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keep the ptc woodies pink  

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  1. 1. keep the ptc woodies pink

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I saw this when I first woke up and I'm grouchy, so I'm gonna quote myself from earlier in this thread:


After reading the last two posts, I had to go back and look at your old parks as well as some other threads. I can see why there is a sticky about the rules about creating quality threads of parks that have progress. I see from all the uncompleted threads that this was a big problem for the mods. I'm thinking that because of your multiple threads of false starts and stops, you may be falling under this rule if you keep starting new park threads.


If you are going to start over with this "East" park, I would keep it in the same thread instead of starting a new one.


Also (and I've seen this with other people) I would suggest to only do an update when you have decent progress on your park. Also in your case I would make sure that you have the appropriate patches to the park applied and peeps can enter. Open your park and see if it works before you post.


If you aren't sure, I would check out parks by others and compare what you have with others. To be honest, I think what you have in your threads are way too sparse to be displayed in a thread. There are no paths connecting rides, no shops, or anything that could considered as a open park. I'm not trying to be mean, but I'm just noting what I see so far. In my opinion, waiting until you a good start on a park to create a thread is far better than creating a number of uncompleted parks and possible drawing negative attention from a mod.




1. Please don't create another thread. Use this one for the reasons stated above.


2. Don't post any updates until you've made some real progress on your park. I'm sorry but compared to what others with RCT2 have posted in the forum over the last few weeks, I believe what you have is coming up woefully short. Let's compare a few all on the first page of this forum:




This was this poster's first viewing of the park. Notice how he has paths connecting his rides and a little scenery?



Now BelgiumGuy is showing you how it's supposed to be done. Theming, paths, rides... this looks like a real park. And all in his first post. I believe this is what the mods want to see in a first post. Get started on your park and make some progress, then show what you have. Let's find one more.




This is from another first post. This member has rides and a restaurant.. and even peeps!


But you can see the pattern, right? I mean after about a month, this is what you've shown us:




Looks like you've fallen back on what we've told you not to do based on the constructive criticism. And I don't think I saw the restaurants that you said you were going to put in.


I'm not trying to be mean, but I don't think it's fair for you to keep posting updates like these, quitting then starting over when the others are following the rules and giving much more complete parks.



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