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Crazy Things You've Done At A Theme Park


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One time me and my friends put a fart noise maker under a bench at cedar point. One of my friends would be sitting at the bench alone, until someone would sit down. I would press the button on the remote and the fart noise come out. my friend would look at that person, shake his head and walk away.

Those were the funniest jokes i ever done and craziest thing I done at an amusement park.

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When I was in third grade I was at SFDL and there was this bird that didn't fly away when I walked near it, and I thought it was hurt, so I went over and just picked it up, and held it for a minute, then it just flew away. Pretty stupid bird... Not that crazy, I just can't think of anything else now.

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Well it wasn't actually IN a theme park, but during our road trip in the summer, my sister and I decided to steal a construction pylon... so we stopped in the middle of the road, I hopped out... and nothing! The thing was too damn heavy! We had passed all the lightweight pylons. Although after the Flames home opener my drunken sister decided to get her husband to stop the car and we stole a pylon then. All we did was put it in the middle of the road way down where there wasn't any pylons. It was fun.



Oh. We rode Son of Beast. That was crazy.

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1) YMCA song and dance routine while queuing up and riding a wild mouse (yet to do it on a spinner)



2) Rode Ramesis Revenge 3 times oin the rain in a row (thats 2 routines = 1 ride) after doing The Log Flume in the rain and Billy's Whizzers in the rain.



3) started singing 'Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!' on Ramesis Revenge. got the whole ride singing



4) started insulting everyone queuing (while i was queuing) for a ride, then insulted everyone riding (while i was riding)



5) screamed my lungs out on a pathetic kiddie coaster (couldnt talk for 3 hours after)



6) swore 90 times on a freefall tower (out of fear. i hate Detonator (in a good way)(are these enough brackets for ya?))



7) 'm*sterbated the little humps you get on many rides, letting out 'org*sms' at random intervals



the number before 9) sung 'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot' on a ride themed to a Roman Chariot race (or something like that)



9) spread stories that people were eaten by a Haunted House in Southend



10) managed to get within a foot of the wall on the Dinghy Slides at Southend.


ive done more, but those are the memorable ones

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