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keep the ptc woodies pink  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. keep the ptc woodies pink

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    • no(if no tell me what color to make them

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mini update time


The area around the house is a crime scene and that is the do not enter tape. You are in the forensics division of the police force, and must explore the house.


Stories around the campfire is a haunted house in the wilderness area of the park (the section with the cannon and east creek rapids) It is themed to a boy scout troup who went into a small house that is supposedly haunted, and the boys were never seen again.


East Creek Rapids


The new racing ptc junior wooden roller coaster. It is called the rosebud rush and it is a racing coaster

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mini update time


The area around the house is a crime scene and that is the do not enter tape. You are in the forensics division of the police force, and must explore the house.


Stories around the campfire is a haunted house in the wilderness area of the park (the section with the cannon and east creek rapids) It is themed to a boy scout troup who went into a small house that is supposedly haunted, and the boys were never seen again.


East Creek Rapids


The new racing ptc junior wooden roller coaster. It is called the rosebud rush and it is a racing coaster

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im not sayin this to be mean, but....................... epic fail


To my park or to to the comment above? If you are talking about my park then give me some constructive criticism or at least do it nicely as opposed to saying my park is a failure. How the hell is that not supposed to be mean.


Sorry if your post was not directed at my park, but that's still not a good way to respond to any comment


Well, Why can't you just place your rides more close together?



Ummm. Really? My parks construction process is nearly done, and opening day will be very soon.

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^I believe I gave you some constructive criticism and I don't see anything in your park that reflects that. Also, you're using the monorail to move the peeps around instead of using paths? So if you happen to get a lot of peeps in, I'm thinking they'll be upset because there will be long lines just to get in and out of the park. I'm not thinking that's good park planning. Just imagine going to a park with all the rides miles apart in lots of grass, with no stores or bathrooms, and if you want to get to the rides you have to jump in a crowded monorail. Would you want to visit a park like that? How long will that park stay in business? But that's is what I think this parks looks like. Even the most ghetto carnivals don't have you walking all over the place to get to their rides. To be honest, I'm don't think you're grasping the basic concept of the designing parks in RCT. The coasters you design look nice, but the placement and overall park design is... well... raunchy (That's the best word I can come up with at 2am). I mean you can't get upset when someone offers you the constructive criticism and you don't do it and someone then gives you an negative comment as a result. You can't get better with your parks if you keep doing your own thing then and expect positive comments. But I'm thinking this is more about getting validation than getting better.


Also while mentioning the constructive criticism, have you taken my advice about opening the park out to see if the peeps can get in? This should have been the first thing you should have done before posting a new park. If you didn't and you have the same problem as before, I hope I don't see another post about a park closure and you got another park coming up. I'd have to issue you an Epic Fail as well for not implementing the constructive criticism, then falling foul of the guidelines for posting parks.


Can I at least see some other rides in to fill in all the empty space and some benches, trashcans, bathrooms and a store... and paths? Please?



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sorry about that. somebody else was on my thing and lookin at it. but i think ya need to change the colors of the racing kiddie woodie, and also make the areas just a little bit closer together. ive done the underground monorail in one of my parks and it did not works as planed. the peeps kept getting stuck in one spot of the park trying to walk to a certain ride and my park rating dive bombed. so. im sorry about the epic fail thing, it was not me. but if do the things i listed then ya can get it to be a better park and a better park rating

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I agree what some guys say over here and I'm not trying to be harsh or so but if you don't want any criticism or any feedback that can be negative then why do you post on the forum, especially when most of the stuff your showing isn't done yet or connected to a path or somthing like that. I was very nervous to start a park and my Jurassic park turned out to be a failed experiment but I took the advice people gave me and started Sunset Hills wich is a way better park then Jurassic Adventures. I don't see the point of posting a park on a forum if you don't allow people to say if they like it or not, I personally think thats a bit childish if you're expecting that everything people will say about your work is good. Negative criticism is the best in my opinion because it makes you better each time. Sometimes it is a smack in the face because you put your time in it but it is mostly with the best intensions people say these things and its to help you get better.

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