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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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^ It's a Zamperla Giant Discovery.


IDK....I don’t think I can this one....it seems all too hokey to ride....I’m cool with coasters of any size but this thing is scaring the poop outta me....IDK why...sorry

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It's absolutely beautiful today- sunny, 60 degrees- and the crowds have come out accordingly.


Unfortunately Superman's second train still isn't ready and the queue is at the 90 minute mark. Fortunately there was that season pass perk to get one free flash pass before Memorial Day.


Everything else has a wait equal to a summer Sunday.

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I have a gold level, so not sure if it is on other levels as well. But I walked into the Flash Pass office, showed them the coupon from the app, and then they gave me one of those paper flash passes good for one ride. You had to declare the ride at the office.

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I have a gold level, so not sure if it is on other levels as well. But I walked into the Flash Pass office, showed them the coupon from the app, and then they gave me one of those paper flash passes good for one ride. You had to declare the ride at the office.


Thats good to know going to take advantage of that

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Does anyone know if you also have to declare the rides for the diamond elite passes when you pick them up each visit? Once you have them do you just enter the rides through the flash pass entrance any time during the day?

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^ If the perk is the one time Flash Pass, I'm pretty sure you'll have to declare the ride in advance. That is what I've had to do int he past whenever I get paper Flash Passes in lieu of an exit pass for a ride breakdown or Q bot technical issue.

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I think the best way to do it is tour the park as normal. When you hit a line you want to skip, backtrack and grab it then. I thought it was going to be a general pass at first so I wasn't expecting to have to declare the ride on the spot.

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Yes, you need to pick your ride(s) in advance. I have Diamond Elite membership and I have to go to the Flash pass office to get my skip the line passes. They always ask me what rides I want to skip the line on. And yes, you enter through the Flash pass entrance anytime, day or night.

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I think the best way to do it is tour the park as normal. When you hit a line you want to skip, backtrack and grab it then. I thought it was going to be a general pass at first so I wasn't expecting to have to declare the ride on the spot.


Great advice. Not sure why I didn’t think of it that way but regardless thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got to the park for my first visit this year. Absolutely perfect weather all day. I was also able to get my new DE membership card, cup and bugs bucks. Shoutout to the guest relations team. They were super friendly and helped work through a couple kinks with my dining plan not being transferred to the new membership. Honestly everyone was helpful and pleasant that I interacted with today.


Harley Quinn and Riddler look great and HC makes the area seem more open compared to when TeaCups was there IMO. TeaCups also look good in the new location and appears to have gotten a new roof. Superman is now running two trains as well. Here’s a couple of pics from the day.


From Joker’s Queue




Gotham City Entrance




Such a fun ride now.


TeaCups new location.


Looking forward to this opening.

Edited by Sluggo77
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Hi thanks for sharing. We have gone twice since opening weekend. I agree I like the way the north end is looking. I did like the tea cups in their new spot. We didn't make it this weekend but probably next. It's nice to have a park close by.

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Hi thanks for sharing. We have gone twice since opening weekend. I agree I like the way the north end is looking. I did like the tea cups in their new spot. We didn't make it this weekend but probably next. It's nice to have a park close by.


It’s my home park but in reality I’m 2+ hours away. I’m really surprised overall at the EOD.

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I remember back during FrightFest at SFNE, if I made eye contact with the scare people? (idk the term for them), they wouldn't come up to me and (obviously) scare me. But the time I was looking down at my phone in the Demon District, and literally every person came up to scare me.

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