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The most *gasp* flat ride ever!

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Anything that amounts to nothing more than a centrifuge - i.e, rotors, round-ups, and anything where the ride is little more than circular spinning. Those kind of things were fun when I was 10 years old (and not prone to motion sickness and not minding wasting time on less than exciting rides) but not these days. If I'm going to be going 'round and 'round on a flat, I will want at least some other motion along with it to provide some variety and possibly some mild airtime, like a Trabant or a Himalaya.


I am also not too fond of drop towers either simply because I have no interest in being taken up and dropped. Again, when I want to be dropped I want some other sensations and motions to accompany it. Griffon at BGE is a great example - it does take riders up and drop them, but then it does at least a few other things after that point. However, I will sometimes ride "double shot" drop towers, because they offer more than just an ascent and a drop.


Finally, I also don't care for any ride that hangs me upside down for too long. Again, it was fun to play "skin the cat" on the playground equipment when I was a child, but at my age, hanging upside down with the blood rushing to my head is not my cup of tea.

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I absolutely love drop towers! It's one of those things where I just can't understand how people could not like it. Kinda like how I'm amazed that there are people that don't like cheese! However, I have many friends that don't like them at all.


You guys are weird JK

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^^ I agree totally with how some of these rides are based on pretty basic designs and operations.


But, they had to start somewhere on the "Ride Intensity" scale, to get where they are now.


I just like sharing some of The Classics in all things flat ride, dark ride/funhouse, and coaster.

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Dude, Gravitrons are amazing if you have a good operator / DJ. The guy that used to work on the one at Casino Pier (Seaside Heights, NJ) was a madman. He'd blast nothing but Metallica and Iron Maiden with the strobe light while climbing around the booth like a psychotic monkey.

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Dude, Gravitrons are amazing if you have a good operator / DJ. The guy that used to work on the one at Casino Pier (Seaside Heights, NJ) was a madman. He'd blast nothing but Metallica and Iron Maiden with the strobe light while climbing around the booth like a psychotic monkey.


That would ruin Metallica for me.

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Dude, Gravitrons are amazing if you have a good operator / DJ. The guy that used to work on the one at Casino Pier (Seaside Heights, NJ) was a madman. He'd blast nothing but Metallica and Iron Maiden with the strobe light while climbing around the booth like a psychotic monkey.



^^ No, that reads like a fun time for myself, lol.

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Dude, Gravitrons are amazing if you have a good operator / DJ. The guy that used to work on the one at Casino Pier (Seaside Heights, NJ) was a madman. He'd blast nothing but Metallica and Iron Maiden with the strobe light while climbing around the booth like a psychotic monkey.


That would ruin Metallica for me.


St Anger didn't?


I kid, I kid, I'm a huge Metallica fan. St Anger really sucked, though.

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Hi, guys! Tell me... what's the worst flat ride you've ridden?


Sooooo Maybe it's just me, but I don't really see how "The most *gasp* flat ride ever!" equals "Tell me... what's the worst flat ride you've ridden?"




I think the worst flat ride I have ever ridden is the "stand up" version of the Tango ride:



Thank god I am gay, because I'm pretty sure that ride made me un-able to reproduce. So. Painful.

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^ And I am sooo very very glad, there are (starting out) younger, more virile,

more....uh....pliable young people like yourself, to put themselves through

these...uh...things... and test everything in advance, for me.


Much appreciated.

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Hi, guys! Tell me... what's the worst flat ride you've ridden?


Sooooo Maybe it's just me, but I don't really see how "The most *gasp* flat ride ever!" equals "Tell me... what's the worst flat ride you've ridden?"


The most flat ride ever, sort of like a flat soda or (to the straight man/gay woman?) a flat chest, the use of flat implies it's boring. I didn't create this thread, but it's a pun.


I generally try to stay away from boring rides. The first ones that come to mind are the flat rides for younger kids, like the miniature swinging ships, but I'm not going to count those. The most boring flat ride I've ridden as an adult would have to be the Dumbo ride. Actually, no...Aladdin's Magic Carpet ride at Magic Kingdom (I waited probably 45 minutes with my nephews for this one). One Fish, Two Fish with its water effect on the other hand is a way to make a Dumbo style ride somewhat fun.

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