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Fox Studios World: My second RCT2 park

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  • 2 weeks later...
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It's looking fantastic!


You really got to keep this up, as it could easely become one of the best RCT2 parks.



I have to agree with BelgianGuy about the pool thing though. I think that just plain asphalt or concrete tiles would look better than the black/white thing you have there now. I mean, how many pools have you seen that are looking like that?


And I really hope that you will make this park peep-friendly. That would just be awesome!


Can't wait to see more!

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The signs in the front of the parking lot look great. The best use of letters I have seen yet. Looking forward to seeing the rides that go along with them.


Also agree about the pool. The checkers look great in a pool but out, not so much.


an a-side...your pictures are too big, 800/600 is max and the ones on the first page are nothing but X's. Please fix that, I missed what was there.

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@ ericmichaellucas, COASTER FREAK 11: Thank you.

@ coaster1000, dmaxsba2408: I changed the pool, as more then a few of you made the same observation. And yes, I'm going to try and keep the park peep friendly.


Here is a bit of an update. I put a lot of work into every little part of the park (even if the results don't seem to show it), so even when time goes by without updates, and I don't have a large one to post after all that time, it doesn't mean I haven't been working long and hard on getting this park done. I just want to get it done right.


On to the screen shots...


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On the outside, these buildings appear to be separate from each other. However, on the inside, they are all inter-connected, and are home to many licensed food stalls such as McDonalds, Subway, Pizza Hut, and Popcorn, as well as restrooms and an ATM machine. My goal with these buildings was to have them themed similarly, but also have each of them a bit unique from each other.


Next screen shot...


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Similar to the amphitheater I designed in my earlier attempt at FSW, this one is a relatively simple layout. It is named after my home park's private area (Canada's Wonderland). Beyond the amphitheater is the private functions area, including stage and audience, and covered eating area.


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There won't be anything new posts from me over the next few weeks as I am heading to Europe to visit the in-laws... yay

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The detail and the design is top notch. Have you considered sending this to NE?



- TPR has tons of highly skilled RCT2&3 builders. You're clearly one of them. I can't wait to see your park expand as well as add some cool looking coasters/flat rides. You've obviously spend lots of time and effort into building this park.


PS: Have a safe trip!

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@netdvn, dmaxsba2408: Thanks!


I managed to make a bit of last minute progress before I go to Europe for some holidays. I am starting to feel optimistic about this park, and in my own humble opinion, believe my abilities have even improved from my original attempt at making FSW - but I guess that's not for me to conger.


Regardless, I am quite happy I have pretty much finished an entire section of the park, I just need to tweak a few things here-and-there. International Street is home to restaurants, souvenirs, a monorail station, and even a few rides (such as the Fox Lookout seen in previous screenshots, and 2 new rides...


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This screenshot shows the monorail station (the track is not built yet), but this station is also home to 4 souvenir shops, as well as a pathway that goes right through the structure. The shops sell sunglasses, plush toys, teddy bears, and hats. Beside the station is the Action 3Deatre. Featuring a rather posh exterior, it is home to great cinesphere style 3D shows. One annoying thing I am trying to fix is getting rid of that annoying white "ghost" of a diagonal railing that seems to be immovable.


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In keeping with the flavour of International Street, which includes generic ride titles (Fox Lookout, Backlot Tours, Action 3Deatre), I gave in to temptation, and put in the first coaster of the park: Global Stunt Rider. It's your basic Vekoma Inverted Boomerang (which exists in only 5 amusement parks in the world). One neat idea I put in was moving gears at the top of the vertical towers. I wanted to use the 8 Cars trainer to incorporate the inverted coaster track to make it look more authentic, but that is beyond my abilities. The theming is designed to suggest visual warnings and safety, like yellow and black warning signs put up when a stunt is about to be performed, etc.


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Before I sign off for the few weeks I am gone, I have two questions I need help with:

  1. Are there any good tutorials out there on how to use the merge track feature on 8 Cars?
  2. Does anyone know how to get rid of that white ghost railing shown in the first screenshot by the entrance to the Action 3Deatre?
  3. Can perhaps anyone think of a better name then Global Stunt Rider?



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Park looks good, I enjoyed that update. I especially liked the spiral stairs on the giant inverted boomerang. Anyways...


1. This tutorial worked well for me. It was simple yet effective. Check it out!

2. I have never seen anything like that, but maybe saving, closing the game and restarting the computer will help? Beats me.

3. I got nothin', sorry

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not so much an update as it is a question...


Even though I'm on holidays right now, I still get a bit of time to put towards working on my park.


I'm trying to make this park a more realistic one, so that means trying to improve the supports that go with the coasters I design. As I've placed my inverted boomerang coaster in the park, I find myself having a difficult time replacing the game's default track supports with some more realistic custom ones. As you can see in the below screenshot, I've started putting the custom supports (look at the vertical loop) in, but when I try to add the custom supports between the vertical loop and the cobra roll, I can't seem to get rid of the default supports. If the coaster track wasn't inverted, it'd probably be a lot easier, but since I need to have the supports go above the track, that seems to be what makes it tough.


That being said, I did make some changes to the ride, namely changing the queue line (replaced the tented area), adding a station building, and tweaking a few custom objects on the ride.


Does anyone have any suggestions for me, please?


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If you are looking to make a more realistic Deja Vu clone you just need to follow this tutorial. It will take you step by step.

LINK: http://rcttutorials.bizhat.com/hack5.htm


To remove supports dig a hole one notch down under the support you want to remove. Put in a path piece (one that usually kills supports like the black gravel). Get the 8cars working, zero clearances and raise the land back up. Restore clearances and the support should be gone.


The other option would be to use a "support blocker". To use one of these at this point in your park you will need to do one of two things.


Either, start over and add it in to your senery selections. This option would be the best if you DON'T have that many rides in your park yet. Just save the game and put it back in the editor and then when you are done adding what you want save it again as a scenario and rebuild your rides.


Or, go up to the RCT2 help thread at the top of this forum and go to page 9 and download the ParkDAT and ParkPreviewer utilities. (EDIT:the file has been updated since this post was made. They will allow you to edit your parks DAT files without starting over. With this option there are risks involved. You can destroy your park if your not careful as to what you add and remove. There is a link in that post that takes you to a site that explains how to use them both. Be sure to read it if you decide to go this route with your park.


3 different blockers are in the ZIP below. 2 are from the same person and have the same title but the dat's are different. I have no idea what the difference between them are.

support blockers.zip

Support Blockers Zip.


The finished but uncolored Deja Vu clone from the tutorial site.

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  • 5 months later...

It's been a really long time, but I finally do have some screenshots to post. Even though they are incomplete, they at least give you an idea of how things are unfolding in the park.


On a different note, if you have been going to my website for the past number of weeks you'll see it wasn't there. This was due to the website hosting service moving the files over to a new server and somehow a bunch of files which didn't belong to me suddenly appeared in my folder, thus messing up the website. The problem has been fixed.


On to the screenshots...


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This is an updated screenshot of Stunt Rider. The update comes in the form of custom supports used for the ride. This is the first time I've tried doing custom supports for a coaster.




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An incomplete screenshot of X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, a pair of dueling suspended mini-coasters. As with Dueling Dragons at Universal Studios, there are three times that the coasters pass each other by a narrow margin. Theming is not finished.




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An incomplete screenshot of Death Star Assault, a flying coaster that at its peak, simulates the trench run in the original Star Wars movie. Still working on the trench run portion, as well as theming, but at least you can see the track.




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Another incomplete screenshot of the Boardwalk Carnival section. This area is a throwback to the traditional traveling carnivals that go from town to town. Even though it isn't themed yet, it will not have much theming when it is done. This will be a "simple" section of the park.



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An overview to see how the park has been expanding. Not a lot of detail yet, but you can see the path layout so far.


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^Absolutely none of that post is working. Including your link at the bottom. Please fix.


What do you mean? I've clicked on the banner, and on the text link at the bottom of the page - and they both take you to my website. Besides those two, there are no other links on the post - and the post itself is displaying itself correctly when I look at it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not much, but here's a bit of an update.


I'm redoing the boardwalk section of the park, but at the same time got the idea to put in a live show in an area that had good space to fit it.




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A live show of sea lions, dolphins, seals, and other marine life. Not just a space filler, there is a circus embedded in the seating so this acts as an actual ride.


Again, not much of an update, but I am actively working on things. I've also done a lot of updating and some tweaking of my website.


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Not an update, but a question...


By far my biggest weakness when it comes to park creation is architecture. Whether it's design ride station buildings, restaurants, or "fillers" throughout the park. I made sure I chose a wide variety of custom objects that could be twisted and turned into different things (such as NE's ProTour objects) but I just can't seem to do it.


I was hoping there are any suggestions out there so I can work on this. I've tried the basic suggestion of doing a basic building, then changing one thing at a time, making it less boxy and more "shapey". I've looked at many custom parks made by others as inspiration but in the end, I can't seem to translate this into success.


Any help is appreciated... I'm very serious about making a good park.

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Sorry I can't really help you with architecture issues, I have so many problems with it myself. I do want to say though I think everything looks fine to me.


Question about your Star Wars ride?, are you going to be using Methusalem's Star Wars objects and rides for this attraction? I do hope so, seeing Met's X-WING & TIE FIGHTER rolling around on those tracks would be so cool and the senery that goes with even better. Met made some other great Star Wars rides also, like a giant X-WING Cinema and LAND SPEEDERS.


If you don't have them here is a link: http://www.rctmart.com/downloads/methusalem.php?pageno=6 ...

and if you want them in the game I will be happy to put them in for you if you are unsure of how to use the ParkDat.



Love the park!


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Sorry guys, as nice as this park is, Thirstydeer can't follow the rules. I asked him to stop posting direct links, and he continued to do so. He was also asked to resize his pictures and ignored that request as well.


I have to lock this.


If only people would read the rules and play nice.....

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