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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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The comments under the picture on their facebook page are just...wow...


Several users claiming "I'm so high"

And one claiming it's going to be a stratacoaster but not a stratacoaster...

Yaaahhhhh!!!! Stratacoaster all the way man!! Except what's gonna make it better than TTD is the fact that it will use the momentum to have more elements like camel humps, helixes, and inversions.


Here's the thing though: it will not be a... strata (400 ft +): it will be 315 feet high and do the STORMRUNNER thing ( Hershey park ) and treat you to all sorts of great elements following the launch and top hat!!!! OMG OMG!!! I can't wait!!! Thank you Cedar Fair!


And as for lines: well, with six smaller trains running, the line WILL move steadily. But the wait will be long. You can always expect that with the opening of a world-class thrill attraction that delivers a real BANG for your buck.

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Park News - (8/17/10) According to a reader those markings under Vortex have been there most of the season and may be an attempt to measure water levels in the lake throughout the year due to some flooding issues during storms. They also uncovered a fun little “easter egg” hidden on the park’s website… the old FearFest and Spooktacular website is still online and intact from 2006, the old Paramount days. I guess Cedar Fair’s web-techs never found it and removed it, so enjoy it now while it lasts and grab some logos or screen captures for yourself, because it probably wont be up too much longer.

Unfortunately, though I had just posted information about the event, the Ride Warriors day at Canada’s Wonderland was apparently just canceled due to lack of interest. How sad they would cancel it so quickly, though to be fair it doesn’t sound they did a damn thing to promote it as the only way I was even informed about it at all was through some local enthusiast sites. You’ve got to promote an event if your going to have one folks…




http://www.canadaswonderland.com/fearfest/ - The old haunt site

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One of the four signs posted around the park, I'm starting to think this is a big deal for Canada's Wonderland.

The other Four signs say this;


1. I can't Believe It!

2. Does Height Matter?

3. Look Way Up!

4. How High?


Credit for the picture goes to a twitter user, found it on Canada's Wonderlands Twitter.

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I am thinking that IF we are getting a rumored "Stratasoar" skyflyers that the name along with the artical posted in this thread ( http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=28853&start=7330 ) seem to indicate a height of around 400ft. Hyper = 200ft, Giga = 300ft and Strata = 400ft when it's been related to previous rides Cedar Fair have build, so one could only assume that it may play a part into the height questions for the new "Stratasoar".

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  fitchboy said:
If you look up "Stratasoar" it was only trademarked in United States, it hasn't been patented here in Canada, thus I really think were not getting the "Stratasoar" it would have been trademarked already..


How does that work in terms of trademarks? Since Cedar Fair trademarked "Stratasoar" ( http://i.pointbuzz.com/stratosoar.pdf ), and own's both parks in US & Canada, do they need to do anything within Canada alone to get permission to use that name? I am not sure how it works when a corporation operates both in US & Canada with regards to trademarks.

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So, keeping up with the “now”, the Ride Warriors event at Wonderland for tomorrow was canceled earlier this week due to a “Lack of Interest”.


I wonder who dropped the ball on this one. I believe those running our local fan site (cwmania) had input and worked with the park to put together a terrific day. I feel bad that this happened given what I’m sure were a lot of hours put in to plan the event.


Did anyone (TPR or Club TPR) even know about this event? I would never have known until early August when it was announced through cwmania and then through one of Robb’s emails. I guess the late announcement and lack of promotion had a lot to do with the cancellation and lack of interest.


I hope this doesn’t discourage Wonderland from using these plans for next year with a promotions plan. It really sounded like a terrific day.

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^I knew about it but had other plans that would've prevented me from going.


Club TPR was actually one of the clubs you could be a part of to go to that event. It is a shame cause it sounded like a great day of activities. I wonder if the price had something to do with it?


I think one thing they could've done to get the word out was promote it better...there was only a small blurb at the bottom of their main page promoting it. Had they perhaps had a bigger banner for it, maybe more people would be interested.


I still think that cost of the event + Club membership may have thrown some people off, even though as long as you were a memeber on CWMania then you were eligable to go as well.

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My apologies, but I have to agree with you. Props to whatever fanboy thought that beauty up. There are just way too many factors that would say that a new strata at Canada's Wonderland is bogus, like how Behemoth is still fresh and has bragging rights as tallest in Canada.

I really like the name SKYCORE, though, it really brings to mind imagery of a reeeally tall apple remanent.


Rant done, peace out girl scouts.

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  The_Mad_Hatter said:
definitely a hoax. I highly doubt Cedar Fair would add anything of this stature to any park other than Cedar Point.


Who would've thought that KD would get a giga since CP is the only American park to have one? I'd like to say hoax given the stats but you can't rule out the possibility.

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I think if CW were to get a coaster like that, it would be just short of TTD (somewhere betweek 400' - 415'), like I305 with MF. Not only that, but why stop at 488? Just build the extra 12 feet and go for broke at 500'.


Besides, 138 MPH wouldn't make it the fastest coaster. Formula Rossa is slated to go 149 MPH.


I say hoax.

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I know Cedar Point is their flagship park, but why does everyone think that none of the other Cedar Fair parks could get something that surpasses the Point? Keep in mind that in 2009 Wonderland had a higher attendance rate ( 3.38m vs 3.19m). Why would a park not consider putting a major, record breaking attraction in their highest attended park?


I would still lean more towards hoax as well on this one again based off the stats and the reliability of the TTD/Kingda Ka style strata coasters. I don't think Cedar Fair would believe that "third times a charm", but that's just my view. We still are enjoying Behemoth as well so that could be another reason we don't see a coaster taller then that anytime soon.


If we got an Intamin I would much rather see a Maverick style ride or a something like iSpeed in Mirabilandia. We've got the height style coaster, now lets go for something a little more, umm, TWISTY!!!!

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  PCW_Nut said:
I know Cedar Point is their flagship park, but why does everyone think that none of the other Cedar Fair parks could get something that surpasses the Point?


I would still lean more towards hoax as well on this one again based off the stats and the reliability of the TTD/Kingda Ka style strata coasters.


Because it has already happened in the past with I305.


Regarding TTD's reliability, it has been MUCH more reliable in recent years. Once CP started getting the hang of things, and creating routines, like starting off thye day with only half-full trains, things got much better.

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All I can say is alot of stars are lining up for Canada's Wonderland:


1. It's been 3 years since their last large capital investment (Behemoth)

2. It's easily the most visited CF park. (beats out CP every year)

3. It's coaster line is not great, but its good.

4. I heard CP "announced" their planed spending on capital investments in Q2 (don't know if that right). If I'm correct they were planning for 85 million...

- There is about 50 million extra after plotting in the additions of Planet Snoopy to Valleyfair an Michigan Adventure... with the two (or possible three) StratoSoars going to Cedar Point and Knott's Berry Farm (and possibly Canada's Wonderland) that would leave around 30 to 35 million left over. Ther "pic" is plausible and I won't rule it out. I have my doubts on the rumored height and speed but wouldn't downplay a possible Intamin Accelerator. We'll know Tuesday.


(What I will say though is that CP, KBF, and CWL are ALL revealing their new rides on the same day... If it was going to be a groundbreaking coaster, then wouldn't it have it's on Announcement Day. Makes me feel like CF wants to announce all its StratoSoars on the same day.

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  KDcoasterMAN said:

(What I will say though is that CP, KBF, and CWL are ALL revealing their new rides on the same day... If it was going to be a groundbreaking coaster, then wouldn't it have it's on Announcement Day. Makes me feel like CF wants to announce all its StratoSoars on the same day.

Not necessarily. Unless all parks are having a simultaneous announcement, such as a CF big wig making it via telecast to all parks) then I imagine each announcement is done individually.


Even it was some simulcast thing, the announcement could always go along the lines of "In 2011, Cedar Point and Knotts Berry Farm will both be introducing Stratosoar, the tallest swing ride on Earth. And for a very special announcement, Canada's Wonderland, our most attended park, will be receiving such and such."

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Honestly I wouldn't be surprised f Canada's Wonderland got both the stratosoar ride and a moderate coaster. Canada's Wonderland use to be spoiled by Paramount where we sometimes saw 2-4 ride additions each year, and that's due to the parks popularity and attendance within Canada. Also as posted in Cedar Fairs Q2 results attendance at Canada's Wonderland was terrible this year, thus the fact for the first time in the parks history we went 3 years without a thrilling addition.. that's never happened before at Canada's Wonderland. We've also been told by sources outside of the park about this addition being very special.

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  FeelTheFORCE said:


Regarding TTD's reliability, it has been MUCH more reliable in recent years. Once CP started getting the hang of things, and creating routines, like starting off thye day with only half-full trains, things got much better.


Somewhat more reliable. I would have agreed but after early last week, it was constantly operating, down, operating down, etc etc. Plus a roll back and then down again for another hour. We were next in line for the front after waiting 2.5 hours because it just didn't even open at park opening after being down and somewhat operating the night before. Then we waited another hour while friends fell sleep on the train waiting. The ride ops said it's just down way too often so no real change since opening year if you remove the accident. Because of TTD, we got a whopping 3 rides in by 5pm, but only because Millennium was a 2.5 hour wait. When you're with friends and hanging out, the time passes by though.


I think the difference since opening year is that they're better at trouble shooting. But they told us there's so much going on with that ride that each fault or down time is a new trouble shooting experience so it still takes a very long time to get the ride up and running again. With the exception of drop towers, ride anything with an Intamin cable first thing if they're open since there's no guarantee that they'll be open for the entire day, if at all.


That being said, it still is phenomenal ride! We should be so lucky

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^Jason, I really think this coaster wanted to play with my nerves LOL. This being said, indeed, it is an obsessive ride, and it may have had some downtime, but I still got the feeling that we saw it run a LOT more consistently than KK which is more often down than up and running. But your piece of advice is excellent: ride those things as soon as you can. You're never sure how temperamental they will be. But CP is absolutely great at fixing things. Some parks would probably call it a day when a ride breaks down at night. Here, they really did their best to reopen it AFTER 10 !!! (closing time) What good memories with Trent falling asleep while I was starting a nervous breakdown for fear of not riding it anymore LOL

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