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Wooden Coaster Challenge

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yeah its not for the contest I was thinking of doing one but im not that experience with wooden coasters but this one is turning out to be smooth as glass...


not quite 90degree banking but close!

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^^^ Are you going to add some custom support work to that turn, it looks like it needs it.


of course! im not finish even constructing lol...I just added supports to make the track more prominent...


See more track!

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^^ I have to say that that is a good rule, but should also have included AHG, since this is an NoLimits coaster competition and not a NoLimits tools competition. And using tools to create the tracks don't show the skills of constructing coaster in NoLimits.


Oh and by the way, I don't use any other program then NoLimits to create my coasters and I can easy whip together a good smooth coaster without much hassle.


Your only saying that becasue you are completely against those who spend time learning calculus and advanced mathematics (which by the way is used by real designers) to design rides. Either that or your just jealous that you are unable to create a coaster using these tools. Being completely biased like that is a bit... well, i'm not going to go into that. Just because some people prefer to create rides using tools does not mean that they should be slated and frowned upon just because they used tools. I mean, how many artists use photoshop to create amazing art or use it to edit photographs? Many... How many Directors use tools too add special effects to movies?


I don't see anyone complaining about tools being used with other things like that and I don't see anyone complaining about the tools being created for use with NoLimits 2 either.


If you feel that you are able to use tools then feel free to have a build off with me. I'll even stay away from using the FVDs just so that I don't have a too larger advantage.


Peice out...

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I like the progress I'm seeing


I will soon be going on a coaster trip and will be back here in about 2 weeks...


Your only saying that because you are completely against those who spend time learning calculus and advanced mathematics (which by the way is used by real designers) to design rides. Either that or your just jealous that you are unable to create a coaster using these tools.
First of all I have to say that I have passed all my Calculus/"Advance Mathematics" courses already, without any "tools" (calculator) to help me with them. Since a real mathematician only do things by hand

Jealous??, I don't need to use tools since my later rides are easy equal to those that are "tooled", so I haven't bothered to use any of them.

It gives me a lot more satisfaction by creating a ride with only NL instead of letting a program do all the hard stuff for me.


I can explain the reason why I don't like tools by doing an analogy with some Math.

Solving a really hard math problem in your head shows skills, but letting a calculator solve it for you is just an easy way out.

It's the same way with hand-building and tools in NL.

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I like the progress I'm seeing


I will soon be going on a coaster trip and will be back here in about 2 weeks...


Your only saying that because you are completely against those who spend time learning calculus and advanced mathematics (which by the way is used by real designers) to design rides. Either that or your just jealous that you are unable to create a coaster using these tools.


First of all I have to say that I have passed all my Calculus/"Advance Mathematics" courses already, without any "tools" (calculator) to help me with them. Since a real mathematician only do things by hand

Jealous??, I don't need to use tools since my later rides are easy equal to those that are "tooled", so I haven't bothered to use any of them.

It gives me a lot more satisfaction by creating a ride with only NL instead of letting a program do all the hard stuff for me.


I can explain the reason why I don't like tools by doing an analogy with some Math.

Solving a really hard math problem in your head shows skills, but letting a calculator solve it for you is just an easy way out.

It's the same way with hand-building and tools in NL.


I never questioned your use of Calculus or your skills within the editor. I know your a great hand builder. Some people choose to use tools, some choose the easy way out. It's life. What i'm not happy with is people making others do things the hard way and totally ridiculing them because of their choices. No ones forcing you to use tools, so why force those who feel more comfortable using them to be banned from using them? Seems a little bit unfair and completely biased to me...

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