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keep the ptc woodies pink  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. keep the ptc woodies pink

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    • no(if no tell me what color to make them

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I agree what some guys say over here and I'm not trying to be harsh or so but if you don't want any criticism or any feedback that can be negative then why do you post on the forum, especially when most of the stuff your showing isn't done yet or connected to a path or somthing like that. I was very nervous to start a park and my Jurassic park turned out to be a failed experiment but I took the advice people gave me and started Sunset Hills wich is a way better park then Jurassic Adventures. I don't see the point of posting a park on a forum if you don't allow people to say if they like it or not, I personally think thats a bit childish if you're expecting that everything people will say about your work is good. Negative criticism is the best in my opinion because it makes you better each time. Sometimes it is a smack in the face because you put your time in it but it is mostly with the best intensions people say these things and its to help you get better.


Im not saying I dont want criticism. I'm saying I dont want anyone to say my park is a filure so literally like he said "epic failure" which is not really criticism but is an insult.


Now for the real reason I am posting.



Camden PArk owner John Camden has decided to delay opening day of the park so he could add some major improvements. He has been quoted saying the park will recieve new rides, new coaster and new shops, and more importantly will be less spaced out.


He has said this process shpould not take too long. There will be a few more construction updates before opening day

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^I believe I gave you some constructive criticism and I don't see anything in your park that reflects that. Also, you're using the monorail to move the peeps around instead of using paths? So if you happen to get a lot of peeps in, I'm thinking they'll be upset because there will be long lines just to get in and out of the park. I'm not thinking that's good park planning. Just imagine going to a park with all the rides miles apart in lots of grass, with no stores or bathrooms, and if you want to get to the rides you have to jump in a crowded monorail. Would you want to visit a park like that? How long will that park stay in business? But that's is what I think this parks looks like. Even the most ghetto carnivals don't have you walking all over the place to get to their rides. To be honest, I'm don't think you're grasping the basic concept of the designing parks in RCT. The coasters you design look nice, but the placement and overall park design is... well... raunchy (That's the best word I can come up with at 2am). I mean you can't get upset when someone offers you the constructive criticism and you don't do it and someone then gives you an negative comment as a result. You can't get better with your parks if you keep doing your own thing then and expect positive comments. But I'm thinking this is more about getting validation than getting better.


Also while mentioning the constructive criticism, have you taken my advice about opening the park out to see if the peeps can get in? This should have been the first thing you should have done before posting a new park. If you didn't and you have the same problem as before, I hope I don't see another post about a park closure and you got another park coming up. I'd have to issue you an Epic Fail as well for not implementing the constructive criticism, then falling foul of the guidelines for posting parks.


Can I at least see some other rides in to fill in all the empty space and some benches, trashcans, bathrooms and a store... and paths? Please?





Sorry for the double post, but I am taking your advice, and already let in a few guests. Stores, paths, trashcans, restaurants, and rides are currently being added.


Thank you, this is some criticism I can use.

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I'm sorry about that. one of my friends was over at my house and got on here and wrote that. it was not by me, i would have never wrote something like that. i do like the rides though. the kiddie PTC is a great lookin' coaster. it just needs a different paint job. and also you need to make the park areas closer together. I'm very sorry about the whole epic fail thing. It will never happen again.

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I'm sorry about that. one of my friends was over at my house and got on here and wrote that. it was not by me, i would have never wrote something like that. i do like the rides though. the kiddie PTC is a great lookin' coaster. it just needs a different paint job. and also you need to make the park areas closer together. I'm very sorry about the whole epic fail thing. It will never happen again.


It's fine, I was just a little overwhelmed at homework so I kind of got into a rant.


^I think we all understand your apology, no need to lie your way out of it. Taiko Wink


(Lying gets you nowhere on this site; *see Kraken613...)



OUCH lol, that was awesome



Here is a mini update


Theming is being done on Rosebud Rush




The new huss Rainbow(I think its a rainbow) and the wooden building is the eagles nest.


The parks new mini Morgan hyper


Sceamin' Eagle


The tallest and fastest ride in the park

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Looking MUCH better already, but try using wider paths. Keep building!


Wider paths are being added and will be featured in the next update. There will probably be no more coasters for a while(until about season 3) I can however promise some new thrilling rides and cool shops and restaurants.


A new ride from S&S is in the works, it will be very unique and will be featured in the next update.


Also thanks for the comments guys, this is easily my most popular park thread ever, and there's still so much to build and to show you guys.

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All right guys, vote if you want to see the pink color changed.




Camden Springs was a water park that the original Camden PArk was going to build before it was shut down. We have received two rides from them as well as the S&S water ride.


We have

A proslide Aqua Blaster (waterslide coaster)

A Mac Water Coaster

A S&S water drop


Plus the newest major coaster model arrived into the owners office today as he wanted to show it off to everyone, so I have exclusive pictures of the model(construction will begin at the beginning of season 2 and the coaster will be open at the beginning of season 4) The rides name so far is project CONDOR, but I doubt that will stay.


The awesome twisted ending


Water drop and an aqua blaster


Mac Water Coaster


custom invert

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You seem to progressing...and I'm glad to see you are building your own roller coasters and stations. I do agree though, that everything i a little too spread out. I know you're going to connect them all but I know I wouldn't have enough patience and whatnot to do that lol. Anyway keep it up.

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The park is not dead, I was gonna do an update today but am in a terrible mood after literally the worst day ever. My mom took my parking spot in the driveway and I, being used to parking in the same spot, hot her car. I reacted quickly enough where the damage is not bad, but she has a dent in her car, and my bumper is pretty messed up. Needless to say I feel guilty for hitting her car, and I am unable to get a job because my grades are not perfect.


Here is a preview of Tumbleweed Tower. The parks last major attraction before opening day. There are a few carnival style flat rides being delivered to the park.


Tumbleweed Tower pre theming.

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