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SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread

P. 277: Arctic-themed flying theater announced for 2025!

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I've been off the last 2 days, so today was the first day I was able to check out the closure of the main path. They have COMPLETELY removed the midway all the way down to the former Loggerhead Larrys store and have now began to extend the excavation of the lagoon. With the construction wall down in that area, the ending is looking A LOT more impressive and you can really visualize what the finished product will look like.

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they said they wanted all the planting and everything done when the ride open. the car are not there too even start testing yet so who know

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Rumor has it the trains started to arrive yesterday on site. By the time I made it through they weren't there, but a friend of mine who also works at the Park was crossing over the makeshift pathway for the employees to get around the blocked midway and saw cars being unloaded from the back of a trailer and said there were several people out taking pictures and such. I am not confirming this in anyway, but thats whats going around at this point. As far as testing, March is rumored to still be the target to begin testing for the actual ride itself.....so really we aren't all that far away if thats the case!

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To the best of my understanding, no part of the train will touch the water. The splash effect will be 100% generated by jets of water, more or less, that will shoot out. I do not believe the splash will have any guest interaction, rather mostly for show. With that said, the system is adjustable so it could happen.

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Well I guess the splash effect is and wait and see thing. I would like to see an actual splashdown of the coaster train itself but I have a feeling that it is unlikely. We'll see though.


Not that this means much, but the concept art seemed very specific on that point. Still, it's hard to quite picture it, even looking at the concept art. It just doesn't look right.

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You can bet the house that the ride will have "speed check" brakes along the course in at least 2-3 spots. That is just how B&M operates. They put those speed checks in place to keep the train speed within operating limits.

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But look at the track, there is no trim on the layout...


I am sure that B&M know what they are doing.



the ride looks cool i live 20 min from it and have watch it go up and will have a video on it.

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