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Euro-Fighter Contest [NL]

Which Coaster Is The Best?!?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Coaster Is The Best?!?

    • Corrupt - Scaparri
    • Capacity - ArrowHater
    • V - JJboy100
    • Alpha Echo - KrazyT
    • Xcalibur - Dbru

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Sure, why not. I'll join. And also, how come you have to say our coaster must be under 150 ft., when just before it you said it "must be 100 feet tall"?


And also, do you mind if I change the types support beams used in the template? Mainly the red box and dark red box. I'm red/green colorblind and it is hard to see the boundary lines. In fact, I didn't even know the dark red box in the middle was even there until the rules said something about it!

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Sure, why not. I'll join. And also, how come you have to say our coaster must be under 150 ft., when just before it you said it "must be 100 feet tall"?


And also, do you mind if I change the types support beams used in the template? Mainly the red box and dark red box. I'm red/green colorblind and it is hard to see the boundary lines. In fact, I didn't even know the dark red box in the middle was even there until the rules said something about it!


I know what you mean, Im fully color blind, hooray for shades of grey! *laughs* I have to get my friends to tell me which is which color ^_^

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Sure, why not. I'll join. And also, how come you have to say our coaster must be under 150 ft., when just before it you said it "must be 100 feet tall"?


And also, do you mind if I change the types support beams used in the template? Mainly the red box and dark red box. I'm red/green colorblind and it is hard to see the boundary lines. In fact, I didn't even know the dark red box in the middle was even there until the rules said something about it!

You can change the colors all you want. When I said that it MUST be 100ft tall. I mean that 100ft is the minimum, and it can be no more than 150!


I'll try it. Even though Im horrible in NoLimits.


Question: Does the track have to pass the tunnel test with the boxes we must go through?

The track that you make must pass the tunnel test! But the template may enter the tunnel. Make sense? On the purple boxes as long as your track goes through the box then you are fine


Just wondering, what is the difference between the two Euro-Fighters on NL?

The second Euro-Fighter has more elaborately themed trains!


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Just asking, when I make the station with a custom station building made of supports, is it okay if the building extends out of the light blue box, as long as the station segments are in it?.


That is fine!! As long as the station track segements are inside the blue box your station BUILDING can go out of the box! Just make sure the TRACK is inside the box and you will be fine!


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Okay, I know you've explained it, but I don't quite understand.


My coaster (while going up the lift) travels right through the purple support beams (not inside the square, but the actual beams hit the coaster car). Does my coaster not pass the tunnel test?

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Okay, I know you've explained it, but I don't quite understand.


My coaster (while going up the lift) travels right through the purple support beams (not inside the square, but the actual beams hit the coaster car). Does my coaster not pass the tunnel test?


Your coaster does pass the tunnel test if it hits ANY of the purple boxes. That is the only exception. SO if your coasters hits any purple you are fine... if your coaster hits anything else it is disqualified! Make sense?


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