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Photo TR: Holiday World Opening day

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Today was Holiday World’s opening day and I decided to go down for a couple hours. Mainly to get some coaster rides and new attraction rides in and get some pics of the new stuff. Some of the new stuff includes a new game, a tilt a whirl (named Turkey Whirl), and Plymouth Rock Café (not open yet).


Lets start out with the new Game. It is a high tech variation of the classic shoot the water into the target to win. The high tech part is that instead of a mechanical moving indicator of where you are, it is led lights. The game costs only 2 dollars and if 2 or more people play, you get a large plush toy, less than two, a small one.


This is the game setup. It is located in front of Gobbler Getaway in the middle of the walkway.



And this is the tubes for indicators.



Next up is Turkey Whirl. If you didn’t know, when thanksgiving was added, they took out the original tilt a whirl and a new one was slated for last year. It got cut. They put a turkey themed one.



Finally, the new, but not opened Plymouth Rock Café, this is located at the end of the pathway in thanksgiving, right next to the Voyage.


A inside peak.



The sign



And the food prices



Next up is Bakuli. A enclosed tube with a Bowl at the end. Since the water park is not open, all pics were taken from outside and are not that great. They did run Bakuli as the HW lifeguards are getting trained on it.


Bakuli through the trees.




I was wondering if they were going to put in a viewing platform like they did for Zinga, and yes they did. Also in the picture you see the escape tube. It has a water fall so expect maximum soaking.




Another new thing in Splashin Safari is a new Toddler/kid slide play area.




More photos coming.

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Next up is general park photos.



Next time your at the park, take the time to look at the flowers. A lady that has worked at the park since 1954, and she is 96 and still drives, does the flowers in the park year round.



Here is a article on her.



Me being artsy on my picture



Finally, the applause award fountain



Next up. Blue Flash II construction photos.

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The turkeys on the Turkey Whirl look pretty sweet.


But, one burning question still remains: will they have GRAVY at the Plymouth Rock Cafe?


Adult Entrée with 3 Sides $6.99

Child Entrée with 2 Sides $4.49

Entrées: Your choice of Ham, Turkey, Rotisserie Chicken, Fried Chicken, Turkey sandwich w/chips, Ham sandwich w/chips, or Salad; Entrées include your choice of white roll or cornbread muffin

Sides: Your choice of Mashed Potatoes, Macaroni & Cheese, Green Beans, Roasted Corn, Baked Apples, Creamy Slaw, Cottage Cheese, Beets, Cranberry-Cherry Gelatin, Glazed Bananas

Desserts: Your choice of Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Apple Pie, Pecan Pie, Fudge Brownie, or Pudding Parfait $2.49

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On my way home, I stopped north of Vincennes to see Don Ivers of the Blue Flash Coaster. I had been seeing a new piece of track when I went down to get my season pass. And wouldn’t you know it. He is building Blue Flash II. Construction Pictures.



As you can see, the car is going to be two cars. Hooked together by a trailor hitch.



He said he plans to try to have it be able to ride 4 people and instead of a ford escort seat, a real roller coaster car.


I wanted to stop on my way to HW, but waited till my way home, good thing because he had just put in some more track.



I don’t know if this coaster is going to include anything but a lift hill and flat track, but at this point, that is what it looks like.


For you life hill people



Some Blue Flash Pics.





This picture shows how close BF and BF II some together. Looks like it will be a tight squeeze for a tall person



This completes my first real try at a photo trip report. How did I do?


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Blue Flash 2?


What's that?


John Ivers of Vincennes built a homemade roller coaster named the blue flash. A couple years ago he started building the Blue Flash II. A new roller coaster in his front year. I am pretty sure there is a post about it (Blue Flash) somewhere on here).

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next sunday, no, sunday's alone are pretty slow, but usually around this time of year it is pretty slow. Coaster wise, you should be able to get everything done in 4 hours. Then the flats a additional 2. The water will be open, but I bet the water will be a little bit cold. But it is going to be in the 80's all week, so it shouldn't be bad.


Oh, I forgot to mention in my trip report. I was at the rope that closed off the quickest section to the Voyage. As soon as that rope dropped, it was like the running of the Bulls. It was worth it, I was on the first public train out this year!

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He mentioned once long ago that Blue 2 would be a family/kiddie coaster. That explains the lack of elements. Still, its amazing that he could put something so professional together not once but twice, all while improving on his methods!

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Today was unfortunately a pretty rough day at HW. When I arrived at opening, Raven was broken, Legend was broken, and Voyage was having major computer problems. One train ops all day too. The ride ops also were very slow...seemed to be a lot of new employees still training. After 3 hours, Legend finally got up and running, and the park finally got good about 4 pm as people started to leave. Hope they can get it together before HWN in 2 more weeks.

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