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TerraMítica07::INFERNO(BallCoaster), GyroTower & 2 New S

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That's FALSE.

PortAventura will not have a flat ride or something like that.


It was a joke. On december 28th in Spain we do jokes like that saying news in TV, newspapers, website, etc...but they are all false.


See you ^^

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Oh... bad rumors...

I've heard something about Tibidabo's Terrain Coaster[Vekoma]...

Maybe it'll not be for 2007 and it'll be for 2008(Anyone knows why)....


Verdura, I think that it's because in Barcelona many people dislike this construction. They prefer trees than a terrain!



I was in PortAventura and I saw first "drop" (I think that is first accelerator coaster with drop after launch!). We'll have an spectacular airtime. I think too that in the "knot" of the 8 we will have another spectacular airtime.


I love this coaster!

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There are cranes in Terra Mítica!

We don't know if they're for the BallCoaster or the Gyro Tower, but some cranes and lorries arrived to the park three days ago. Photos:



The tracks will arrive next week. I think I'll go to the park in three weeks to see how are the works.


Photos by Cíclope: http://www.capte.org/foros/viewtopic.php?p=104888#104888

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Terra Mítica has confirmed the New Adds for 2007 in FITUR(An international fair in Madrid) :


-Intamin GyroTower - 100 metres.

-Intamin BallCoaster - 26 metres and 60 km/h

-New Stunt Show - Barbarroja ( )

-New Special Event(From October 14th to November 4th) - Halloween




These are the News from Terra Mítica at the moment


*The photos are not from Terra Mítica

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  • 3 weeks later...
Terra Mítica remite sus cuentas al auditor con una previsión de beneficio de 800.000 euros


El consejo de administración de Terra Mítica conoció ayer los resultados del ejercicio 2006 que, a falta de la auditoría y los ajustes definitivos, se saldó con beneficios operativos, derivados de un moderado aumento de los ingresos y de una reducción de gastos en idéntica proporción, según las previsiones de la empresa, que apuntan a los 800.000 euros....


...En todo caso, la intención pasa por reforzar el posicionamiento del recinto de ocio. Para ello, tal y como informó ayer al consejo de administración el director general, John Fitzgerald, ya se han iniciado las obras de instalación de las dos nuevas atracciones que presentará el parque como novedad este año. Sin embargo, éstas no estarán operativas hasta el mes de junio.


En todo caso, el martes llegaron las piezas de la que se instalará en el área de Egipto, un mirador de cien metros de plataforma. La otra, que se emplazará en la zona de Roma, será una de las mayores de su estilo en toda Europa, y simulará una suerte de catapulta. En total, la inversión realizada por la empresa se eleva por encima de los siete millones de euros...


The last New about Terra Mítica's New rides.

The new says that last year was the first time in park's history it had benefits. Terra Mítica last year had 800,000€ of benefits.

About the rides, on thursday the pieces finally arrived to the park(We don't know if all pieces or some).

The cost of both rides(Gyro Tower and BallCoaster) will be of 7,000,000€, and they'll open in June.

See you!

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Intamin do a powered and non powered version. Whether this refers to how it travels around the track or the spin as well I don't know. The one being built in Finland has a chain lift, not sure about this one.


This one will be exactly the same as the one in Finland, so also with a chain lift.


The new additions look good and I look forward to seeing how the new additions will be themed, and i look forward to riding them someday! Thanks to the Spanish members for keeping us up-to-date on this and others Spanish projects!

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Hi! A little new, not about the park, but interesting...

I've spoken with a friend from Alicante, and probabbly he's going to climb 'Sierra Cortina'(Sierra Cortina is the mointain where Magnus Colossus is builded, and there's a very nice view of the park). I hope he'll take some photos and show us the first BallCoaster pieces!


Oh! And here you have some photos(with descriptions of areas and rides) I took three weeks ago from Sierra Cortina




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The plans to relocate Tizona were for 2006/07, but the park has made a new MasterPlan, and now we don't know if they'll relocate it in 2009 or they will not relocate it never... At the moment the relocation plan is only a rumor


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Hello, I have some news about rides constructions.


Some pieces of Gyro Tower arrived to the park on 27th February, but they haven't started to assemble it in its zone.



About Ball Coaster... there are no pieces, but they continue working in its place. I think, probably, queue line will be under the coaster:



Tren Bravo, a family coaster in Iberia zone, will be closed this season . Its entrance has been blocked up. Terra Mítica want to sell to another park the roller coaster. There were some rumors it would be sold to a Russian theme park, but I don't know what have happened...


Inferno and Gyro Tower will be opened in June. I think it'll be on 18th because Terra Mítica will open everyday from that day.


That's all, folks!

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