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About FragaCoasters123

  • Birthday 09/15/1996

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  1. Dude, this is already turning out 5x better than your previous parks put together!! Keep up the good work!!!
  2. That was awesome. It was as good as Hawaii Escape but dark. Loved how you put the story line in. Very terrifying. Excellent work.
  3. ^well no rides are going to go around the creek until much later. but I will take that into account!!
  4. ^thanks. I wasn't really trying to make a forest or anything, which yeah it wouldn't look good if all of it was together. I was just putting trees around the flat rides. But thanks for the advice!!
  5. Park is looking great. Nice job adding those wooden supports on that arc. get the POV for the wooden ride!!
  6. UPDATE!!! Park inspector... : I don't have a caption Overview The Merry-Go-Round from the exit of "Thunderbird" The newer part of the park. The re-shaped creek. Thunderbord More track for the coaster. Nighttime
  7. medusa's track looks very good. I'm not asking you to change the name of your rides but in the fututre make the names better!!! The park is lookin good!! If you every get RCT3 you should recreate the park on that. Keep up the good work.
  8. pictures: Print Screen-System requiremets video: Shift+Ctrl+F11
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