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My 2008 Dodge Avenger SXT

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I've had this car since January & love it! It is a 2008 Dodge Avenger SXT! My friend helped me order a spoiler for it & we installed it today. Within the next week I will be ordering a decal set for it & after that a hoodscoop. Apart from the looks the car drives amazing. It gets 32 mpg highway & I usually don't have to fill up for about two weeks. Here are some pics of it.









The first installment:

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  ParkTrips said:
I don't think a car with 170hp shouldn't have a hood scoop. It is what it is, don't try to make it something it isn't.


It all depends on the theme of the car. My friends Malibu makes about 150whp, has a hood scoop and all, but also a body kit and all that makes it look like it belongs.



(the Malibu second from the left). I know the picture sucks, but that is all I have on my photobucket account.


I think the spoiler looks out of place because it is not painted. But to each his own.

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  ParkTrips said:
  ginzo said:
^Could he get away with a hood scoop if he added a Type-R sticker? I heard those add at least 40 HP, bringing him up to a more respectable 210 HP.

Don't forget painting the 2-piston calipers red


And extra loud after market exhaust kit. That'll replace displacement, for sure.

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^ No. Flames. Definitely flames.


  hyyyper said:
Nice ride Matt, but where the hell do you get the money for a car and two consegutive TPR-trips?


I hear Sahara Sam's offers a damn good salary and benefits package these days.

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  spaceace12 said:
  ParkTrips said:
I don't think a car with 170hp shouldn't have a hood scoop. It is what it is, don't try to make it something it isn't.


It all depends on the theme of the car. My friends Malibu makes about 150whp, has a hood scoop and all, but also a body kit and all that makes it look like it belongs.


You're missing the point.

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  ParkTrips said:
I don't think a car with 170hp shouldn't have a hood scoop. It is what it is, don't try to make it something it isn't.


I don't care about speed I care about looks & fuel efficiency. When I get out of college I will hopefully get a 2010 Camaro. Then I will worry about speed.


  hyyyper said:
Nice ride Matt, but where the hell do you get the money for a car and two consegutive TPR-trips?


Well I'm cheap & don't spend my money on random crap like video games & DVDs. I just have to pay $200 a month for car insurance. I get two paychecks a month both over $200 so I use the first check for my car & the second one for whatever.

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When I was young, my car insurance was 150 a month (that was with good grades and no wrecks or tickets), but at that time, my mom paid it since I was in college. Thank goodness for being over 25 now, it is only 45 a month. Hoping that when I get a motorcycle, it is only about 30 a month.

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^^I actually have a great driving record with no tickets or accidents & I've been driving for almost two years! I will also graduate high school with honors. I'm an 18 year old male living in the worst state to drive in & live so that is probably what screwed me over.

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  mcjaco said:
  Speeddeamon128 said:
I just have to pay $200 a month for car insurance.



$2400 a year? You're getting screwed, or you're a terrible driver with really bad grades.


To fully insure an 18 year old with a brand new (nearly) car? I would charge about that....

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^Wow! That is a lot to pay for insurance. You might wanna try Geico? I have 3 cars in two different states and it's me and my wife on our policy. And I only pay $1850 a year.


Guy "Now granted, I have USAA, and a perfect driving record up until last weekend. But... ...I'm just saying. That's a lot for one car." Koepp

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^Somebody just told me that her teenage daughter will run 2K/yr. Thats with good grades and the drivers ed credit. In a nutshell: Jersey stinks.


  Hercules said:
I saw a kid driving around a 1999 Ford Windstar the other day with spinning rims. This thread kind of reminds me of that.


Spinning hubcaps are so much sweeter.

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