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SFMM PTR March 24 (Lots of Pics)

Guest Papas

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So I took the trek from OC to Valencia yesterday, and way too long later I was at the gates of SFMM.


Park was pretty empty except X2 which had an hour wait. All of the rides in the park were open except Rapids and Tidal Wave which both were stripped for rehab and Sky Tower was down for "winds" (there were some winds, but it didnt look like it was gonna open anyway. X2s flames were on). Many of the coasters were running 1 train but didnt matter because they werent filling the trains (except Colossus 1/4 trains with a bit of a wait, that sucked).


Much like Great Adventure the place was really clean from a litter standpoint, but definitley has the typical SF cosmetic issues. X, Viper, Ninja, Revolution, DejaVu all looked GREAT with their shiny new paint but many other things still havent touched in years. The bathrooms need to be re-done badly, they are like nasty truck stops in Utah and the garbage cans need to be replaced...they were pretty much gross. One other thing is that there seemed to be no rules on what uniform they were wearing, some employees were wearing the shirts from 06, some from 07, some from 08, and some from 09, im surprised they dont require everyone to wear the new ones.

Really if they washed the trains once in awhile, redid the bathrooms, and replaced all those rediculous looking new generic signs ziptied up against fences SFMM would be a really damn good corporate park!



















Tatsu doesnt have a lowering floor.


























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The monorail has been SBNO since like 2000.


Pretty cool selection of upcharge attractions.






They recently changed the singles line into a Flashpass line.






Exit gate.






This chick was just sitting on a bench looking at the construction wall.











They have the lockers right before the stairs that lead up to the station opposed to at the front of the lines, then the exit path connects to the locker area.






















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Interesting use of the support when you walk under STE.





There was literally NO ONE in Thomas Town except for the employees, in the middle of the day.







Metro being SBNO.


Hey there was 1 kid there today.






The "good train" wasnt running.







Somebody riding a robocoaster on X2's queue tvs.




You can either leave your stuff in the locker or in front of it, the lockers are at the entrance to the station.






Flashbacks old entrance.



Add for a porn convention.

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Great TR. Makes me want to go to SFMM even more! But what's with the redundant orange seat belt on Deja? I did say redundant for a reason...I can definately see alot of loading delays there. I never noticed that in the pictures before and I have a feeling they were not original equipment...


And is that Mr Six I see in one of those pictures? Horray for Mr Six!


~ Jess "Hurry up" Chan

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Actually, believe it or not, those orange seatbelts on Deja Vu are original equipment. They were there when I rode it on it's media day.


I actually think that they serve a great purpose on the first lift... without them you'd be sliding all over the place.




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The extra seatbelt was added by SF during testing, as well as the bar in the middle of the restraint and on the sides of the restraint to keep people from reaching up and whacking the limit switches.


Here is a picture of the restraints before they were modified:


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I'd have to say, the modified version looks alot "cooler". Looks like something out of the "Alien" movie series (which I really love).


Whacking the limit switches...Hmmm. Lets just leave it at curiosity killed the cat.


Redundant does not always = Better For loading times have become hell. They should have some sort of "check handle" like how some Intamins have. That should save some time.


~ Jess "Time is money" Chan

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I'm the kind of person that would bitch if there weren't seatbelts. I have this irrational fear of the restraints popping open, and there's no way a seatbelt can malfunction But I can see what you mean from a loading point of view.


These are some great shots - actual pictures of the PARK! I enjoyed it.

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Empty Queues = Sexy


I am most definitely in agreement here! Great PTR. I loved the queue shots, and all of the things I seem to forget to take pictures of at parks. I see a coaster, and I am like OOOHH... picture, picture! But then I get home and think... DAMN...all I have is coasters! lol. I truly hope that SFGA is empty like that when I go in May. It is before Medusa opens again, so hopefully I will have minimal waits. I wish I could visit SFMM... maybe one day!

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^ Agreed. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words---no need to add a thousand more...


This is a very nice collection of pictures. Being my home park, I see all of this all the time, but for anyone who's never been to SFMM or only once or twice, this is a nice way to get a feel for the place.


I've said it often, but it needs to be said: SFMM is so much cleaner than in previous years, and I hope it stays like that.



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Great photos!


I definately agree with the good comments! Normally you just see the "standard" SFMM pictures and you really captured a lot of the less seen parts of the park!


I've never been there so I always wonder about all the nooks and crannys you never see! The park looks really nice!

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