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Tomahawk - "South Paw"


I'm exploring Mike Patton's discography right now, I'm really digging this particular band. Maybe because it's the most normal of his projects, especially considering this is the same guy as Mr. Bungle.


FNM is easily his most "normal" project. If you want his really weird ****, check out Adult Themes for Voice and Maldoror, his collaboration with Masami Akita (aka Merzbow), both of which qualify as noise music.


As for me, I'm listening to Cattle Decapitation - Gristle Licker. Come to think of it, Travis Ryan reminds me of Patton at times, both in terms of range, noise influences (actually, Travis started out as a harsh noise composer before moving to vocals), and ability to cause nightmares.

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"The Grass is Always Greener"


by Kander & Ebb - from the musical "Woman of The Year"


Sung by Marilyn Cooper and Lauren Bacall.


What the old LP looked like.

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