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Rides From William's Grove (PA) Being Auctioned Off

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William's Grove has been for sale for a while now, but the original intent was that the buyer had to agree to keep it as an amusement park. Apparently, that's no longer true, as they're auctioning off the attractions.




I loved TPR's trip report from this small park. The "rides in a middle of a field" descriptions were too accurate. I remember my dad taking my sister and I there as kids. We rode the first train ride of the day, and I remember that they had to stop the ride every once in a while to clear beer bottles off the track.


Regardless, it's kind of sad to see this park go...

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Sounds like another small park bites the dust. Even though I live about 45 miles from the place, I've never been there.

And that's exactly why it's gone. The place was a pathetic dump. Who would go there? Other than the Cyclone being a "funny" coaster it really had no redeaming value.


I'd even go as far to say I felt more comfortable walking around Uncle Bernie's Swap Meet Amusement Park than I did William's Grove.



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Another reson is that Hersheypark is about 10 miles away and I you had to choose between those two, everyone would definently choose Hershey for their 10 coasters, 60 rides, new waterpark, and the factory versus William's 2 crappy coasters, just about 25 rides and nothing else! The place is a waste of space in my part.


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Cyclone had to be the ghetto-est wooden coaster EVER! It looked like a fun little coaster, and i would hate to see it go. Sure, the lift hill may be a giant S, and there probably used to be another hill or 2, but its a classic coaster, and it was probably right up there with that "abandoned mine" coaster in the ghetto factor

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That's a shame another park is closing / has closed.


All the Cyclone needs is some TLC in re-tracking, new trains and paintwork and it will be fine.


Someone please save it soon, it will be worth it esp for the "S" lift hill.


Rollercoaster lift hill in Blackpool is nearly an "S".


How much you u pay for the "Cyclone"..? I'll give $5,000 - $10,000, but the shipping back to the UK would be loads.

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^ It was a funky little park. The best things were Twister, Dante's Inferno , wildcat, Cyclone, Fun house and that little mushroom ticket booth.


I'm glad I got to experience the park once. Will I miss it , not really. The Wildcat sold and the Cyclone wouldn't of been any better last year.

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Sounds like another small park bites the dust. Even though I live about 45 miles from the place, I've never been there.

And that's exactly why it's gone. The place was a pathetic dump. Who would go there? Other than the Cyclone being a "funny" coaster it really had no redeaming value.


I'd even go as far to say I felt more comfortable walking around Uncle Bernie's Swap Meet Amusement Park than I did William's Grove.




Eh, well I've never been, but if I lived in the area, I would be sure to go. I love queer little parks like this, you never know what you'll find. True, they could have at least made some more attempts at fixing things up and paving and the lot, but at least the place was interesting. Was it very expensive to get in?

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