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Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom Advice!

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Even though it is going to be cold for spring break here in the midwest, I have decided to go south!...to Kentucky Kingdom. I haven't been there since i was seven or eight, and i remember park goers excited for the new Chang the next year. Can anyone help me on how long the lines will be for a wednesday next week? (tenth, eleventh or twevle) I know what coasters they have an such, but what about flats? I know they have an Intamin drop ride, but that is about it. I have tickets, so I dont have to worry about those prices. How about food stops? Any suggestions?


Feedback would be great!




oh and ps, anyone able to meet up?

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I went there in mid summer, and there were a few thousand extra people because of some schoool thing, but the lines weren't too bad.


Roadrunner express should be your first coaster, it's line is really slow due to bad capacity. When I went Greezed Lightin' was pretty much a walk on all day, and at the most a two ride wait. The front is the best IMO, better view, and you go all the way up the front spike.


For Chang, there was about a 30 minute wait, excluding the breakdown. The front makes a huge difference if the wait isn't too bad. As for T2, they were running one train when I was there so the line was horrible.


Thunder Run was a lot of fun and the lines shouldn't be too bad (it was a walk on for me). Twisted Twins only had one side running, I don't know if it's been like that for a while or I was just unlucky. That whole part of the park should be dead so that should be a walk on.


I don't know about any good flat rides, except Hellevator.




-Nick C

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Ride Roadrunner Express first since the line might be the longest line in the park.(depending on how long Chang's is)


Greezed Lightning should be next, but since it was closed when I went, I cant give any advice.


Chang should be next, and the line could be over an hour depending on how many trains are being run, and if the large queue house is full. This ride is awesome and is my #1 coaster. I sat somewhere around the second to last row, and there were great forces in all of the inversions.(not Batman strong though)


Thunder Run is a great wooden coaster, and if you ride in the front, there is some decent airtime.


I actually had fun on T2, and I don't know why everyone hates it. I actually thought it was smooth, and I had a lot of fun. It is not as intense as Batman, but it is just a really fun coaster.(my top 2 inverts are made by Vekoma


There was only one side running on Twisted Twins when I went(the pink side), and even with the G-trains, this coaster was smooth. I don't remember much airtime on this coaster, but there were a lot of suprise turns and drops. It is not a top 10 woodie, (well if you've ridden just CF woodies then it is ) but like T2, it is just a fun coaster.


If you still have time, ride Roller Skater(made by Vekoma), Superman Tower of Power, and visit the water park. This park has a really weird layout with two sides on diffrent sides of a road, and the larger side is difficult to get around.(I think I missed a main path though ) SFKK is a decent park, and while it is pretty much a "place a ride here and one there" kind of park, it is a fun park to visit with some good coasters. If the entire park looked like the smaller side, then this would be a great park, but the park rapidly expanded and the larger side seemed to be more of rides in a field. However SFKK it is still a fun way to spend a few hours, so have fun there.

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Last time I visited was on a Sunday. I forgot about the silly time change, got there a little late past opening but here is what I can contribute.


Roadrunner Express should be your first stop simply because (as previously stated) capacity is bad (eh, it's a mouse) but its certainly a must ride.


The park setup is horrible, worst I've been to. It mine as well be seperated into two parts so I would head back towards the back (where the coasters mainly are) as soon as you clear the mouse.


Chang and Thunder Run had the longest waits of the day at either 30 min or lower. Thunder Run only has one train so I would try and ride that sooner than later, although this ride really deserves more than one ride. I actually have this coaster as my number 3 wooden.


Chang, T2 (ugh...), and Twisted Sisters didn't have that bad of wait but, also previously mentioned, Twisted Sisters will most likely only have one side running, but you're not missing much.



The flats I don't know much about but the drop tower (Hellavator) you must ride, still one of my favorites as well.


Clay "hope you have a great time!" Lamanske

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Here's an outside question.


I'll be at CoasterCon this June and I'm wondering two things.

First, when would be the best day to visit SFKK? Mapquest says it's a shorter drive from HW to SFKK than from Beech Bend to SFKK. We have two full days at HW, but I don't really want to miss either. We only have one day at Beech Bend, but I don't know if we'll be able to fill it up at just that park.

Second, is SFKK doable in three hours? It would be great to get there, credit whore, and leave just like that.

So I guess I can sum all this up into one question:

Should I sacrifice half of my two days at HW or half of my one day at BB?

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I went to SFKK a few years ago on spring break and the lines weren't much of anything. You shouldn't have anything to worry about, really. If you decide to brave T2, I suggest trying to keep yourself pushed back if you want to have kids one day.


Here's an outside question.


I'll be at CoasterCon this June and I'm wondering two things.

First, when would be the best day to visit SFKK? Mapquest says it's a shorter drive from HW to SFKK than from Beech Bend to SFKK. We have two full days at HW, but I don't really want to miss either. We only have one day at Beech Bend, but I don't know if we'll be able to fill it up at just that park.

Second, is SFKK doable in three hours? It would be great to get there, credit whore, and leave just like that.

So I guess I can sum all this up into one question:

Should I sacrifice half of my two days at HW or half of my one day at BB?


The park is definitely doable in three hours, especially if you go on a weekday. As far as which park to sacrifice, I think you could go for either. There isn't a great deal to do at Beech Bend and I personally think two days at HW is way too much. If you like water parks a lot, then you might be able to stretch it to two days, but even then I think you'll be hard pressed to stretch it that much.

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