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TPR's "Real World Orlando" Photo Trip Report!

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^Exactly. They close at 5pm. Then spend two hours clearing and sweeping the park to prepare for the 7pm re-opening for the HHN victims.


Disney does it a little different. All the people that come in for MNSSHP get wrist bands. Everyone without a wrist band is ushered to the exit. It is a very interesting process. There is one huge crowd of people filing into the park on the right with wrist bands. The people on the left are all being escorted out. I'm told by Reid and Stacy that security is real great at seperating the incomming and the outgoing. It is an amazing process that is impecably coordinated and pulled off.


Hope that answers your question.


Oh... ...I see your British. I also see that your new. I'll try to say this as best as possible without sounding too creepy. Are you hot? Why havn't you posted any pictures of yourself yet. We loves us the UK chicks here in TPR. Don't be shy. Let the world bask in your Spice Girl glory.


Just kidding. Welcome!


Guy "God I'm shameless." Ohana

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^ to be less creepy you should just go to her myspace page and view her picture. But don't tell her you went there to look and don't mention that I suggested it.


Damn too late!


'tis true, you can see me on my myspace,


Thank you for the warm welcome (I think! )

I'm sure you're all harmless, right?!


I've been checking out the site for a while now, and decided it was time to show myself (as it were)


Am going back to Orlando for a 5th visit next October, so have been trying to suss out what to do.....

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Am going back to Orlando for a 5th visit next October, so have been trying to suss out what to do.....


Join the TPR crew for a few days while your there. It is guaranteed to be an experience you will never forget.


Or... ...it might be an experience you will want to permanantly erase from your memory.


Either way, it would be an experience. Whether you remember it or not.

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What dates do you guys normally go?


It's not exactly the same dates each year. However it seems to usualy wind up being around the 3rd week in October.


IMHO, it's always nice to have another female around. It can be quite a sausage fest, and we need some female insanity to balance the hormone scale just a bit.


I must say however, Cameron does make a willing and discreet bunkmate.

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I made a special attempt to get over and hang with the TPR gang for a few hours at EPCOT while on business. It was well worth it. Everything you see on the videos, is pretty much what you get. My favorite park + TPR = one awesome experience.


I'll never forget my first sighting of Guy and Kim. He's a lucky man to have such a hot red head follow him around.

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Am going back to Orlando for a 5th visit next October, so have been trying to suss out what to do.....


Join the TPR crew for a few days while your there. It is guaranteed to be an experience you will never forget.


Or... ...it might be an experience you will want to permanantly erase from your memory.


Either way, it would be an experience. Whether you remember it or not.


I can attest to that, and I was only with the group for one day. I thought it was a memorable experience. In fact, it has made me even more giddy in anticipation for the 2008 Summer trips, as I hope to go on one that year.


I got to have plenty of time with Ryan, Guy, Robb and Erik's wife. I also got to talk with everyone else including Dave and Elissa. Everyone was extremely welcoming and within the first few minutes, my feeling of being an outsider went away. But, I guess that could also be attributed to Guy's fire noises at the beginning of the day (still the best Guy)!

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  • 5 months later...



Just looked through all the photos again.


Lightsaber of Justice. Hightailing It Outta There! Astromech Droids. Driving with Joe.


Good Memories

Thanks again Robb & Elissa for inviting me along for one of my most memorable trips ever.


-Ryan "Who feels like a complete and utter idiot for writing that stupid stupid note!!!!" King

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