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Hersheypark Announces Fahrenheit!

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If we need to re arrange the letters why would the pictures be numbered?


Just something to think about.


That is a good question, but I don't know of any words in the English language that end in "OSNN." At least, not off the top of my head.

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Since we're still 3 letters short, this is a pretty blind guess (and it might not be an anagram at all for all we know), but it kinda makes sense? Yeah? Maybe?


Also, do you guys think this is a dash or anything in 2/14? Or is it just the space in the track? It's kind of hard to tell.


Dang, I have way too much time on my hands.


Someone once told me that I have a tendency to over-analyze things. Come to think of it, they may have had a point.

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If we need to re arrange the letters why would the pictures be numbered?


How else would we know we had all the letters?


Also, do you guys think this is a dash or anything in 2/14? Or is it just the space in the track? It's kind of hard to tell.


Definitely a dash or an underscore. Maybe it was supposed to go in #6 and they screwed up? Or, just maybe, some of the pictures have TWO letters

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the first picture has a M in it


Really? Wow! Your amazing senses and deduction have revealed something that no one else has noticed! Your perception is so acute that you can notice such things without even reading the thread! I bow before your awesome observational skills!:lolr:


(try reading the last three pages of this thread, starting here)

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Yeah it looks very similar to Maverick with a beyond-vertical drop and a similar train design.


The 95-degree drop, the launch, and the airtime hills on Maverick were top notch, but sadly those are the only parts of the ride that were. The problem is the overhead shoulder portion of the restraints - there are some pretty severe changes of direction in the track, and riders necks are thrown sideways into the hard and unforgiving bars. The end result is painful and seriously limits rerideability of what might otherwise have been a top ten coaster.


Fahrenheit has to have those restraints for safety reasons, hopefully this'll be less of an issue here.

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Ho my god, what is this loop, is it a new kind of loop or is a rollercoaster having something like that?


What you are referring to is known as a "Norwegian Loop" since it first appeared on Speed Monster at TusenFryd in Norway.


It is somewhat similar to the "Pretzel Loop" seen on B&M Flying Coasers such as Superman: Ultimate Flight, but the Norwegian Loop adds a twist when entering and exiting the loop.

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Ho my god, what is this loop, is it a new kind of loop or is a rollercoaster having something like that?


What you are referring to is known as a "Norwegian Loop" since it first appeared on Speed Monster at TusenFryd in Norway.


It is somewhat similar to the "Pretzel Loop" seen on B&M Flying Coasers such as Superman: Ultimate Flight, but the Norwegian Loop adds a twist when entering and exiting the loop.


Thank you so much for explaining, yep they have two twist in it, It really is a beautifull loop, did you or somebody experience that?

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I M _ V A _ T N E I O S N N


(With my "Intamin (or Nantimi) moves in," anagram guess, I've got one of the missing letters confirmed, at least. Anyone see another I or M in picture #6?)


Photo number 10:


The back of the pews in the the First Fahrenheit Church of HersheyPark. You know, 'cause it looks like a sanctuary and all...

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So far what I got

I M _ V A I T N E I O S N N

Does anybody have 3 (3/14)???

Well even if you know it, well its the only one we need.

(by the way I was trying to solve it at school, I even looked at these when I was on a computer haha kids were like what huh I don't get it)

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So far what I got

I M _ V A I T N E I O S N N

Does anybody have 3 (3/14)???

Well even if you know it, well its the only one we need.

(by the way I was trying to solve it at school, I even looked at these when I was on a computer haha kids were like what huh I don't get it)


Where did you find an "I" in #6?

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