse they could theme another, but is bare as a bone! I think for just started to do more theming, SF did a really nice job with the Dark Knights. Now that they're started to theme coasters more, maybe it'll be bad by their standards someday. But for no, its really not that bad a ride and IMO looks much nicer then the cardboard cut-out theming on the Disney mouses.

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  ilrider said:


New clue. County Fair could be IW, SWF area, etc. Doesn't give us much.


The fifth line looks like it mentions Demon and "timing logistics", whatever that is. I LOVE the GP comments so far. Most of them include theories of the park tearing down American Eagle, as well as finally getting Chang

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This announcement could have something to do with Fright Fest, they never said it was for next years addition, just something big. Or maybe it's a joined announcement? I know GRAms FF is pretty big as is, but there's been rumors of SFSTL and SFOG's Fright Fests expanding, and doing more ride rethemes, so maybe thats what part of this is about, more ride rethemes and Eagle blue having a backwards car?

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  deathbydinn said:
This announcement could have something to do with Fright Fest, they never said it was for next years addition, just something big. Or maybe it's a joined announcement? I know GRAms FF is pretty big as is, but there's been rumors of SFSTL and SFOG's Fright Fests expanding, and doing more ride rethemes, so maybe thats what part of this is about, more ride rethemes and Eagle blue having a backwards car?


Could be anything or all of it. I am ready for it to just be Fright Fest, but when will they announce Iron Wolf leaving? People need time to say good-bye. In my mind, it would be good PR to at the same time announce the new ride.

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The announcement for what ride SFGAm gets next year will probably come in the fall considering this... From the Facebook page in June


Want to find out what’s new in 2012 at Six Flags Great America? Here is your lucky chance to help make miracles happen. The first 100 people who raise $100 or more for A Walk in the Park, a charity walk benefitting Children’s Miracle Network, will receive an email this fall notifying them of Great America’s 2012 plans, before the park makes an official announcement to the public. The person who raises the most money out of the first 100 will receive a personal phone call with the big news from Six Flags Great America’s Park President, Hank Salemi.


How it Works:

• Visit: http://bit.ly/WalkInThePark

• Click “Support Me” on right of page

• Fill out the form (select option to display your donation)

• Click “Continue to Next Step” and add your payment information

• The first 100 to raise $100 or more will receive an email notification the first week of July

• The first 100 will then receive a second email from the park this fall with 2012 details, before an official announcement is made to the public


Walk in the Park:

On Saturday, June 25, Six Flags Great America opens its park gates in support of children and families whose lives have been impacted by life-threatening illnesses. Now in its fourth year, A Walk in the Park has raised over 1 million dollars for Children’s Miracle Network. All proceeds from Six Flag Great America’s walk benefit the program at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago. Participants who raise at least $50 will receive a complimentary ticket to the park following the walk. Those interested in registering for the walk should visit http://www.walkintheparks.org.


I think this announcement is for American Eagle running backwards and some other Fright Fest updates.

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Yeah, all they've referred to it as is a "big announcement", not an announcement officially regarding the 2012 season. So, I could see it being just some updates, but if they were teasing new Fright Fest upgrades, wouldn't the other rumored parks be doing the same?

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  Mr. Starr said:
Yeah, all they've referred to it as is a "big announcement", not an announcement officially regarding the 2012 season. So, I could see it being just some updates, but if they were teasing new Fright Fest upgrades, wouldn't the other rumored parks be doing the same?


I still think Iron Wolf will be part of it, probably Fright Fest, and maybe they just tease us with 2012 and announce that in September. Wasn't Riptide Bay revealed in September last year?

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^I believe so.


Right now I'm quite puzzled. I don't think it's a new ride, but I did notice the "Demon" in it. If I had to guess I'd say, FF upgrades, Eagle running backwards and removal of IW


I'm guessing they wont announce the 2012 attraction till' mid september with all the other parks.

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  Mr. Starr said:
Yeah, all they've referred to it as is a "big announcement", not an announcement officially regarding the 2012 season. So, I could see it being just some updates, but if they were teasing new Fright Fest upgrades, wouldn't the other rumored parks be doing the same?



I Hope Fright Fest Gets Better. It's been downhill for the last couple of years.

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I would love to see a Wingrider at GRAm, and it's something I have mentioned in the past, BUT, I really hope that if we get one it's just a Wingrider, not a 4D. Looking at the layouts for Gardalands and Thorpes Wingrider, I just can't imagine they'd be better with flipping seats.

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