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Paramount's Jaspera Lake

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More pics of the new coaster


I would rate it a seven . But i do have to say it is one of the shortest ride expieriences ever!!!


Today for the first time i got to ride it...... (Exclusivley)


This one is a Vekoma. 2 inversions and one turn around Doesn't sound that great, but when you complete it with scenery it's a really good ride.

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I like the new coaster alot! But One thing that I noticed a few times is that the syupport work isn't correct........

On the picture of that station all the supports are great appart from that one where the ride is going through it because the support is set at a different height to all the others.

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The park is looking good, but PLEASE stop using designer names, because NONE of them are correct...



The flyer is a B&M, not a Vekoma. The looper is not a B&M, it's an Arrow. And Arrow doesn't make woodies.

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While i was building i didn't notice that a Junior section was being built at the same time.


and back through the tunnel


After the first tunnel you do a turn around.


There are 2 tunnels throughout the ride


The other coaster is Kidsville Express


Another look at the Kidsville Coaster


If you go around the carousel you'll get to the Kidsville Coaster


Here's what it should probably look like if you enter here.

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The last month all we've been working on is the water park.


I cant think of a caption.


Here's a pic of "Treetop Runner"


Ok i dont know why i took this shot but... it does look pretty cool...


This is one of my favorite water slides!


Oh yah A new thrill was added too!


And heres the left side of the entrance


PHSYCO CREEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(He's gonna scare all the children away!) JERK!!!!


Here's a good shot of the entrance!


Here are the orange slides they were the first one built.

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Okay seriously, what's with all the Nickelodeon stuff? I'm sorry but theres just WAY to many hanging around, and there all the same photos, and they have like absolutely NOTHING to do with the park. Your park is absolutely amazing! And you've just got these banners hanging there, and they obstruct the view. I say you take EVERY one of them down, and make a small Nickelodeon area in your park, for mild to moderate thrills.

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Ok everyone,

I have now taken out ALL nickalodeon related billboards as most of you suggested.

But, also like most of you suggested I chose one spacific spot to have a "Nickelodeon Section"....

The water-park, Which is now called "The Nickedlodeon Water-Park"

Hope everyone is happy now!




Check back soon for two new coasters and a new section of the park

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^ I wouldn't spell Forward like You did. "fwd" Is not a word. It makes people angry.

As for the park though, Getting rid of the billboards was a smart move.

I would like to see more, And I am willing to make a Park logo if You ask really nicely.

Looking forward to the next update.

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^ I wouldn't speel Forward like You did. "fwd" Is not a word. It makes people angry.

As for the park though, Getting rid of the billboards was a smart move.

I would like to see more, And I am willing to make a Park logo if You ask really nicely.

Looking forward to the next update.


I can give a flying F if folks gets mad

If I typed in fwd that way... They know what it means. Maybe you should check your spelling first or do spell check

because Speel is not a word

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