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Hmmm.... so that's what the New Zealand film industry is like these days huh? Now I definitely know you kiddies across the ocean are very uncultured.


Maybe you should say that to everyone else in this thread, and then see how old skewl that joke is


Ben "ugh.....new zealand's corkscrew coaster was crap" Roach.

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Hmmm.... so that's what the New Zealand film industry is like these days huh? Now I definitely know you kiddies across the ocean are very uncultured.


Maybe you should say that to everyone else in this thread, and then see how old skewl that joke is


Ben "ugh.....new zealand's corkscrew coaster was crap" Roach.


well sorry mr half kiwi and yes the corkscrew is crap dam rainbows end

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Yes, I am technically half kiwi, but I have enough australian genes not to be a sheep humper.


Speaking of Rainbow End's corkscrew, it was so dodgy. The metal handles were taken out of the OTSR's so when you exited the second corkscrew (which was the most roughest part) you had to hold on for dear life just to leave the ride with a few brain cells remaining. I wonder how my brain's going if I did 35 rides on it in three hours?


Ben "my cat's name is mittens" Roach.

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I haven't been to New Zealand (aside from layover in Auckland) since I was 5, so I really don't feel I can judge. I've been to Australia a few times, most recently when I was about 17 and love it!


Sorry! :scared:


Elissa "Australia had this cool 200foot tree that I got to climb!" Alvey



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