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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Opening Day weekend at the park.

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The PNE just posted a "Route Map" showing where the PNE Fair Drive-Thru actually goes, thru the fairgrounds.


There is also a complete menu for all the food stalls/trucks there in the Fair Food Zone:

https://www.pne.ca/files/uploads/2020/08/Fair20-MenuHandout-8.5x11-menu-1.pdf All prices in Cdn $.

(And #9 {Summerland Soft Serve} has Butterbeer Soft Serve available, like last year!)


Including where to buy more of those extra cool, creepy yellow Playland masks, too.


Thankfully, the Fair Food Zone has a passing lane for people not picking up food.


Along the Reverse Parade route.


...Or Creepiness, depending on your point of view. (o:

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They decided to add a few more Night Rides...uh....nights to this month.



Night Rides Return


Ride into the Night!


Although the Fair will be a drive-thru experience this year, Playland is extending their hours on August 29 + September 5 & 6 with an evening session (6-11pm), so you can enjoy the park with all the rides lit up!


Not only that, but there's a new Beast Facemask to own, for the evening, too! Both it and the other yellow Playland mask can also be online ordered. At this time, I believe it is only available to be mailed within BC and Canada. Check with TicketLeader for other mailing charges, if available.




With cool new Beast Facemasks, too!

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Ah, the good old days of the PNE... not.


I quit cigarettes over five years ago (Yay me!), and just found this amusing to see, "from the PNE past."


1978 "PNE Video" screenshot.

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I went for my last visit to the park, earlier today. Not much to tell, except that it was sure quiet in parts of the park. A few of the flats were down, which made me sad, since I really enjoyed my ride on Gladiator last visit, and definitely wanted to ride it one more time. Not to be. I still got to chat with a number of the staff there, and wished them (and Playland) all well, for the coming year/season.


One more visit.


Got two rides in, and I was happy with that. "Three Rides for The Entire Season", heh.


New (to me) circlular distance markers, besides the small rectangular ones.


A trees shot, outside the gate. The most landscaping this park has, IS at the front gate!


Instead of distance markers there were these pink 'dots' in the Sea-to-Sky Swinger queue. Cute.


"Swing and Sway"


Isn't there supposed to be a tumbleweed here, rolling by?


Not so haunted, at this time. Even ghosts and ghouls need to socially distance from each other.


One of these is not operating today. And AtmosFEAR was thankfully, testing.


A nice clear shot, from the West Coast Wheel.


Meanwhile..... nothing 'new coaster-ish' happening here. Probably not until next year. I'm hoping.


White Spot PR. "Triple O" is the name of their burger sauce, truth! Their "Secret Sauce" they call it, although

the taste does resemble "slightly" 1000 Island dressing. Hmmm. Whatever. It's sold the burgers for decades. (o:


Choices. And note. In Cdn $


I just got some fries and a shake. That's all I wanted. Both were great, as usual. For $10.


And one more Coaster ride, with the On-Ride shot taken. Bye Bye Playland, till (hopefully) next year! (o:


I love these Beast masks! Photo from Playland(PNE).

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  • 2 weeks later...

This has just been posted by the PNE:


Due to the ongoing Metro Vancouver air quality advisory (smoke/fine particulate matter from wildfires in the Pacific Northwest), Playland will not open this Saturday, September 19.


Tickets are now on sale for Saturday, September 26 – including night rides; see Playland page for details.


I hopefully assume, those who bought tickets online beforehand,

will get some kind of a refund for Saturday?




Just for this Saturday coming up. NOT for the entire park itself!

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Just announced by Playland(PNE)!


Playland is presenting in October, what's going to be called


SLAYland ~ Night of A Thousand Screams


All the information is here: https://www.pne.ca/slayland/ But this is the description of it all, at Ticketleader:


Getting in is dead easy... escaping will be hell!


Although the Fright Nights haunted houses are not possible during COVID-19, Playland is thrilled to announce that as of October 9 the park will be transformed into Slayland - Nights of a Thousand Screams! It will feature twenty rides, including the Beast, Atmosfear, and the iconic Wooden Roller Coaster, plus a chilling outdoor walk-through experience and scary décor throughout the park. This is the first time in the PNE Halloween event history that guests will be allowed to wear costumes (no head coverings; eyes must be visible). There will be themes for costumes each weekend, from retro to superheroes. Since there will be no haunted houses, this is also the first time that children under 13 will be allowed, based on parental discretion (it is still not recommended for children under the age of eight).


Hmmm. Will have to think about which weekend to go, for it's "theme." I did like the NEON Night, last year.

Maybe....I'll go as a....Neon Fantasy???


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  • 3 weeks later...

Besides the SLAYLAND nights at Playland, the PNE has organized another drive-thru experience for All Hallow's Eve weekend...




This family-oriented experience will include live spooky characters, Halloween décor, and safe trick-or-treating for the little princesses and goblins!

Admission includes the drive-thru experience as well as a trick-or-treat bag with a selection of mini PNE goodies that includes a Halloween-themed candy apple, treat sized popcorn, mini cotton candy, mini donuts and packaged candy.

October 30 & 31

More information can be had at https://www.pne.ca/treats/


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Well, I checked and checked the weather predictions for the coming week. And decided to buy my Slayland Ticket for this Thursday, 6-11pm. I`m not too keen on going to one of these PNEvents during any weekend. And Thursday looks like it`ll be the best night for it, no rain, and some clouds. 🎢

And a TR will follow, on the weekend. (Photo care of The PNE)


My ticket. Looking forward to a break from being inside, for so long. 🎃


See ya on Thursday.....whatever you are! 🤡


And contrary to the park's Theme this weekend (it's RETRO), I think wearing this one will be creepy and "retro" enough, lol!

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Well, tonight's The Night! 🎃 David's driving me to the entry way of Playland. And I'll then have a choice of having Customer Services to call him and get me a ride home. Or...take transit back. It's easy from the park. Just a matter of "how long between buses?", etc. And of course, looking forward to seeing how they toned down most of everything that the adults enjoyed (including the Ride Side BAR), including no walk-thru haunt houses at - all. So instead of all that, there's a walk-thru "exhibit" I guess, highlighting the haunt houses them self. Hmm. Wonder how the 13 yr.olds will view it? That's the age limit they've lowered it to, from the adult age limit (19). But most of the rides will all be open, so I am hoping for another great THRILL on (dare I say it?) Gladiator, of all flat rides!

And a TR to follow all this, I am planning. 🎢 Hold on tight, till then!

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Here we go. 👻 "My Visit To SLAYland.....at Playland!"

Last night was a really nice night. Literally. The sky was clear of clouds, and the temp. didn't plummet to other worldly numbers. It was cool. But not freezing cool. I arrived about a 1/2 hour before opening time. The lineup was fairly long, but nothing I hadn't been in, before. But by the time Playland opened, the queue was way beyond the mini golf course, around the corner and up beside Coaster's fence. Hmm.

I already had a Playland mask on, so the free one I got with my admission, I pocketed away to take home. I headed straight for Coaster. And it was an easy, sooooo easy line to get into. I was in the station right away! And here's my first future RULE: Go on Coaster as many times as I can, when I get there! 🎢 By the time I left the park, after 8, the line had snaked everywhere and looked to be an easy 1 hour+ wait.

And, with all the photos I took,. I didn't realize how shaky and literally BAD most of them were, due to wearing purple garden gloves, as part of my 'costume' (the theme was Retro - I went as Retro NEON, heh). They continually got me snagged on the wrong parts of the camera. And I didn't bring my glasses along. They would also have been messy to deal with. But I couldn't clearly see the view screen so...... there ya go! Fuzzy BUT colourful, yeah? 😬

I got single rides on Coaster; West Coast Wheel; Bug Whirled; Gladiator; and....The Honey Bee Express train ride. Truth! First of all, Gladiator was having a problem with one of it's four 'arms." One of them would go up, like the rest did in the cycle. But once it reached it's height..... it never came back down! And they did try putting passengers in that arm's vehicles, but the ride op told me it made the ending worse, and the arm came down ever - so - ever - slow - and slowly - even more. So they decided not to have people on that arm, BUT they still let it run, which I thought was very cool of them to do, under the malfunctioning circumstances, lol.

The kids' (usually) train ride turned out to be a surprise (of two) at Playland. The ride ops at the Wheel suggested I check out the Haunted Hornet Express, which was the Honey Bee, but altered and "added to..." Turns out they had scare actors in it, and great dark lighting on everything, including something (one?) handing from an upturned boat. After me and two other guys rode it, we intended to let A LOT of people know about it. A secret SLAYland gem.

The other surprise was the " SLAYland Exhibit" they put together down along the covered Arcade. In each "room" they recreated the 'theme' of whichever Haunt House they usually put together during a regular Fright Night. And besides a mad scientist and Dracula roaming around (he knew me, too! Eep), they had a few scare actors in it, keeping their distance, but suddenly appearing at pretty good times. I was constantly on edge, wandering through it all, and wondering where "who would appear from where", etc?  I loved it. A great exhibit I wish they could somehow modify and run this, during a regular future Fright Nights.

Got my food at the White Spot "Triple O" place, wandered around a bit more for more photo ops. Then, called it a night, once I saw the GI-normous lineup for Coaster!

P.S. I have tried and tried to load all these images IN ORDER. But "something" is not letting me do that. So I've loaded them together as best I can. Pardon. It's a learning experience, right? 😉

EDIT to add: I have since figured this system of posting photos, out. Finally! Thanks to Robb, Bert, and others for their help.


Am I blue? Yes. Yes, you are blue. Blue blue.


They actually had a couple of Arcade Games going! And Pizza Pizza was open, as well.


The lineup, as I was about to leave the park. A definite hour and a half wait. No thanks.


The Eating Tent.



My meal. The fries and milkshake were great. The burger? Um...not so much. Didn't taste "freshly made."


First actual shot: On the bus, on the way to the park. This is the PNE main entry way.IMG_2541.JPG


"The Rubik's Cube explains it all."


Doesn't look long, but with the distancing and all... stretched quite a bit down the sidewalk.


The Great Gonzo made an appearance.


Fuzzy. Along the way of the train ride theming.


One is a scare actor. The other is a Playland VIP. Entrance to The Exhibit. (Awesome!)


Haunted Mansion is still quarantined till.........................................?


I thought this was for "the new coaster". But it's Chjristmas-sy stuff, so I am wondering if they are planning to do a Holiday Event here at Playland? Stay tuned for that one.


At first, I thought both tower rides were down. But AtmosFEAR opened for the evening.


Yes. A ride on The Wheel for an overview of everything.


The park looks deserted.


Lights up on Grouse Mtn. What's called the North Shore is below it.


A walk on for ordering burgers and stuff.


This thing kept moving all night. Never stopped. Then it would occasionally roar.


Flash shows IT up, better.


Where the meal was gotten, other side of the building.





The Gladiator, with that "stuck up" arm there, on the right. Definitely fit the theme of the night.


The was the last photo taken, before I left. But like I said before...order isn't working here.


Partially green.


This guy's usually in front of Coaster. Wasn't moving at all. <sad>


Bright Breakdance.


White Light.


Only shot I took of Coaster. Before night fell. <thump>


Cute couple.


Last shot here - The White Spot Menu! (o;

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^ on the pictures. . once you have them in your post, you can "drag" them into the order you want.

just click (and hold), then just move up and down in your post to place them where you want.

- the other option?    Put them into the "Drag files here to attach" section rather than dropping into the main section of your post.  
once in that section, you can then click the "+"  on each file, and it will load them in that order -  it will mean you'll have to scroll back down to the "list" of pictures each time to click the next "+" you want to insert, but it will put the images in your post in the order you want them.

personally?   I think  it's easier just to drag them to the order you want in the main post.

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^ Thanks Bert. I remember reading this `"drag and drop" system. Just haven't actually worked it out, yet.

Silly old bear I am. 🧔 Thanks again.


Something I (conveniently) forgot to try. One of these, and PUMPKIN flavoured Cotton Candy! )o:

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^ Thanks. And by the way...

I forgot to mention and THANK all the people who worked at Playland during these times, SLAYland included. I think they put together a really good approach and layout to this year's October Event. There were no walk-thru haunts, but they put together a really impressive...uh...."Exhibit" of bits of all the haunts, with a few safely-placed scare actors (Hi Drac!), too. And definitely not for young children this one. I honestly think that the Haunted Train Ride might be too intense for them, as well as this walk-thru.  My 5 Cents,

And any Playland person I had to speak to, was courteous, informative, and always wished me "a Great Night!"

Great bunch of people over at Playland, they are. 🎢👻👏

P.S. Also, Customer Service was so great in phoning for my pickup ride. I don't own a cellphone, so it was great for them to do that. Thanks!


Thanks, Scare Actor and Playland(PNE) Exec.! Have a Great NEW Year...Next Year, hee hee!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Christmas Toy Drop 🎅 at the PNE!


~ Christmas Toy Drop Drive-Thru ~ 

This year, COVID has forced the cancellation of our traditional toy-drive events, but is anticipated to increase the amount of families in need this holiday season.

We invite our community to bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate to the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau for families in need – and we’ll reward you with a coffee and mini donuts!

Drive-thru on Thursday, November 12 or Friday, November 13 to contribute and join fellow community members in the spirit of Christmas!


I just put my "reservation" in to drop a toy {or more} there, on the 12th. 🎁


Bring an unwrapped toy. Get coffee and some awesome mini-donuts for doing it! (o:

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^ Huh. Thanks for finding this. And yes it is dear old corkACKscrew, with one of the Drop Zone towers in front of it, and Revelation to the left. Interesting that back when they had the public meetings, I asked if it was sold (this was in January?) because it was totally gone from it's old spot? And was told no, they hadn't found a buyer. So they just dismantled it and put it in storage. Hmmm. Maybe they decided to try, try again, and got lucky!

Wonder who bought it? And I wonder, for how much? They were originally asking half a mill for it. And that didn't get a sale. So maybe they reduced the asking price?

I know the old EXPO86 Coaster (then called the Scream Machine) went to SF-St.Louis. That park has my continued sympathy.

Stay tuned I guess. 🎢


Coming up next month.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a heads up, to anybody local who was thinking about getting tix for the PNE's Winter Nights Drive-Thru...



We got our ticket for Friday, Dec.11th (5:30-6pm entry), so I will post a TR that weekend. Ho ho ho. 🎀


Big EDIT: We found out today (Wed/9th), our car "in the shop" may not be ready by Friday. So, we're accepting the fact that we might not be able to do the Drive-Thru then. :classic_sad: Such is life with cars. Thankfully, it didn't cost a bundle for the ticket per car ($42.50 Cdn).

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BUMP with new Info! Winter Lights Drive-Thru has now added dates/times between Dec.28 and 30th! 🎁



Happy EDIT! It looks like we're getting our car back, this Thursday afternoon. So, we can do tomorrow's Winter Lights visit! YAY!


A bit of what we're going to see, tomorrow. (o:

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Well, that was fast, LOL!



Well, we got our car back this afternoon. So it's ON with our ticket tomorrow 5:30-6pm... Yes!

The ONLY thing we still haven't learned, is what Food Trucks are being a part of this event? Nothing posted at this time. <sighs>

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Well........crap. Yesterday, just after 5:30 pm, we arrived at the entry area to go through, and on to the displays. And we're met by several guys who all look like they're policemen. One of them comes up to our window. David starts showing the ticket, and more or less he tells us "it's cancelled." David asks why, and we get a not very happy answer.... something to do with our Provincial Health Official making the call to not open Winter Nights up. And he didn't want to tell us anything more.  And wanted us to move on, "that way towards Hastings St."

What a bummer. He didn't exactly give us any info. on where or how to get a refund. And there's nothing on the PNE site (last time I checked), that indicates what happened yesterday. So Monday, I guess it's a email directly to the PNE asking what happened, and do we get our money back?

Ho ho f-ing ho. :classic_sad:

Happy EDIT to Add: Just called TicketLeader (who sells tix to PNE's events) and they are refunding my credit card for the ticket. And yes, they were very unhappy about having to cancel yesterday. But only one day. So it'll still be happening, starting today and through to Dec.30th.

Jolly jolly. 🎀

p.s. Yesterday was the only day we could do this. Unfortunately. Hopefully, maybe, they'll do it all again, next year!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There's this 27 year old artist, who loves going to the PNE and Playland. He was very unhappy about both shutting down during most of 2020, and started painting fave rides he enjoyed, when he visited Playland. Here are the ones  that he's done...so far. 🎠

You can read more about Simon and his Playland Art here: https://www.pne.ca/simon/


The first one he did, with other fave stuff of his underneath the West Coast Wheel.


Yo ho ho! Here's a rhyme fer ya mateys: "Simon Greaves, is the artist of these." (Yaaarrr)


The newest ride in Playland... The Sea-To-Sky Swinger.

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