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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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And what's funny is I actually really liked Deja Vu at SFMM the few times I rode it. But those new Premier trains on Goliath are just awful in every way. I'm excited to try Aftershock at Silverwood whenever I bite the bullet and decide to drive up there, apparently that one is the best of the bunch.


I too, enjoyed Deja Vu when I rode it at SFMM! If I ever make it over to SFNE (an over a decade-long dream that STILL hasn't happened! lol), I will have to really think on whether I want to bother with Goliath, given how painful it sounds like the new trains make the ride. Combine that with a long line, for a coaster than I have actually ridden before (I personally would tend NOT to count it as a new coaster, though the new trains would give me pause there), as well as coasters like WC and Superman that could be re-ridden, and I'm not sure I'll even bother with it.

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I have only gotten one really bad ride with Goliath's new trains, but I know I'm in the minority here. That being said, I usually do skip it due to the line.


Back to Harley Quinn, this is the best photo I have showing how close it gets to Joker. The ride looks outstanding in its location, particularly at night. The lighting package can be seen all the way from the North End.



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I know Harley Quinn is going to have a long line, but I just wish the throughput was as high as it could be. I remembered Riddler Revenge having a better loading procedure and that explains it.


Riddler Revenge loading procedures have changed since the ride initially opened 3 years ago. Originally, guests chose their own seat, but rides ops began assigning seats not long after. Guests are told they have 20 seconds to place their stuff in the bins and take their seats. Otherwise they have to wait until the next ride cycle.

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I am very reluctant to ride HQS.....but was curious....on HQS how do the forces compare as you go through the bottom at full swing to say the bottom of the first drop on Superman? I have no problem riding Superman or WC but for some reason I can’t wrap my head around HQS enough to venture on....

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I've definitely been on coasters with stronger Gs on the pullouts, but Harley Quinn is up there. The rush of wind at the bottom on the max swings feels like the front row of a fast coaster.


Harley really shines at dishing out copious floater air.

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Harley Quinn looks fun, but it does not hold a candle to this version of the ride....



That looks like a shorter arm than HQS and except for going all the way around it looked sorta meh....but hey I’m the one reluctant to ride....

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Six Flags New England invited TPR to attend their media day for the all new Harley Quinn Spinsanity. Harley Quinn is a Zamperla Giant Discovery that has been added to the newly themed Gotham City section, South End, of the park and fittingly it sits right next to last year's addition The Joker.


The new SFNE Park President, Pete Carmichael, kicked off the event by introducing the ride and also recognizing several who were in attendance. Communications Manager, Jen McGrath, was up next and she shared more stats about the ride and then introduced the Western Massachusetts President of Dress for Success, Dawn Creighton. As part of media day SFNE was supporting Dress for Success, which is an international non-profit with the mission to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. Impressively as an organization they have helped over one million women already. Some of the clients of Dressed for Success were in attendance to be the first riders on Harley Quinn. With the help of several companies SFNE was able to present a $6,000 check and also they donated 200 tickets to the park to help further the non-profits reach. With all of the craziness and mistreatment of women in Hollywood and elsewhere I just wanted to share those details since it really is awesome that SFNE was supporting this organization.


OK, back to the ride! Jen then got the media event rolling again by introducing Batman, Joker, Riddler & finally the star of the day Harley Quinn. The ride itself is now the second fastest in the park with a top speed of 70 MPH. Only Superman is faster. The ride starts off a little slow but with it's forceful swing Harley Quinn and the 40 passengers on board really get moving and max out with a 150 ft. high swing in each direction. The views of the park are incredible and it's crazy how close you swing next to The Joker adding even more fun to an already thrilling ride. At it's max height and depending on where you are spin wise it almost feels like you go somewhat upside down.


Harley Quinn Spinsanity is absolutely awesome and by far my favorite flat in the park. Honestly it's up there as one of my favorite rides in the entire park. SFNE has another huge hit on their hands and I think it will be an insanely popular ride addition. A big thanks to Jen and the Six Flags New England team for the invite to another fun media day and also to Robb for having us cover it!


Here's some pics from the event. I added a couple of park provided ones too.


Welcome to Six Flags New England! Sorry guys I'm not here to see you today but thanks for the friendly welcome.


Now we're getting warmer.


Heading through Rockville towards the South End.


Which is now Gotham City.


Of course Batman is here.


However this is the reason why we are here today.


Last year SFNE added The Joker. This year's new addition is Harley Quinn Spinsanity.


Along with the Joker the Riddler was in attendance welcoming his Gotham City newly themed ride The Riddler Revenge. If you haven't ridden this with the new trains from last year you have to check it out. It's nothing like your standard SLC anymore. No head banging and a super fun ride now.


Here's today's main star. Harley Quinn!


A big welcome to Six Flags New England's new Park President Pete Carmichael. Had a good time chatting with him for a bit.


Here's the donation check that SFNE and other sponsors presented to Dress for Success. Great job SFNE!


Jen and Harley Officially Opening Harley Quinn Spinsanity!


Hey Harley let's check out the queue.







Here's several shots of the ride in action. Check out how close it comes to The Joker :)













Nice overview of Gotham City with The Joker, Batman, Riddler Revenge & the awesome new addition Harley Quinn Spinsanity. Superman is lurking in the background as a bonus.


Thanks again to SFNE and Robb for having us cover this event. Thanks to everyone who checks out the report as well. Goodbye from Six Flags New England for now.

Edited by Sluggo77
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^The ride looks fantastic and you got some really impressive photos (thanks also to CanobieCoaster for your shots). Also, I've heard nothing but good things about Dress for Success, so that's a cool choice for a fundraiser.

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Went to the park for a few hours this afternoon. Mild temperatures and the first dry weekend in quite some time brought in a large crowd. Parked 2/3rds of the way back in lot 3 at 2pm. Only running 2 trams for a parking lot that was nearly 100% full was causing a decent sized line to build up so walked to the park (only 1 tram went past while I was walking). 3 more were sitting dormant off to the side. Hope they start using them all as we get into the summer.



Started off trying to find a place that had a decently short line for lunch. Rivi's was mobbed, Johnny Rocket's was out the door, so settled for Fast Eddies which didn't have a huge line but only 1 register working and not very quickly. South End/Rockville was a sea of people heading to the waterpark and Harley Quinn so decided to head to the North End to start. 30 minute wait each for Skyscreamer and Wicked Cyclone. Forget which train I rode in but the back car was very loud today. Felt like it was subtly scrubbing a little bit of speed leading to some epic hang time on the last zero g roll.



Headed back south as Queue Times was showing only a 25 minute wait for Harley Quinn but when I got there the queue was full and based on the reports I've read so far about slow load times had to imagine the wait was a lot more than 25 minutes. Got a ride on the Joker while I was in the area, just a 5 minute wait and a crazy first half of the ride but modest 2nd half with no flipping.



Went for Superman next which had what may have been the shortest line in the entire park. Barely out of the station, so got 2 rides (back and 2nd row) in a matter of 20 minutes. First time on it this year, definitely getting more bumpy in its old age but still a fantastic ride.


Headed out after that. First rides on Harley Quinn will have to wait for another day, but looks fantastic in action.

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^ The Six Flags app claims a full queue for Harley is 70 minutes and from the dispatch times I saw last weekend, that very well could be accurate.


Did you ride Superman in the red train? For whatever reason, that one tends to rattle more than the blue one. Still neither gives a ride I'd consider the least bit rough though.

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^ It's still the Premier train enthusiasts hate, right?


I know there was a pipe dream that the extended downtime may mean a new train.


We were there today and they were definitely testing it with dummies....all day.....I am too novice to know if they’ve changed the trains but maybe somebody here can comment on these pics I took....maybe you can’t....it is a bit far away







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^ The Six Flags app claims a full queue for Harley is 70 minutes and from the dispatch times I saw last weekend, that very well could be accurate.


Did you ride Superman in the red train? For whatever reason, that one tends to rattle more than the blue one. Still neither gives a ride I'd consider the least bit rough though.


Rode today and can’t say which train I rode but I will pay attention now.....I am trying tonfiguremout where on the train has the best floater air....I mean clearly it’s near the center but last time I rode I picked the car in the middle that only has one row....there’s a big S thing on the train in the second row of that car for whatever reason.....it was especially rough....and floater was ok but not great.....today I chose the second row of the car in front of that....and it was so

Much better....but you mentioning the difference in general ride between the trains is curious.....your tohoights on best train and car combo for that really amazing free fall feel over those hills?

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Those look like the Premier ones.


The old Vekoma ones were staggered on the end seats.


So no change then? Is it the Premier that’s so sucky? I rode it last season and man I had the biggest headache walking off it.....why did they change it?

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