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keep the ptc woodies pink  

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  1. 1. keep the ptc woodies pink

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Hey guys my computer is still totally retarded and I cant post screenshots so will the first person to download please include pictures of the rides so far. This is a cool park and I have never tried a realistic scenario so far but I really like it thus far.


THE COASTERS(not named in game but these are their planned names)

Camden Cannonball- CCI terrain woodie

Pitfall- B&M floorless with a unique layout

Typhoon Canyon- Hopkins log flume

Logleep- Zamperla frog hopper

Helter Skelter- traveling fair

Camden Derby- arrow antique car style ride


there is some basic cs included

camden park.SV6

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I got your pictures, egh. I would try to keep your park less spaced out. I'll present the pictures, but normally if you space out your park, it gets canceled.


Welcome to the dead flower park.


more flume


The woodie and the flume.


Pirfall - The weirdest terrain B&M I've yet to come across.


Pitfalls Lift, I couldn't find it for 3 mins. LOL


Pitfalls Station


The Camden Durby!



Heres the Logleep which is covered by a building.

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Thank you so much mathew. BTW I just noticed the dead flowers, so I am gonna fix that. I started out with a different mindset with this park, but after seeing so many awesome parks (particular canobie's magic mountain) I was inspired to do a realistic park. Also in my opinion that woodie is my best layout ever. What do you actually think of the park, especially from a realistic standpoint.



"I got your pictures, egh. I would try to keep your park less spaced out. I'll present the pictures, but normally if you space out your park, it gets canceled." TLM


dont worry, I am planning on making opening day next update and am adding 2 more major attractions to my park. You'll see.


Picture problem fixed and new teasers(please note that theming is not shown in the teasers, but will be included in the actual release)


choo- choo


red and yellow kill a fellow


The cobra is coming

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Cobra isn't realistic; it doesn't use block brakes.


The park is looking decent, and I want you to continue this one. This isn't intended to be rude at all, but please try to keep going, instead of starting a new one every other week.


Good luck!

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^I have to keep the block brake thing in mind when I fix the coaster I just created in RCT3. I'm still playing around with the coaster types so I still have a while. I have a fairly long station as well, but I did put some block brakes in for a launch and at the end of the ride so it may not need to be as long.


Ghost: I have to agree with spacing issues in the rides. Those are going to be some long paths between each of the rides! Tired and thirsty peeps everywhere!

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^Is what you have the official entrance or a custom object? And if so, why isn't there paths actually going into the park from the entrance so the peeps can get in?



Not familiar with RCT2 stuff.




The path is custom, it is double wide path and the reason there is no path into the park is that I don't want peeps to enter and the only way to actually close a park is with a trainer



don't space the rides out so much. It seems tha the park is all rides and not enough "park" if you know what I mean Taiko Wink "kamikazewatermelon"


That will be resolved by the next update.

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Ghost, please continue working on this park, and DO NOT start another one; at least, not yet. Keep building when the going gets rough, and it will just make you better! (Plus, you've already had like 4 parks since October... )

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After reading the last two posts, I had to go back and look at your old parks as well as some other threads. I can see why there is a sticky about the rules about creating quality threads of parks that have progress. I see from all the uncompleted threads that this was a big problem for the mods. I'm thinking that because of your multiple threads of false starts and stops, you may be falling under this rule if you keep starting new park threads.


If you are going to start over with this "East" park, I would keep it in the same thread instead of starting a new one.


Also (and I've seen this with other people) I would suggest to only do an update when you have decent progress on your park. Also in your case I would make sure that you have the appropriate patches to the park applied and peeps can enter. Open your park and see if it works before you post.


If you aren't sure, I would check out parks by others and compare what you have with others. To be honest, I think what you have in your threads are way too sparse to be displayed in a thread. There are no paths connecting rides, no shops, or anything that could considered as a open park. I'm not trying to be mean, but I'm just noting what I see so far. In my opinion, waiting until you a good start on a park to create a thread is far better than creating a number of uncompleted parks and possible drawing negative attention from a mod.



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^ Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Matt "I'm hiring Terrance as my Games Forum muscle" Jacobs


You're welcome.


I don't envy the clean up and moderation you have to do, especially when you have to constantly remind people of stuff stated in the stickies... they are there for a reason.


I think about that web video about posting for beginners where it said that most of the time it's better to post in an existing thread than create a new one. That's a very true statement, especially considering the number of members on this site and the cleanup mods have to do when people create a lot of low quality threads. In the three or more years I'm been a member of this site, I think I created no more than 4 or 5 threads... that's right: 4 or 5. That's because most of the time there wasn't a need to create a thread because someone already had or what I had to say most likely didn't require a new thread... or I just hijack someone's thread to make my point.


In the case of the Rollercoaster Tycoon parks threads, there's been quite a few , based on their initial park progress, that could have just posted a park logo or what they had in the Preview thread since, honestly it wasn't ready for prime time. And some, that just created a paragraph about their park without any graphics and said "More coming soon" (never to be heard from again) could have just kept it to themselves. That's making clutter in the forum that the mods have to clean up. Help 'em out and make it so that every post you click on you know is going to be worth the click.


I'm going to get off my soapbox now and go home so I can practice my landscaping skills in RCT3. I got some canyons and caves to make!



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Camden Park East construction tour day 1


There has been a lot of work done with Camden Park East. It is pretty similar to the other Camden which recently closed, check out the pictures. The next update will probably be posted on Saturday or Sunday.






Here is the Camden Cotton Mouth, it will be repainted.


The blue building is the information building and the building on the right is Tabasco's, it features fine Meixcan cuisine, and the fact that its spicy can be inferred by the name.


Cool zero g roll type element


Crestfallen- much better than pitfall, in my opinion


Camden Cannonball- an exact replica of the original at Camden

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