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The NHL Discussion Thread

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Wow! That's really exciting. Glad Winnipeg got their team back, as it is clear that this is a city that cares deeply about hockey. As for the current NHL playoffs... I'm gonna go get the dust pan for this sweep ! In all seriousness, I hope the Bruins can pull it together at home so that this series doesn't end in a sweep.

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^is this about the green men? Cause those guys are fantastic. I could totally spend 30 minutes on youtube just occupied by their, and only their, antics. Its great.


Go Canucks! I'll bet the Bruins are pissed 'cause Burrows wasnt suspended, then turned around to score two goals in Game 2, including an unbelievable effort to score the OT-winner. I've always loved his style of playing, he's a great player and a perfect fit with those Sedin twins. Conn Smythe maybe? He's been pretty clutch if you ask me...GWG in OT in Game 7 against the Hawks? GWG in Game 2 of the Finals? Thats clutch. On top of that he's got 9 goals in this playoff year, dishes out the hits, makes great plays, and has made a huge difference on this team. He might not win the Playoff MVP trophy, but at least he has my recognition. And if I had a vote and the series ended today, I'd give it to him.

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There were 13,000 season tickets on sale; those are what were sold in 4 minutes.

They also sold all their corporate boxes as well.


Winnipeg games are going to be wild.


Lets see how rabid they are after a few seasons of realizing they are rooting for the Thrashers...

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Originally created 03/10/99


Thrashers reach league's mandate for season ticket sales



By Associated Press



ATLANTA -- Still seven months away from their inaugural, the expansion Atlanta Thrashers have surpassed the 12,000 mark in season ticket sales mandated by the NHL a week ahead of the March 15 deadline.


"It shows there's a tremendous amount of interest in the sport in this area," team president Harvey Schiller said Monday. "At each stage, we'll see more interest. The biggest push will be when we start naming players."


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There were 13,000 season tickets on sale; those are what were sold in 4 minutes.

They also sold all their corporate boxes as well.


Winnipeg games are going to be wild.


Lets see how rabid they are after a few seasons of realizing they are rooting for the Thrashers...

Leaf fans are still pretty rabid after several seasons of rooting for the Leafs.

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Wow, great game from Boston.


Vigneault leaving Luongo in after the 2nd could be the turning point of the series. Coaching 101. When your goaltender is getting shelled, get him out of there. How is that going to affect him going forward? Things just got very interesting.

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There were 13,000 season tickets on sale; those are what were sold in 4 minutes.

They also sold all their corporate boxes as well.


Winnipeg games are going to be wild.


Lets see how rabid they are after a few seasons of realizing they are rooting for the Thrashers...

Leaf fans are still pretty rabid after several seasons of rooting for the Leafs.


The Leafs are like the Cubs: lovable losers. They are in a much bigger market and have a much more distinguished history, so people still want to be a part of it regardless.


Hopefully being in a newer arena will help the Winnipeg franchise, because otherwise the team will probably just fold again if they can't keep the corporate sponsorships/season ticket sales going...

Edited by Jew
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Looks like Boston has completely stolen the energy out of Vancouver. Vancouver has been outscored 12-1 the last two games, absolutely pathetic for the team that was supposedly going to win it all. The Canucks are probably going to be playing very nervous up at home. If the Bruins win the next game in a similar way they have won these last 2, Vancouver better start worrying.

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Something I keep hearing that has been getting on my nerves is Canadians saying they are cheering for Vancouver because they want the cup to "come home."


Do these people not realize that for most of the year the cup is in Toronto at the Hockey Hall of Fame? The cup is just about always "home!"

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^ To that end, I have many Bostonian friends at school down south, and this whole series they've kept chiding me for being Canadian, therefore I MUST be cheering for Van.


(And as of this second, season's over. Congrats Boston, you earned it.)

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So pumped that Boston won!!! They played one hell of a game. The only game of the series that the home team didn't win, and it was a shut out too!


While the Red Wings are my number one, I still love Boston. Not to mention Tim Thomas lives like 30 minutes from me, so I'm hoping to get my hands on the Stanley Cup and a photo with it this year.

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